Finding the Best Opioid Addiction Treatment in Hawaii

Whether you find yourself or a loved one in need of opioid addiction treatment in Hawaii, you are not alone in the journey to recovery. Opioid addiction affects us all on some…

opioid addiction treatment - Maui Recovery

Whether you find yourself or a loved one in need of opioid addiction treatment in Hawaii, you are not alone in the journey to recovery. Opioid addiction affects us all on some level, as this devastating addiction can spread through communities if not resolved. Unresolved addictions can worsen over time, making it even more difficult for an already struggling person to reach for help. Thankfully, however, there are a plethora of options or facilities that can provide treatments and modalities for substance/opioid, alcohol, and mental health. Although not every treatment center in Hawaii will be the same, there is sure to be a fit for you or a loved one seeking opioid addiction treatment and recovery. Treatment centers in Hawaii also provide the beneficial coincidence of being located in the heart of tropical paradise. Nature has proven to be a very healing and connecting place for anyone seeking solitude and/or a quiet environment for the mind and body to heal. So then it comes as no surprise that opioid addiction treatment in Maui is ideal for the addiction treatment journey. 

What Are Opioids And What Is Opioid Addiction

At first understanding, most people associate opioids with opium or “drugs of the past”. However, in reality many prescribed opioids are at the heart of the current crisis with opioids addiction. Opioids are medications that a physician typically prescribes to help relieve pain for a patient experiencing mild to extreme pain. Opioids have been proved useful in the past for soldiers injured during war, hence the more known opium use beginnings. Unfortunately, we have a society that has grown less tolerant of pain in the body and in turn more dependent on prescribed temporary relief. Some examples of Opioids are; Tramadol, Morphine, Codeine, Fentanyl, Oxycodone, and Hydromorphone. These types of substances can cause many harmful risks to a person’s body, mind, and emotional health. According to, opioid addiction is characterized by a powerful, compulsive urge to use opioid drugs, even when they are no longer required medically. While some individuals can respectively use opioids temporarily while healing from severe injuries or pain. Others can become dependent on opioid use the rest of their lives from progressive and severe addiction. We are still learning today as to why some people are more likely to become addicted than others, hence the importance of seeking treatment immediately. 

Opioids have a high potential for causing addiction in some people, even when prescribed appropriately and taken as directed. Today and in the past, it is not uncommon for prescription opioids to be misused or diverted to others. Opioid addiction is a compulsive, chronic, physical or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity. The overall short-term and long-term effects of abusing opioids can be very devastating to not only the individual using, but everyone involved. A drastic revelation that has come to be understood about opioid addiction is that not a single part of the individual’s life will remain untouched by the narcotic. Individuals who become addicted make getting and using opioids a main priority over other activities in their life. Which will often negatively impact their personal and professional relationships, as well as their community. Without opioid addiction treatment in Maui, those suffering with addiction can have harmful physical, psychological, or social effects. Typically, opioid addiction can cause well-defined physical symptoms such as; uncontrollable cravings, anxiety, irritability, tremors, frequent flu-like symptoms, liver damage, seizures, damage to brain structure & function, memory formation, and nausea upon withdrawal or abstinence. Signs and other common harmful effects that are seen with opioid addiction can include; lowered motivation, anxiety attacks, abandoning responsibilities, stealing from family/friends/businesses, job loss, financial ruin, and homelessness.

Find Opioid Addiction Treatment In Maui Before An Overdose Happens

Numbers and statistics can sometimes help us to understand the gravity of how something affects people in today’s world. Opioid addiction treatment in Hawaii exists because of the concerning rise in these particular statistics. I​​n 2019, an estimated 10.1 million people aged 12 or older misused opioids in the past year. Specifically, 9.7 million people misused prescription pain relievers, and 745,000 people used heroin. More shockingly and unfortunate is that over 760,000 people have died since 1999 from a drug overdose. Lives that could have been saved with knowledge and recovery treatment. Two out of three drug overdose deaths in 2018 involved an opioid. Symptoms of an opioid overdose include; unresponsiveness, slow & irregular breathing, slow & erratic pulse, small pupils in eyes, passing out/fainting. Anyone that consumes too many opioids is at a high risk of experiencing an opioid overdose, hence the need to seek opioid addiction recovery Hawaii. This is a profoundly severe medical condition that when not addressed head on, can have devastating consequences. 

Why Maui Recovery Offers The Best Opioid Addiction Treatment in Hawaii

You or a loved one do not have to go through opioid addiction treatment and recovery alone. The Maui Recovery treatment program and professional staff at our unique and transformative center are essential to what we can offer you or a loved one battling opioid addiction. Our staff members are deeply knowledgeable in addiction and successful treatment options. Our opioid addiction treatment in Maui includes setting up a recovery plan that allows us to witness our clients’ transformation and growth when it comes to their mind, body, and spirit during their journey with us. Our clients get to go inward and dispel the false messages that fuel their addiction and run their lives. We are the best opioid addiction treatment in Hawaii because we take pride in helping our clients discover the truth about who they really are. Maui Recovery provides a wide range of programs and activities designed to help our patients flourish. These activities include:

Hero’s Journey – At Maui Recovery, we are the world’s only opioid addiction recovery program that uses Myth, Archetype, and “the Hero’s Journey” as an intrinsic part of our recovery program. One which employs masters-level clinicians that are trained to help guide each client through this “Hero’s Journey”. All while using the magical, mythical island of Maui as an essential element and ingredient in this transformative experience. These no more unique place for opioid addiction recovery Hawaii than Maui Recovery.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – The cognitive-behavioral therapist focuses on helping the patient understand the connection between their thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy’s primary goal is to help the individual understand and deal with the negative thoughts and feelings and provide the tools to help the individual choose positive thoughts and behaviors throughout their recovery journey. This treatment or modality has proven to be very successful with opioid addiction treatment in Hawaii. 

Nature Immersion – Maui Recovery takes a different approach to therapy by removing the clinical setting and focusing on experiencing change in a more natural setting. Our opioid addiction treatment in Hawaii allows us to fully utilize our beautiful location to immerse our clients in nature. Hence Nature Immersion Therapies, unique treatments that help our clients heal from opioid addiction. 

If you or a loved one are seeking opioid addiction treatment in Hawaii, find the best fit as soon as possible. Opioid addiction is real, and it’s consequences are felt by all in the larger perspective. Reach out today, and find the peace that comes with recovery! 

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If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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