A Beachfront Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facility For Recovery

With what seems to be a never ending pandemic- stress, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and liquor sales are at an all time high. Drinking alcohol in times of stress can seem almost normal…

beach front alcohol addiction treatment - Maui Recovery

With what seems to be a never ending pandemic- stress, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and liquor sales are at an all time high. Drinking alcohol in times of stress can seem almost normal and very acceptable in today’s society. So, it’s no wonder then why addiction can easily be overlooked and not taken seriously until there is no other option than full recovery. Looking for a beachfront alcohol addiction treatment facility for recovery, whether for yourself or a loved one, is the first step toward positive change. One that can give back the life alcohol addiction took in the first place. Left untreated, alcohol addiction can ruin a person’s self worth, family bonds, financials, and even work environment. Hence the need to find the best facility for treatment as soon as the signs of addiction rear their ugly head. Although individuals who abuse alcohol will show different characteristics signaling addiction, most often family and close friends will recognize a loved one struggling. Paying close attention and responding accordingly can help lead anyone needing to recover from alcohol addiction down the right path.

What Alcohol Addiction Looks Like From The Outside

Tolerance levels can vary for individuals needing a beachfront alcohol addiction treatment facility, just as much as the symptoms. Functioning alcoholics for example often maintain work performance and obligations at a basic level or semi-accountable level, rarely displaying obscene behavior. While alcoholics with a low tolerance level can exhibit extreme characteristics that often involve anger, jealousy, depression, and loud behavior. There is not an exact formula to determine whether someone is an alcoholic, but symptoms often co-occur signaling the need for alcohol addiction treatment. Some of the most common symptoms seen when it comes to alcohol addiction are; irritability, extreme mood swings, isolation, sudden change of appearance or acquaintances, and distancing from family and friends. In fact, some individuals experiencing alcohol abuse will still feel hungover without even drinking any alcohol.  Hence the importance in paying attention to anyone experiencing such signs of unhealthy addiction concerning alcohol and/or substance abuse. Appearances are not always what they seem, and that goes for individuals and symptoms alike. 

What Alcohol Addiction Looks Like From The Inside

Alcohol addiction, which is also known as alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, or alcohol use disorder, is categorized as a chronic brain disease. It is extremely complicated because it not only affects the person who consumes alcohol, but also the person’s entire close circle of family and friends. Alcohol addiction does not discriminate against what it causes havoc too. Alcohol addiction can intertwine itself into the person’s home, school, work, and all relationships in creating problems. Anyone seeking a beachfront alcohol addiction treatment facility can experience deep depression, loss of self confidence, and lack of motivation for hobbies and activities once enjoyed before. The mind will suffer and continue a downward path toward self destruction and severe dependence to ‘escape’ their inner world. Maui Recovery provides the perfect beachfront alcohol addiction treatment facility for clients to do their own inner work. Our ‘Hero’s Journey” practice is composed of stages that can be used as a roadmap for personal transformation, for example. Helping anyone seeking alcohol addiction treatment find the healing from within.

Kinds Of Treatment A Beachfront Addiction Facility Can Provide

Beachfront facilities are an excellent choice for anyone needing a more peaceful environment that invites a needed mental reset. Choosing a beachfront alcohol addiction treatment facility for recovery means more options in terms of modalities of unique forms of treatment in healing from alcohol abuse. Such treatments that require a setting in nature or beachfront, can include: Nature Immersion, Adventure Therapy, Outrigger Canoeing, Surf Therapy, Hiking, and even Equine Therapy. The ocean and beach have been proven, in many studies, to be beneficial to our mental health. Especially anyone suffering from substance abuse and/or addiction. Beachfront sights, smells, and even color can have huge impacts on our well being. Being at the beach can lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, reduce nervous system arousal, enhance immune system function, increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety, and improve mood. All beneficial proponents for anyone seeking to break themselves free from the unhealthy stronghold of alcohol addiction. Below are just some of the treatments available at a beachfront addiction facility.

Nature Immersion – a different approach to therapy by removing the clinical setting and focusing on experiencing change in a more natural setting. Quite literally, removing someone from a sterile and formal environment and immersing them directly into Nature.

Outrigger Canoeing –  this form of therapy combines a thrilling ocean adventure with fascinating information about Hawaiian culture and endemic marine life inside a canoe! This is absolutely one of our favorite ocean activities on Maui, perfect for solo and family travelers seeking an adventure therapy experience.

Surf Therapy – considered a very recent development is psychotherapy treatment. It is widely used for veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), combat stress, depression, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and other life-threatening injuries. Today, addiction psychiatrists find relevant uses for Surf Therapy programs to treat alcohol addiction as well as mental health disorders. 

Maui Recovery takes pride in providing the perfect place for recovery with our beachfront alcohol addiction treatment facility. Where we combine the best evidence-based treatments with powerful and transformative holistic and experimental therapies to treat the whole client. Anyone  looking for therapy where you sit in a circle, in a folding chair, in a generic office may not find that scenario at a beachfront addiction facility. The beach and ocean provide the perfect healing environment needed for real growth and change. 

Why Maui Recovery Is A Great Choice For Addiction Treatment During A Pandemic

At Maui Recovery we understand the concern for alcohol treatment during times of a concerning pandemic. There is especially a lot of fear and concern regarding the new Omicron strain of Covid-19, that we as a beachfront alcohol addiction treatment facility want to address. Be assured that our programs at Maui Recovery have always been an ideal operation to accommodate concerns such as safe distancing, privacy, and strict cleanliness.  Maui Recovery offers a coed 8 bed customized program based upon Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes. While other centers scramble to adapt, we have always specialized in small and personal alcohol addiction treatment recovery programming. At Maui Recovery, we take pride in providing the best drug and alcohol treatment centers in Hawaii. Our residents attend inhouse Alcoholic Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Refuge Recovery, and Smart Recovery Meetings. Unique to choosing a beachfront alcohol addiction treatment facility is the large portion of programming  that involves Nature. Our adventure guides aim to help residents find their true self by supporting each in their own Hero’s Journey toward self discovery and healing. Maui provides the perfect environment in seclusion, where nature allows the struggling addict to heal. While other programs are forced to create a new program strategy during a crisis, such as the current pandemic, Maui Recovery stays on course. We continue with normal programming, as our operation already has the perfect system in place. Reassuring our clients that they have put their recovery path in the right hands, no matter the current situation of the world. 

Contact Us

If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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