“I have struggled with alcoholism for almost half of my life. At a point in time, I was able to maintain several years of sobriety, but when I eventually fell off the wagon, I fell hard. I was at the lowest point in my life; my relationships were crumbling, I was unable to keep up with work or my scholastic career, and I had lost my will to live.
Thankfully, my loving partner was able to coordinate my admission to Maui Recovery while I was in the hospital. I committed to a 90-day treatment – far longer than I initially wanted to stay while in the throes of my addiction and mental health challenges. But something magical happened as I immersed myself in Maui Recovery’s program. Through several amazing therapists, I was able to work through past traumas which had stunted my emotional growth. In group sessions, I learned coping skills which I had never developed. Through nature immersion therapy, I found myself feeling connected to something greater than myself.
About a month into my treatment, I had a realization that I was only going to get back as much as I put in. I took advantage of the numerous meeting options that surrounded the campus. I got a sponsor and began to do step work. I put a genuine effort into making my time at the facility as transformational as possible by being present and open-minded. The behaviours and attitudes that had hindered me in the past began to morph as I put in the work to literally change my life.
The 90 days I spent in Maui Recovery laid the foundation for what I will continue to build for the rest of my life. Two months ago, I celebrated a year of sobriety. None of this would have been possible without the community and holistic healing that Maui Recovery offers. I truly believe that someone needs to be ready to recover for treatment to be effective, and I thank the Maui Recovery team for guiding me until I was ready to undergo my metamorphosis. When I learned to let go, I learned a new way to live. And more importantly, I’ve found a life worth living.”
Mahalo nui, mahalo ke akua!

Mo D.

More Reviews

I was a patient at Maui Recovery. It was one of the best things I’ve done in my entire life. I went through my life with full-time anxiety. I would use alcohol or drugs to dull the nervousness. I did have years of sobriety but then slipped on pills (but stayed away from alcohol for 30 years) and then got sober again. I knew from my current psychologist that I had grief and other emotions I never let out and kept buried within me.

The staff, therapists, program-specific problems for each patient, trips to the beach, and some fun things to do to break up several hours of therapy a day were great.

I feel like a new person, and I’m 67 years old. Their way of doing things has allowed me to deal with grief, resentments and communication skills, and I am living a happy life.

I couldn’t recommend rehab for whatever your issues are better than this one.

Bruce W.

I was in a bad state when I arrived at Maui Recovery’s doorstep. Luckily, I was in the mindset that I needed and wanted treatment, so as not to discredit myself, but if not for MR, I would not be here.

I am so grateful I was privileged enough to heal and get off the 35+ pills I was taking per day in such a beautiful location and with such supportive and professional staff. As much as this place became family, it never crossed any boundaries. I felt safe and comfortable and became healthy again after not having felt that for a long time. I weighed 102lbs at 5’6 but came out 138lbs, with clear skin, a clear mind, and a resolve to change my life.

The curriculum they taught to help instil tools for the outside was crucial, too; if I could advocate for the Non-Violent Communication class to be a standard in our schools, I would; it was that enlightening and helpful. Being in Hawaii was probably the biggest sell point; it’s such a sacred piece of nature. The culture and the land have a rich soul and a lot to be appreciated, and MR was great at giving us amazing experiences all over the island.

My favorite was going upcountry and helping on a farm, building boxes of produce that would go to local families. The food was also my favourite part; they made sure we had three great meals. I enjoyed our family dinners, reading from our sobriety literature, and talking about our lives and journeys. They also had lots of guest speakers and lots of alumni guests, so many incredible stories were told.

I also met some amazing people in there that I am still friends with to this day. I laughed so much during my time there, to be carefree and only focusing on recovery is a blessing. It had been a long time since I had felt anything good, but they helped me find my light again.

The moral of the story is if you’re going to go to rehab, it might as well be in paradise. Thanks, MR. Love ya’ll!

Grace K.

Maui Recovery changed my life for the better. I was lost and unsure if this was the right program for me, but almost immediately after the first day, I knew I made the right choice.

It is a life-changing choice. There’s something really special happening at Maui Recovery. They not only guided me through the struggles that had led me to seek recovery initially but the root cause for why I had been repeating destructive patterns in my life up to this point.

Maui Recovery was able to remind me of all the small joys in life— something I had lost in my addiction. They showed me there’s joy in life when I felt none!

Cordelia P.

When I first decided to go into treatment, I had no hope it would help whatsoever. I had no hope in myself or for the future.

This wonderful place and its amazing staff have helped me let go of feelings of hopelessness, self-hatred and worthlessness. For the first time in almost two decades, I don’t want to die, I want to live! The facility is gorgeous, the caterer makes delicious food, the beds are super comfortable, and there’s air conditioning!

I have been treated with respect and acceptance without any judgment whatsoever. If you are considering treatment for yourself or a loved one, I highly recommend Maui Recovery.

Kalan Y.

Maui recovery was vital in my recovery from addiction. When I went in, I needed six controlled substances in my system daily and was drinking half a bottle of vodka a day.

Ever since leaving eight months ago, I’ve only had one relapse, and the staff at MR were still there for me eight months after leaving to help me get back on track.

Do not be discouraged by the price either; Amory is willing to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. I previously went to another treatment centre in Hawaii that I won’t name, but when I showed up, the services were nothing like what their website offered.

At MR, there were no games; what they offer is what you get. Lastly, these guys actually care. It is not all about the money for them. The staff were all certified and knowledgeable. A+ service.

S. J.

Maui Recovery was truly a life-changing experience. As this wasn’t my first rodeo. I was drawn to MR because of the experience they offered (nature therapy (hiking/ocean); the unique techniques their therapist used were a game changer for me.

Not only did they teach me how to stay off drugs/alcohol, but also a healthy way to cope with life. I am truly grateful for everyone from the top of the chain to the bottom.

I highly recommend this place if you not only want to treat your addiction, whatever that may be, but truly find a new perspective on life.

Blake R.

The staff and experience at Maui Recovery changed my life for the better. The grounds at Maui Recovery are tranquil and beautiful. The staff at Maui Recovery made me feel comfortable and safe the moment I got there.

From the various types of therapies, surf therapy, yoga, music and breathing sessions, to the relationships I built with the other clients, it all contributed to my healing.

I will forever be grateful to the staff at Maui Recovery for setting me off on the right path.

Isabelle F.

My son needed help with opioids, and the environment provided by Maui Recovery, along with their caring staff, was able to help him prepare for reentry into his new life.

Kathleen P.

Maui recovery is amazing. They sincerely want to help you move from the darkest to the light.

James S.

Maui Recovery was just what I needed to help me with my addiction. I’ve tried other programs and had some success but Maui Recovery was definitely the best.

Mychal L.

Great rehab! Good place to get sober. Great location. A lot of great people working here! Definitely recommend this to anyone suffering with addiction issues!

Joaquin P.

The best rehab I have been to, hands down. Great program and facility is close to the ocean.

Nick J.

Beautiful facility with wonderful techs. Everyone is very caring and knowledgeable. I recommend their program.

Bridgette M.

I can’t say enough good things about Maui Recovery. I recently went here for 6 months of treatment. Their staff has taught me how to control my own life. If you or your loved one is suffering from addiction, this is the place for you.

Philip J.

My impression of Maui Recovery is that it is the perfect place to unplug from the rat race, and plug back into life. Life like it should be lived. I had the pleasure of meeting the staff and the residents in a graduation ceremony that created an enormous amount of power and freedom for the participants. Great people, outstanding commitment, in a perfect setting. I am very impressed.

Michael F.

Jay Serles who runs this program is an amazing and caring counselor with years of experience. My 19 year old son attended this program and Jay has gone out of his way numerous times to get him the help he needed. The place is super nice and as represented on the website. I do not have anything negative to say and would highly recommend this recovery center.

Wendy L.

Maui Recovery does a fabulous job of addressing and treating addiction from a holistic, yet classical perspective, and offers an expansive array of therapeutic modalities. Each person is acknowledged and respected as a unique individual with treatment complimenting this philosophy. The staff at Maui Recovery have huge hearts and genuinely cares about each and every one of their clients … the ALOHA comes through!

Cindy B.

They have given me a new lease on life. There individual sessions combined with group therapy got through a terrible time in my life in which I can now speak openly about. I found confidence which I never had, and even begun to love myself! Thank you so much!

Darren M.

I’ll start by saying I’m not a review type of person. But I ‘m so grateful for my time at Maui Recovery, here I am writing my review. Last year, I was in a very dark place, severely addicted to meth. Their staff helped me back into the light, gave me hope and strength.

Robert R.