Cocaine Addiction Treatment in Hawaii Can Help You Today

Substance abuse and addiction experienced today by individuals across the globe is a concern we all should have for our future generations to come. Even though a far cry from the popular…

cocain addiction recovery maui recovery - Maui Recovery

Substance abuse and addiction experienced today by individuals across the globe is a concern we all should have for our future generations to come. Even though a far cry from the popular and devastating use in the 1980’s, it is still, however, a concern today. Cocaine is an illegal drug that is extremely addictive, and the consequences of habitual use can be very serious for the user and their loved ones. Cocaine is considered the third most-used illicit drug in the United States and the second most-used in the rest of the world. Fortunately again, the use of cocaine has steadily dropped its way down for some time, a trend that seems likely to continue in the future. But in the United States, the 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that 35.3 million Americans aged 12 and older reported having used cocaine. Statistically, roughly 15% of people in the United States report having used cocaine at least once in their lives, with around 2% reporting they have used it at least once in the past year. With these statistics known, even though decreasing, it’s presence and dangerous use needs to end. Cocaine addiction treatment in Hawaii can help you today, and be the difference between a better or worse tomorrow. 

The Nasty About Cocaine

Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug made from the coca plant leaves native to South America. This particular kind of addictive drug is mostly manufactured outside of the United States and unfortunately smuggled into the country. In 2020 alone, U.S. authorities seized more than 42,000 tons of cocaine trying to enter the country, according to an article published by Brookings. As a street drug, cocaine looks like a fine, white crystal-like consistency powder. When cocaine is snorted as a powder or smoked as a rock into the body, it causes temporary feelings of immense energy, confidence, and euphoria. One of the most dangerous aspects with cocaine use is the quality. Street dealers often mix it with things like cornstarch, talcum powder, flour, or various cheap toxic substances to increase profits. They may also combine it with other stimulant amphetamine or synthetic opioids, including fentanyl. Adding synthetic opioids to cocaine is especially risky when people using cocaine do not realize it contains this dangerous additive. Increasing numbers of overdose deaths among cocaine users might be related to this tampered cocaine.” – says The National Institute on Drug Abuse. Hence the importance of cocaine addiction treatment as soon as possible before it’s too late. 

Dangers Of Neglected Cocaine Addiction Treatment In Hawaii

According to the 2006 Monitoring the Future Study by the National Institute for Drug Abuse, among high-school students, 8.5% of twelfth graders had used cocaine at some point in their young lives. In the United States, Cocaine continues to be the most frequently mentioned illegal drug reported to the Drug Abuse Warning Network by hospital emergency departments. Cocaine is not just an addictive drug, but it can also turn into a deadly one very quickly. Individuals who abuse cocaine and do not seek cocaine addiction treatment in Hawaii put their lives at risk. Regular cocaine use can quickly lead to significant physical and psychological harm. Because cocaine addiction releases dopamine and causes a sense of pleasure and euphoria in the brain, it can become very addictive to the user. This constant cycle of “feel good” emotions promotes the individual to use the drug repeatedly and as they develop a tolerance for the drug. The longer that people abuse cocaine, the easier it becomes for them to overdose on it. 

Short-term effects felt by a person using cocaine are extreme energy, mental alertness, hypersensitivity to sight, sound, and touch, and paranoia. Long-term effects can include; loss of smell and nosebleeds due to snorting, asthma due to smoking, severe bowel decay due to consumption by mouth, and scarring or collapsed veins due to injection. Other health effects can be present too for anyone that uses and especially abuses cocaine, such as; nausea, restlessness, dilated pupils, tremors, and muscle twitches. If any of these concerning behaviors and effects are present, our cocaine addiction treatment in Hawaii can help you today. Since cocaine is also a stimulant, it is common for people to have heart attacks and strokes after long periods of use. So again, finding a source for support in recovery from cocaine addiction can be a choice between life and death of the highest importance. 

Successful Forms Of Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Whether for yourself or someone you love, it is wise to educate yourself on the different forms or modalities of treatment for cocaine addiction. Just as every person is different, so will the tools be needed to find life-long recovery from such an addictive substance and way of life. 

Individual Therapy – Individual sessions offer several benefits, including helping individuals better understand their Addiction to Cocaine. Some of the traditional forms of cocaine addiction therapy found at recovery centers can include; EMDR, CBT, MBSR, Motivational Interviewing, DBT, and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. Cocaine addiction treatment in Hawaii can help you today with these forms of evidence-based programs. Most recovery centers will offer these forms of cocaine addiction treatment, but it’s always best to make sure before committing to a particular center/program. 

Experiential Therapy – Adventure Therapies and Nature Immersion are considered profound but experimental modalities of cocaine addiction treatment in aiding recovery. Although more unique and rarely offered at most cocaine addiction treatment centers in Hawaii, they can be found as well. Treatment centers in Hawaii, such as Maui Recovery, provide programs that include Surf Therapy, Outrigger Canoeing, Hiking, and Equine Therapy. Cocaine addiction treatment in Hawaii can help you today, or someone you love, because it ensures that the whole person is being treated. 

Maui Recovery’s Cocaine Addiction Treatment In Hawaii Can Help You Today

Despite the steadily increasing demand for adequate help in Hawaii, professional and affordable drug recovery retreat centers remain somewhat low. But, at Maui Recovery, our specific program of recovery is available to all men and women suffering from cocaine addiction and actively seeking a better way of life. We incorporate Hawaiian cultural principles with proven therapeutic and holistic techniques, providing our clients with a comprehensive and personalized treatment experience. If you or someone you love is in need of cocaine addiction treatment in Hawaii, we can help you today! Our experienced staff at Maui Recovery is here to provide each one of our clients with the comprehensive care they need and deserve. Our treatment programs, both conventional and unique, serve as successful pathways toward recovery. And they are equally available to anyone suffering from substance or dependency issues of any kind. On the beautiful and healing island of Maui in Hawaii, each client seeking cocaine addiction treatment undertakes their own Hero’s Journey. One that focuses on overcoming their struggles and finding the purpose and passion again in their lives. Providing a centrally located pristine, private, and tranquil setting that helps reverse the breakdown of mind and body and spirit that cocaine addiction creates. Maui Recovery combines the best evidence-based treatments with powerful, transformative, holistic, and experimental therapies to treat the whole client. Cocaine addiction treatment in Hawaii can help you today, as we look forward to facilitating a path of healing and recovery at Maui Recovery. 

Contact Us

If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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