Adventure Therapy Success In Hawaii

Adventure Therapy options have come a long way, as more and more pioneers have dedicated the much needed time and research into this successful type of therapy. Professional organizations, such as Maui…

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Adventure Therapy options have come a long way, as more and more pioneers have dedicated the much needed time and research into this successful type of therapy. Professional organizations, such as Maui Recovery and The Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Council for example, are committed to accreditation, best practices, effective treatment, evidence based research and monitoring risk management. With an estimation of more than 10,000 clients and their families who participate in over 100 Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare programs in the United States alone each year, success seems affirmative. Adventure Therapy rehab can be defined as the prescriptive use of adventure experiences provided by mental health professionals in a supportive setting. And in fact, a rehab center with Adventure Therapy can kinetically engage clients on cognitive, affective, and behavioral levels to better support their mental health and awareness. Adventure Therapy does three things very well for struggling individuals; assess the core issues, help the individual develop coping strategies, and most importantly help the individual create positive self love and hope for the future. While modalities may differ based on location, the goal is the same- to provide opportunities for clients to reconnect with nature, their surroundings, and themselves. Adventure Therapy success in Hawaii is no surprise, as these beautiful islands provide the perfect landscape for creating a path toward recovery.

Maui Recovery’s Adventure Therapy Success In Hawaii

At Maui Recovery, we try to create a variety of Adventure Therapy opportunities. Those that can aid clients in experiencing healing discoveries and a potentially life-saving “shift” toward a core of self love. On the beautiful island of Maui, each struggling client undertakes their own Hero’s Journey to overcome their struggles and find the purpose and passion of their lives. Adventure Therapy success in Hawaii comes as no surprise because tools are given to individuals to help shape a better understanding of how to heal themselves and improve their life. More often than not, clients leave with a much greater understanding of who and how they are. Including when and with whom they can discuss their feelings, how to make a greater connection with their family, and where they fit into the world. Our rehab center with Adventure Therapy provides opportunities such as snorkeling, outrigger canoeing, horse riding, hiking, agricultural work within a connected community, all within the shores of paradise. Choosing a rehab center with Adventure Therapy can provide life changing experiences for anyone seeking a greater connection with their life.

Say Hello To Hawaii’s Renaissance Man

As a rehab center with Adventure Therapy, we also understand the spectrum of opportunities needed for our clients to engage with themselves, each other, and the environment. One great perspective from connection that can be made is through team work on a bountiful farm. The clients at Maui Recovery assist on his farm in Kahakuloa, which is a sacred native Hawaiian Area. Maui Recovery clients can engage in agricultural work on our Renaissance Man’s farm during the day, and share a meal from what they harvested at night. George Kahumoku Jr, is a multiple Grammy & Hoku Award winning master Slack Key Guitarist, vocalist, songwriter, performer, farmer, teacher, artist and sculptor, storyteller and writer, and entrepreneur. George and some of his family members perform live music while everyone enjoys a meal together to finish the cultural experience. After the meal, George performs music for our clients and Facebook live with literally millions of followers watching. There is no doubt, experiences like these are attributed to Adventure Therapy success in Hawaii.

Adventure Therapy That Utilizes Underwater Snorkeling

Adventure Therapy success in Hawaii comes thanks to the beautiful opportunities Mother Nature provides in her landscape. Hawaii’s lush forests, ideal weather, and crystal waters can help anyone struggling with mental health to appreciate the beauty they are surrounded by. At Maui Recovery, we utilize snorkeling to our clients as one of the many Adventure Therapy opportunities. There are three main areas our clients can partake in underwater snorkeling; Molokini, Turtle Town, and Turtle Reef. When snorkeling at Maui’s Molokini, you can expect to find a sunken volcanic crater, abundant with marine life and tropical fish, that drops off into the ocean’s abyss. Molokini is particularly suitable for beginner to intermediate snorkelers, as it’s unique crescent shape provides natural barriers from the currents and waves. Turtle Town is a special opportunity for clients wanting to see the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles. This unique snorkeling spot has lava formations that attract marine life, where waters are calm and protected from winds. Weighing as much as 400 lbs, Green Sea Turtles are graceful in the water, giving perspective of balance and peace. Two amazing encounters that Maui’s snorkelers can anticipate as well are the manta rays and black tip nursery sharks at Turtle Reef. The reef itself features large coral heads, some dating hundreds of years old. Adventure Therapy Hawaii brings so much beauty to the path of recovery, which helps to explain its success for clients.

We Help Our Clients Hike Their Way Toward A Self Love Core

One of the many pleasures of Maui is that it boasts vastly varied landscapes, providing a unique rehab center with Adventure Therapy. Twin Falls crystallizes the depths of the Island’s diversity. Located on the Road to Hana, this roadside attraction isn’t one to miss. Our clients enjoy Adventure Therapy hikes to its waterfalls and it’s beautiful paths are accessible to most. Visitors are often amazed by the teeming forests, stunning foliage, and rare treasures surrounding. All of which is fueled by the abundant rain that showers down on the Ho’olawa Valley. ‘Lao Needle’ is also an Adventure Therapy option for hiking, as it is the erosion vestige of West Maui’s last eruption over 320,000 years ago. The emerald-green and surreal shape rises 1200 from the valley floor. The sacredness of the region continues to be felt today in its often-surging stream and botanical wonderland, where endemic and non-native species grow in a cacophony of green. In fact, Mark Twain dubbed this National Natural Landmark the “Yosemite of the Pacific”. Located 3,000 feet above sea level, this lovely trail is Muir territory and one of Maui’s most beautiful Adventure Therapy Hawaii options. The mist, mystery and quiet invigoration is a nature lovers paradise, where Adventure Therapy success in Hawaii can be found. Our hiking clients are likely to hear birds, come across white ginger, tropical fish, and gaze upon lush landscapes.

Adventure Therapy Options Such As Outrigger Canoeing Can’t Be Missed

If you have ever seen a postcard from Hawaii, you’ve probably seen an outrigger canoe. One of the unique opportunities that can be found at a rehab center with Adventure Therapy is outrigger canoeing. These long and sleek vessels are traditional canoes that native Hawaiians have used for centuries. Today, they’re used for Adventure Therapy options such as whale watching and canoe racing. Clients in search of connection and recovery will learn about the island of Maui, right from its beautiful waters. At Maui Recovery, we offer a safe, nurturing, and healing environment that provides a sense of peace. A space for individuals to find the serenity to do their own meaningful inner work, while growing spiritually as part of a supportive family community. There’s a reason for the Adventure Therapy Success in Hawaii, come find out for yourself!

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