Cognitive Behavior Therapy In Maui Can Transform Addictions

Whether it be for yourself or someone you love, choosing healing over addiction is the first step in finding life-long lasting recovery. There is thankfully an abundance today in treatments and programs…

Cognitive Behavior Therapy In Maui for Addictions - Maui Recovery

Whether it be for yourself or someone you love, choosing healing over addiction is the first step in finding life-long lasting recovery. There is thankfully an abundance today in treatments and programs available for individuals struggling with the tight grasp of substance abuse and/or addictions. And while many provide healing, understanding which type of therapy is best for the client plays a huge role in lasting success. Some of the most common forms of therapy addressing addiction can vary, but in this article we will be focusing on CBT- or Cognitive Behavior Therapy. As an active and therapeutic modality, this common form or treatment is used widely in most, if not all, recovery centers worldwide. Therein lies the symbiotic relation of its utilization with location, as an environment can help with success. Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui can transform addictions, not only because of the therapeutic program but also Hawaii’s healing grounds. Mother Nature is a healer in herself, as she is our home and we are so intricately connected on a physical level. Combining her healing force with the proven successful form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for addiction, may be exactly what the doctor ordered for yourself or a loved one. 

What Is Cognitive Behavior Therapy?

Also known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT is an active therapeutic modality- or common type of talk therapy (psychotherapy) that is present-oriented, problem-focused, and goal-directed in transforming addictions. Cognitive Behavior Therapy can be a very helpful tool, whether alone or in combination with other therapies in treating mental health disorders, such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or an eating disorder. Patients work with a mental health counselor (psychotherapist or therapist) in a structured way, attending a limited number of sessions. It generally requires fewer sessions than other types of therapy and is done in a structured way. First the issue is addressed for individuals struggling with addiction as often they experience destructive and negative thinking or manipulative thought patterns. Second, identification is focused on since our cognition affects our wellbeing in changing harmful thought patterns, which helps clients recognize their ability to practice alternative ways of thinking, and regulates distressing emotions and harmful behavior. Results from Cognitive Behavior Therapy are proven effective treatment for substance use disorders, behavioral addictions (gambling, food, internet, sex), eating disorders, and specific mental health diagnoses because it is an evidence-based treatment modality. However,not everyone who benefits from CBT has a mental health condition. Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui can transform addictions and also be an effective tool to help anyone learn how to better manage stressful life situations. For example, when used as therapy for addressing emotional challenges, CBT may help with:

  • Identifying new pathways to manage emotions.
  • Extremely stressful life situations.
  • Grief or loss.
  • Emotional trauma from abuse.
  • Emotional trauma from violence.  
  • Resolution of relationship hardships or conflict. 
  • Treat mental illness without the use of unwanted medications.

Again, Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui can transform addictions and is used to treat a wide range of mental health disorders. In fact, CBT is often the preferred type of psychotherapy because it can quickly help clients/patients identify and cope with their own specific and unique challenges. Cognitive Behavior Therapy means learning about an individual’s mental health condition. While also practicing techniques such as relaxation, coping, resilience, stress management and assertiveness. There is no doubt about it, Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui can transform addictions. Additionally though CBT has been shown to help individuals struggling with Anxiety, Depression, Phobias, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), PTSD, Sleep Disorders, Anorexia, Bulimia, Bipolar Disorders, Schizophrenia, and even Sexual Disorders. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is generally considered short-term therapy, ranging anywhere from five to twenty sessions. But only the patient and therapist can accurately discuss and determine how many sessions are necessary for recovering from addictions. Factors such as the type of disorder, addiction, symptoms severity, current stress experiencing, family support, and progress play a role too on length of therapy.

What Are The Risks That Can Come With Cognitive Behavior Therapy?

For the most part and in general, there is little risk in getting cognitive behavioral therapy overall and in regards to side effects and physical danger. Although individuals participating in Cognitive Behavior Therapy may feel emotionally uncomfortable at times, it is necessary for the internal healing process. This is because CBT can cause a person struggling with addictions to explore painful emotions, feelings, and traumatic experiences. Feeling upset and full of emotions is common, with getting angry and/or crying often an outcome from a challenging session. Most often, clients undergoing Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui report feeling physically drained. This is common for example with Exposure Therapy, which can require addiction sufferers to confront situations they would rather avoid. Being involved in this type of healing therapy can lead to temporary stress or anxiety as an example of mild risk. However, it is important to keep in mind that working with professionals such as an experienced therapist in Maui will minimize these associated risks. Coping skills provided by a professional with experience and knowledge can provide tools to the client in managing negative feelings and fears. Therefore, leading a positive pathway to conquering those same feelings and fears that are almost always at the heart of the addiction. 

The best way to minimize any risks with Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui is to prepare for yourself or a loved one with all the tools needed for a healing journey. To get started you will first have to research potential facilities that provide Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui and choose the Best- hint, hint, Maui Recovery! The next proactive step would be finding an experienced therapist that you or your loved one feel comfortable with that is qualified within the chosen addictions recovery facility. Note, that you can get a referral from a doctor, health insurance plan, friend or other trusted source. In fact, many employers today offer counseling services or referrals through employee assistance programs (EAPs). Working with a CBT therapist can help clients/patients gain more confidence and comfort. Once a qualified Cognitive Behavior Therapist is found- voicing any concerns should be done. Thinking beforehand about which issues are of concern and need to be addressed gives a good starting point. Especially before the first consultation with the chosen Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui therapist, helping to alleviate personal risk concerns. The key is to find a skilled therapist who can match the type and intensity of CBT needed to transform addictions. Except in very specific circumstances, conversations with a therapist are confidential. So, keeping an open mind and being completely honest are integral parts to working well with a therapist. 

What Steps Are Asked Of The Client During CBT Sessions?

You may be wondering how Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui can transform addictions, but upon investigation of how CBT works- answers will be found. During Cognitive Behavior Therapy patients work with a mental health counselor (psychotherapist or therapist) in a structured way, attending a limited number of sessions. It generally requires fewer sessions than other types of therapy and is done in a structured way. First the issue is addressed for individuals struggling with addiction as often they experience destructive and negative thinking or manipulative thought patterns. Second, identification is focused on since our cognition affects our wellbeing in changing harmful thought patterns, which helps clients recognize their ability to practice alternative ways of thinking, and regulates distressing emotions and harmful behavior. Results from Cognitive Behavior Therapy are proven effective treatment for substance use disorders, such as debilitating addictions. However, in order to reach those desired results- steps must be taken. Outlined below are the steps needed for success when utilizing CBT for combating addictions. 

Identification – The identifying of troubling situations or conditions in a person’s life can help better understand the strong roots of their addiction. These situations or conditions may include issues such as a mental or medical condition, heartbreak or divorce, grief, anger or symptoms of severe trauma. The CBT therapist and client/patient will spend some time deciding which problems and goals should or will be focused on. Identifying negative or inaccurate thinking is also key with Cognitive Behavior Treatment in Maui. To help a patient recognize the patterns of thinking and behaviors that may be contributing to the problem. The CBT therapist may ask their patient to pay close attention to their physical, emotional, and behavioral responses in different situations.

Awareness – Becoming aware of the thoughts, emotions, feelings, and beliefs about the problems discovered in the Identification process is necessary. Once the CBT therapist and patient have identified the problems to work on, encouragement to share thoughts about them will be given. Observation of what clients tell themselves about an experience (self-talk), their interpretation of the meaning of a situation, personal beliefs about themselves, other people and events are made. Most often, professionals giving Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui may then suggest keeping a journal of the patient’s thoughts.

Results – The reshaping of negative or inaccurate thinking play the biggest role in results from Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui and it’s success for clients. CBT therapists will likely encourage their client/patient to ask themselves whether their view of a situation is based on fact or on an inaccurate perception of what’s going on. Oftentimes, this can seem to be the most difficult step of the CBT process. Long-standing ways of thinking about how we see ourselves- our Identity, and our life are powerful. With practice however, helpful thinking and behavior patterns will become a habit and progressively take less effort to conquer over time.

Why Cognitive Behavior Therapy In Maui Can Transform Addictions

What better place to heal and recover from addictions than the ultimate full service luxury rehab facility on the beach, Maui Recovery. There is a substantial reason behind why Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui can transform addictions successfully for our clients. At our state of the art facility in Maui we welcome, nurture, and care for our clients on their healing journey toward recovery. Helping our clients and their families, we aim to empower restoration & transformation from addiction through providing programs such as CBT that heal the Whole Self. Cultivating meaningful human connection, our modalities of treatments help clients shift from a shame core to a love core, inviting intimacy and purposeful living. The Hawaiian word ‘Ohana’ refers to an inclusive and extended family, meaning “coming from the same root,”. And it expresses the very heart of Maui Recovery. Impactful Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui combined with our tranquil location on the beach, are ideal for anyone seeking peace during recovery. A perfect combination for reversing the breakdown of mind, body, and spirit that harmful addictions create in our own life or someone we love. Although Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui may not cure your own or a loved one’s condition or make an unpleasant situation go away, it’s a step in the best direction. It can give the power needed to cope with an unhealthy addictions situation in a healthy way, while providing the necessary self confidence for recovery. Maui Recovery’s programs and staff are at the core of our success in helping those in need of Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Maui. Our knowledgeable staff members get to witness our clients’ transformation and growth in mind, body, and spirit every day. Our clients get to go inward and dispel the false messages that have been running their lives. We are one of the best addictions treatment facilities in the United States, because we take pride in helping our clients discover the truth about who they really are. Helping them to see their true core, not the disorder  of false Identity they thought they were in battling their addictions. At Maui Recovery, we take pride in the fact that we walk with our clients every step of the way toward life-long lasting recovery. 

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