Finding Alcohol Treatment Options In Hawaii That Work

Addiction to alcohol does not have to be a life sentence, there are many forms of treatment available today for those seeking recovery. Thankfully there are alcohol rehab facilities in each of…

treatment options for alcoholics - Maui Recovery

Addiction to alcohol does not have to be a life sentence, there are many forms of treatment available today for those seeking recovery. Thankfully there are alcohol rehab facilities in each of the states, both private and publicly funded. While each of these facilities will offer similar forms of evidence-based therapies, some states can provide experimental forms as well. While both forms of alcohol treatment are successful, only Hawaii can provide the location needed for those fully immersed in nature. Finding alcohol treatment options in Hawaii can be more expensive than other facilities because of the more diverse options found nowhere else. Hawaii offers an exquisite landscape for experimental treatments such as Nature Immersion, Surf Therapy, Outrigger Canoeing, and Community Share Farming. Such modalities of therapy help to heal the whole person and inspire a reconnection with nature and in turn Self. Studies have shown the positive influence the ocean has on individuals and their mental health. So it’s no wonder then why some of the best alcohol treatment centers in the world are located in Hawaii, such as Maui Recovery. Utilizing mother nature as a tool for healing from alcohol addiction may be just what the mental health doctor ordered. 

Why Alcohol Treatment Options Need To Be Found As Soon As Possible

Alcohol addiction, which is also known as alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, or alcohol use disorder, is categorized as a chronic brain disease. It is extremely complicated because it not only affects the person who consumes alcohol, but also the person’s entire close circle of family and friends. Alcohol abuse and addiction does not discriminate against what it causes havoc to in its users life. It will intertwine itself into the person’s home, school, work, and all relationships. Loss of trust, in all forms of relationships, is the biggest toll one abusing alcohol will endure. Alcohol abuse often leads to poor decision making, leaving its abuser left alone and in deep debt on many accounts. Untreated, alcohol addiction can cause devastating problems at home, work, school, and in the community at large. Alcohol addiction is a chronic, progressive disease that involves the mind, body, and spirit, affecting the entire family. Hence the need for finding alcohol treatment options in Hawaii that work as soon as possible. 

The Different Alcohol Treatment Options In Hawaii

While most alcohol treatment options are unanimous among rehab facilities, some successful options are unique only to their location. Maui Recovery, for example, offers experienced staff members alongside experimental forms of therapy found nowhere else. Their beautiful location allows clients breaking free from alcohol addiction the chance to reconnect with themselves in nature. Below are different alcohol treatment options in Hawaii that work and are proving to be very successful with breaking free from alcohol addiction. 

Nature Immersion – When finding alcohol treatment options in Hawaii that work, you will likely find many immersed in nature. Nature Immersion uses a different approach to therapy by removing the clinical setting and focusing on experiencing change in a more natural setting. Nature Immersion Therapy can be even more powerful and transformative when the individual struggling with alcohol addiction begins to understand the deeper significance of certain experiences.

Adventure Therapy – One of the many pleasures of Maui is that it boasts vastly varied landscapes making it perfect for Adventure Therapy. In fact, Twin Falls crystallizes the depths of the island’s diversity. From hiking to outrigger canoeing, alcohol treatment options in Hawaii can give those struggling a way to reconnect with nature and their body. This successful form of treatment allows someone struggling with alcohol abuse the chance to experience a potentially life-saving “shift”. Activities such as hiking, outrigger canoeing, and snorkeling are forms of adventure therapy that can help someone go internally and connect with nature and therefore self. 

Surf Therapy – As mentioned before, the ocean has amazing abilities to help an individual reconnect to a healthy peace of mind. Amazingly enough even the ocean’s blue color has a positive effect on our mental well being as humans. The ocean scenery combined with the sights and sounds of rolling waves, rising sun, calling birds, and sunsets makes Hawaii the perfect place for healing. Oftentimes an individual addicted to alcohol switches from a darkened bar environment to a natural landscape of light, changing perspective. For those who are removing themselves from alcohol abuse, surfing is a metaphor for balance. The physical challenges of surfing parallel the emotional and mental processes that each client has long avoided with their alcohol addiction. 

Equine Therapy – Those suffering from alcohol addiction know all too well the loss of trust with loved ones. Horses offer a unique opportunity for someone to learn how to give and gain trust again in their lives. Making it one of the most beneficial alcohol treatment options in Hawaii offered today. Equine Therapy helps a suffering individual learn about the importance of boundary setting as horses are not shy when it comes to letting someone know when their personal boundaries have been crossed. If you approach a horse with aggression, they will communicate with you instantly that your behavior is not acceptable. Also, if you are too emotionally detached, communication with the horse will become a struggle. Equine therapy is just one of the excellent alcohol treatment options in Hawaii that work. 

Community Farming – Exclusive to Maui Recovery is the unique opportunity to farm collectively with a supportive group on a community farm in Kahakoloa, which is a sacred native Hawaiian Area. Clients of Maui Recovery join George Kahumoku Jr, a multiple Grammy & Hoku Award winning master Slack Key Guitarist, vocalist, songwriter, performer, teacher, artist and sculptor, storyteller and writer, farmer and entrepreneur, on his very own farm. Doing agricultural work on the farm during the day, and sharing a meal from what they harvested at night, community forms. George and some of his family members perform live music while everyone enjoys a meal together to finish the cultural experience.

The Best Alcohol Treatment Facility In Hawaii Is Maui Recovery

Finding alcohol treatment options in Hawaii that work will always lead to the world renowned facility, Maui Recovery. Reversing the breakdown of mind, body, and spirit that alcoholism and addiction create is real and possible. Maui Recovery’s founder, Co-CEO and Chief Clinical Officer Dr. Kardaras, has brought his years of expertise and developed the best evidence-based recovery protocols at Maui Recovery to address and treat alcohol addiction. Our program is just 750 ft from the beautiful and serene Pacific Ocean and provides a safe, 24 hours monitored sober environment. Our staff and certified counselors work together to provide a full recovery program for every single person that joins our Recovery Community. Our members will be able to receive counseling and treatment 6 days a week for several hours each day. At Maui Recovery we welcome, nurture and care for individuals and families on their healing journey to recovery. Helping to guide the way to empowerment, restoration, and transformation from alcohol addiction through providing alcohol treatment options that heal the Whole Self. We support our clients to shift from a shame core to a love core, cultivating meaningful human connection, intimacy and purposeful living.

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If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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