Drug Recovery Retreat Center – What to Look For

Choosing a Drug Recovery Retreat Center When deciding which drug rehab is best for you or your loved one, you are liable to consider obvious factors such as geographical location, commitment length,…

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Choosing a Drug Recovery Retreat Center

When deciding which drug rehab is best for you or your loved one, you are liable to consider obvious factors such as geographical location, commitment length, and out-of-pocket cost. While these are all important components to consider, you will want to be sure you are not overlooking other crucial features – such as provided services, specialty therapeutic practices, and potential treatment of dual diagnosis disorders. Take a look at the list of questions we have compiled in order to make your selection process all that much easier!

choosing drug rehab

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is attending a gender-specific rehab important to me?

Perhaps you have suffered trauma at the hands of a member of the opposite sex, or you have a history of seeking personal validation through sexual interactions. Maybe you simply find it difficult to form healthy relationships with members of your own sex, and would like to learn to do so in a healthy and supportive environment. Whatever the reason may be, many find gender-specific rehab to be especially beneficial. Many programs, such as ours, cater to both men and women – but keep group therapy sessions and living quarters entirely separate. This variation of gender-specific treatment allows men and women to develop heathy relationships with members of the same sex while learning to interact in a healthy and positive way with members of the opposite sex.

  • Do I have any dual diagnosis psychological disorders that need to be addressed?

The vast majority of addicts and alcoholics simultaneously suffer from some variation of mental disorder – depression, anxiety, or a combination of the two are the most common dual diagnosis disorders amongst those with substance abuse issues. If you suffer from a diagnosed mental disorder, or if you believe that you may be suffering from a previously undiagnosed disorder, looking into a drug rehab with an on-site psychiatrist may be especially beneficial.

  • Would I prefer to attend an inpatient rehab that focuses on holistic methods of treatment?

Nowadays, most reputable inpatient treatment facilities offer some form of holistically-based treatment. This could range from acupuncture and aromatherapy to yoga and adventure therapy. When looking for a drug rehab, take into consideration whether or not they advertise themselves as “holistically based”. This essentially means that a spiritual approach is taken, alongside a traditional emotional and mental approach (therapeutic and psychological healing). Our program of recovery puts a heavy emphasis on holistically-based treatment approaches!

drug rehab center in hawaii

  • Do I have any past trauma that needs to be addressed?

Many addicts and alcoholics will initially turn to drugs and alcohol as a means of coping with overwhelming emotional pain associated with significant past trauma. If you have suffered any degree of traumatic experience in the past and have not yet had the opportunity to sufficiently work through it alongside a professional, look for an inpatient treatment center that specializes in working with clients who have undergone unresolved trauma.

  • Does the rehab I am looking into offer family services?

Many addiction specialists and medical professionals alike avidly refer to addiction as a ‘family disease’. This is not only because the emotional, mental, and physical consequences of substance dependency affect all those involved, but also because the dynamics of the familial unit often exacerbate the disease. Issues such as codependency and enmeshment typically run deep in families that involve an addicted member, and family programs help to resolve these issues by treating every member simultaneously. Our program of recovery incorporates regular family therapy sessions, which work to reverse familial behavioral patterns that may prove detrimental to long-term sobriety.

  • How willing am I to undergo an extended-stay treatment process?

It is often said that without willingness, little else is possible. When it comes to addiction recovery, this statement is exceptionally true. When deciding on which drug rehab facility is right for you, make sure that you are completely willing to undergo an extended stay – perhaps more extended than you initially anticipate. While 30 days in inpatient rehab is great, it is said to take 90 days to completely break a habit. Put in the time now so you will never have to repeat the process!

Choosing an inpatient treatment facility does not need to be an overwhelming, stress-inducing experience! Simply take these important factors into consideration when looking for a Hawaii drug rehab that best suits your personal needs and requirements and caters to your unique preferences. For more information on the Maui Recovery program of addiction treatment, please feel free to contact one of our trained representatives today. We are standing by to help answer any questions or address any additional concerns you may have. We look forward to speaking with you soon!

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