Find Success for Alcohol Rehab in Hawaii

We live in an interesting time in this world, one that has challenged all of us on many levels, including both mentally and physically. Surviving a pandemic, let alone one with drastic…

MauiSubstanceAbuse - Maui Recovery

We live in an interesting time in this world, one that has challenged all of us on many levels, including both mentally and physically. Surviving a pandemic, let alone one with drastic and constant changing mandates, is a challenge. Add in an alcohol addiction, and you have a recipe for a cocktail disaster. Purchase and consumption of alcohol during stressful times go hand in hand, especially when feeling lonely or stuck at home. Hence the presence of alcohol addiction, as excessive alcohol use is a common response to coping with stress. Then there are the social media influencers, as sites are rife with memes of people drinking to relieve their stress. Unique to this current pandemic, alcohol is now even easier than ever to obtain thanks to delivery apps. Unfortunately, there is no surprise than that we are seeing a disproportionate effect on alcohol consumption. Once the recognition of a problem is felt and/or seen, seeking help from an alcohol rehab Hawaii is the best next step. Find success for alcohol rehab in Hawaii by learning the options, facilities, and treatments needed for the path to recovery.

Understanding Why Alcohol Detox Hawaii Centers Are Needed

Alcoholism is one of the most severe and persistent substance abuse related issues throughout the United States. Most people engage in heavy drinking, which is the consumption of two or more alcoholic beverages on a daily basis. According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, over 36% of college students reported that they engaged in binge drinking in the past month. Keep in mind, binge drinking is defined as the consumption of five or more drinks over the course of one sitting. Over 20% of the vast majority of those who struggle with binge drinking will also experience symptoms associated with alcohol addiction. Over 88,000 people die from alcohol-related deaths annually, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death. Still, the vast majority of those who struggle with detrimental drinking patterns and alcohol abuse fail to seek the help they need. Finding the best alcohol addiction treatment center in Hawaii for you or a loved one can be done by investing time and effort into the search. There are important things to consider before choosing which alcohol detox Hawaii is best, hence the requirement for some much needed research.

Know Your Options To Find Success For Alcohol Rehab In Hawaii

Again, once the recognition of a problem is felt and/or seen, seeking help from an alcohol detox Hawaii is the best next step. Find success for alcohol rehab in Hawaii by learning the options, facilities, and treatments needed for the path to recovery!

  • Licensing And Accreditation

    There are a number of different types of accreditation or licensure that alcohol rehab in Hawaii centers may qualify for. These agencies include the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), the American Medical Accreditation Program (AMAP), the American Accreditation HealthCare Commission/Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (AAHC/URAC), and the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory HealthCare (AAAHC). In addition, the Foundation for Accountability (FACCT) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). All of these accreditations play important roles in ensuring the quality of treatments provided. Therefore, helping individuals find the best alcohol addiction treatment center in Hawaii for successful recovery.

  • Treatments & Modalities

    From science-based methods to evidence-based methods, there are a plethora of alcohol abuse programs and treatments available today. With such a diverse amount of options, it is best to learn about the different modalities an alcohol detox Hawaii facility provides before committing. Taking the time to research the different types of treatments available, to see what will be a good fit for the individual, is also helpful. Because while some treatment approaches may sound good in writing, or on a screen, in person they may not be for everyone. Further researching the outcomes and success rates of inquired treatments and modalities for alcohol detox is also important. As it could save the client from an unsuccessful experience that could potentially further their discouragement about recovery. Most often, if your family doctor recommended treatment for a serious infection, she would share the results of that treatment in clinical trials. So should the same be done for treatment options from the best alcohol addiction treatment center in Hawaii. Look beyond client demographics in assuming the effectiveness of programs at a potential alcohol rehab in Hawaii. One way to determine effectiveness is by asking if the programs offered provide pre and post treatment evaluations. Outcomes research is an integral part of the evidence-based psychiatric treatment programs offered by alcohol detox Hawaii facilities.

  • Different Programs Offered

    Once supportive treatments and modality options are found, what alcohol rehab programs are then tailored to the individual client? Is it more of a one-size-fits-all approach where all clients participate in the same curriculum? Or are therapeutic approaches and supporting activities individualized based on current symptoms and challenges? There is no “one-size fits all” drug or alcohol abuse program, and how could there be when each of us is so unique. Perhaps a working farm community sounds great for you, but may not offer enough structure for a loved one. Remember that some clients are gender shy, and may be more comfortable in a female-only or male-only program. Be sure in your search to find success for alcohol rehab in Hawaii, that you find one welcoming to all individuals. Some clients have specific needs based on their diagnosis and mental health concerns and lifestyle. If spirituality is important to you, understand how the program includes or excludes a client’s faith or spirituality in treatment. Understanding your options in programs offered will give insight if a facility is a good fit or a potential waste of resources.

    Alcohol rehab in Hawaii is also unique because of the ideal location it provides for a peaceful and calming environment for recovery. An exotic location that can provide unique therapies for individuals seeking an alcohol detox, such as Nature Immersion and Adventure Therapy. Maui Recovery is an excellent example of this, as their alcohol rehab in Hawaii provides amazing healing opportunities with Adventure Therapy. Treatments such as snorkeling, outrigger canoeing, horse riding, hiking, and agricultural work within a connected community is provided, all within the shores of paradise. Nature Immersion Therapies such as Surf Therapy and Equine Therapy are also offered to clients, helping to guide the alcohol rehab client back to a source of self love and trust. Such unique alcohol detox treatment options can only be found at centers that can provide the environment as well as experienced staff.

  • Family Participation

    Alcohol detox Hawaii centers often understand their clients’ need for family participation options. Family involvement can be a crucial part of the recovery process for some clients, while distancing is crucial for others. During the admission and assessment process, input from family members can give the clinical team a more robust picture of a client’s history of symptoms and treatment, challenges and strengths. Be sure to ask how much input families have in the assessment process. Most often, the best alcohol addiction treatment center in Hawaii include families who are then encouraged to fully engage in treatment with clients. It is also important to ask if the facility and programs offer any support groups or education opportunities for families as part of its alcohol rehab in Hawaii treatment programs.

At Maui Recovery, our staff and certified counselors work together to provide a full recovery program for every single person that joins our Recovery Community. Our members will be able to receive counseling and treatment 6 days a week for several hours each day.

Here at Maui Recovery, we also believe that a person needs to heal not only their soul but their body as well. To help our members release the trauma that they are dealt with and break through the barriers that they have put up and have been keeping them from their recovery journey, we include outdoor activities that promote overall well-being.

Our program is just 750 ft from the beautiful and serene Pacific Ocean and provides a safe, 24 hours monitored sober environment. Call us today to begin your road to recovery

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If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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