Finding Opioid Addiction Care In Maui, Hawaii

Pain is part of growing, and it can be felt in many forms throughout our lives differently, both physically and mentally. Nevertheless, this part of life is essential for growth and in…

opioid addiction treatment center Maui - Maui Recovery

Pain is part of growing, and it can be felt in many forms throughout our lives differently, both physically and mentally. Nevertheless, this part of life is essential for growth and in today’s world, can be eased with medications to help cope during the process. For some people, opioids can be a savior for when pain is at its peak. But, for others opioids can be a slippery slope down the addiction path with a grim future. There is always a risk of abuse and addiction whenever someone uses an addictive substance, such as opioids. Even when prescribed appropriately and taken as directed, opioids still have a high potential for causing addiction in people as we see today. Unfortunately in fact, nearly three out of four prescription drug overdoses are caused by painkillers or opioid addiction. Many prescription opioids are misused and even diverted to others worsening the spread of this deadly epidemic. In light of this worsening problem, there is at least hope in finding opioid addiction care in Maui, Hawaii. Recovery centers located in paradise, both public and private, offer hope to anyone wishing to break free from the chains of opioid addiction.

Understanding Opioid Addiction And Its Effects

To get a better understanding of why seeking care as soon as possible is so important, we need to look at the frightening effects of opioid addiction. While explaining what goes on in the body physically when opioids are used also helps to understand how addiction can result.  Also known as substance use disorder (SUD), opioid dependence, or opioid use disorder- opioid addiction is categorized as a chronic brain disease. Painkillers, which are also called opioid pain medications, reduce the feeling of pain by attaching to receptors in the brain, which triggers a release of dopamine, the body’s “feel good hormone.” Our bodies naturally create chemicals in response to pain that can help heal it; these are called endorphins. Physically when an opioid is taken by an individual experiencing pain, it immediately reduces that felt pain for a period of time- about four hours. However, the felt pain in that same individual is then amplified for the next 72 hours after. Most often resulting in many people continually increasing the dosage of opioids they take to acquire the same pain relief originally felt. You see, endorphins are never released in the body chronically. They are always only released for a short period of time, which allows the body’s pain system to return to normal after the painful sensation is gone. But a body that is dependent on opioids is never allowed to return to that normal state. Opioid receptors become less sensitive, hence why larger doses are required to achieve that same level of pain relief for the individual. And terrifyingly enough, when an individual takes opioids for longer than two to three weeks, around the clock, the body’s ability to create and use endorphins is destroyed. 

The body becomes dependent on higher and higher doses of opioid painkillers to feel a reduction in pain, and becomes dependent on opioids to release dopamine normally. This leads to pain and depression when opioid pain medications are reduced or stopped, opening the door for some to opioid addiction. Initially when the individual in pain is not using the opioids, they still feel hungover. A sudden change of appearance or acquaintances is also common in individuals feeling the constraints of painkiller abuse. However, irritability including extreme mood swings and keeping distance from family and friends that turns to isolation are the main troubling signs of opioid addiction. The more grim truth is the number of deaths from opioid overdose in the United States, as painkillers cause more deaths than heroin and cocaine combined. Women specifically, are more likely than men to have chronic pain and be prescribed prescription painkillers. Very often at higher doses and for longer periods of time depending on the condition and level of pain. This is heartbreaking as most often family members, such as children, are the most affected when a parent faces untreated opioid addiction. Hence the importance of finding opioid addiction care in Maui, Hawaii as soon as possible for yourself or a loved one. 

Why Maui Hawaii Is The Best Place For Opioid Addiction Treatment 

All addiction is a hard journey to break free from, no matter the extent, cause, or circumstance. However it is important to note that recovery is possible, especially at the right facility in the perfect location such as paradise. Hawaii is known for it’s beautiful landscape, sandy beaches, tranquil waters, lush forests, and nourishing culture. But what is still being found are the exceptional ways Mother Nature, and especially Hawaii, can heal a struggling individual from within. Maui Recovery, for example, utilizes it’s beautiful location in paradise to provide unique forms of treatment and modalities for lifelong healing. They combine the best evidence-based treatments with powerful and transformative holistic and experimental therapies to treat the whole client. Some of the benefits that come with finding opioid addiction care in Maui, Hawaii (such as Maui Recovery) include:

  • Opioid Care Facility is situated in the beautiful paradise that is Maui.
  • Luxurious private rooms and lodging in a spacious, and private setting.
  • Private opioid addiction treatment programs and therapies.
  • Integrated health care treatment.
  • Top mental health professionals and experienced staff members.
  • Unique Nature Immersion Activities such as Surf Therapy, Equine Therapy, Snorkeling, Outrigger Canoeing, and Community Gardening.
  • Round-the-clock patient care and guidance.

Although all opioid addiction care centers will most likely offer the same forms of traditional successful treatment, both public and private, not all are created equal. There are many opioid addiction treatment centers located around the United States, but not many on an island. The landscape that comes with a location situated on an island can offer other unique forms of successful treatment for opioid addiction. Modalities that require a nature immersed setting, such as the ocean or lush soil, to accommodate. Finding opioid addiction care in Maui, Hawaii is a promising move for individuals seeking a nurturing escape for recovery success. 

Finding Opioid Addiction Care In Maui, Hawaii Ends Here

Maui Recovery is the renowned opioid addiction treatment center in Hawaii for good reason. With over 15 years of experience in treating and healing clients struggling with addiction, we know first hand the pain and suffering that active abuse can cause. It is the Core Values at Maui Recovery that separates us from any other opioid addiction care in Maui, Hawaii. Such as the compassion we offer to the person struggling, including their family members as well. We genuinely care about our Ohana (family) and maintaining a sacred living community. Our experienced, caring, and professional staff aim to assist clients throughout their recovery journey and aftercare. Our staff provides the patience needed for a client’s process, acknowledging and honoring the individual progress. Our main goal at Maui Recovery is to provide opioid addiction clients with healing the Whole Self through recovery, wellness, mindfulness, and spirituality. Reversing the breakdown of mind, body, and spirit that opioid addiction can create is real and possible thanks to the best facility in Maui, Hawaii. Our Maui Recovery staff have seen countless people recover from what often appears as a hopeless condition. And it is precisely that hope in why we look forward to facilitating a path of healing and recovery for all those seeking to break free from opioid addiction.

Contact Us

If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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