Finding the Right Drug Abuse Treatment Centers in Hawaii

With the many drug abuse treatment centers found around the United States it can be comforting to know you have options, no matter where you live. For some, the environment plays a…

how to choose the right drug treatment center scaled - Maui Recovery

With the many drug abuse treatment centers found around the United States it can be comforting to know you have options, no matter where you live. For some, the environment plays a key role in feeding drug addiction. Whether it be a family member, roommate, workplace, community, or city landscape- for some people abusing drugs a change must be made. Hence the necessary pursuit of finding a healing environment  for drug abuse treatment as soon as possible. In the search for the right center, whether for yourself or a loved one, compare the programs and benefits that each can provide. One of the best benefits from choosing drug abuse treatment centers in Hawaii is the location. Hawaii is known for their soft sand beaches, lush green landscapes, and Ohana culture. Incorporating those traits with drug abuse treatment can be the perfect plan for someone wanting a drastic change in their life. Keep in mind, however, that not all drug treatment centers in Hawaii are created the same. Understanding what each can and will provide to their clients is important.

Drug Abuse Needs To Be Addressed Immediately

Everyday we lose people of our humanity to drug abuse, leaving their loved ones with feelings of grief and oftentimes guilt. No thanks to the recent pandemic, overdose death rates have been skyrocketing throughout the entire United States. We all know drugs are highly addictive and have become more accessible to people of all ages each year, hence the need for drug education and awareness. Prescription painkillers, even when taken initially as prescribed, can easily become addictive and especially more dangerous for those who are predisposed to drug abuse. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the vast majority of individuals who struggle with opiate addiction initially began taking prescription painkillers after being prescribed by a doctor. Unfortunately, it is currently estimated that every 4 out of 5 cases of heroin addiction initially began with the introduction of prescription painkillers. In fact, those who develop physical and psychological dependencies on the painkillers begin turning to more affordable and readily available alternatives, such as heroin. Everyday in the U.S more than 130 individuals die from opioid related overdoses. Still, the vast majority of those who struggle with detrimental drug abuse fail to seek the help they need before addiction becomes a reality. Hence the necessary search for the best drug abuse treatment centers in Hawaii as soon as possible.

Factors To Consider And Questions To Ask Drug Abuse Treatment Centers

In determining which drug abuse treatment center is best for yourself or a loved one, there are factors to consider and questions to ask. Factors that need to be considered would be; Insurance Coverage, Licensing and Accreditation, Modalities of Treatments, Programs Offered, and Family Involvement. Questions should be directed as to the success rates of offered drug abuse treatments, staffing experience and longevity, and if family participation is available if desired. Taking the time to understand what potential drug abuse treatment centers in Hawaii will be able to provide to you or a loved one is substantial in making the right choice. Let’s explore how each of these factors will play a role in making the choice of which center is best.

  • Insurance – There are many health insurance plans that will cover services by drug and alcohol abuse programs and facilities, but not all are within the network. Thanks to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, more Americans now have access to drug abuse treatment centers. However, it is important to understand that plans can vary in terms of what type of coverage they provide or how long they will cover treatment. So, it’s best to check with your provider and the drug abuse treatment centers in Hawaii that you are interested in attending. Maui Recovery, for example, offers a different rate to locals of their Hawaiian location- it never hurts to ask for any type of incentives or discounts. Prosper Healthcare Lending is the premier financing option for healthcare procedures offered as well at Maui Recovery.
  • Licensing And Accreditation – Drug abuse treatment centers may qualify for a number of different types of accreditation or licensure. These agencies include the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), the American Medical Accreditation Program (AMAP), the American Accreditation HealthCare Commission/Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (AAHC/URAC), and the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory HealthCare (AAAHC). In addition, the Foundation for Accountability (FACCT) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). All of these accreditations play important roles in ensuring the quality of drug abuse treatments provided.
  • Treatment Methods – When it comes to drug abuse treatment centers in Hawaii there are many different programs available, from science-based methods to evidence-based methods. Some drug abuse treatment approaches may sound good in writing, or on a screen. But, the fact is what are outcomes and success rates? Don’t be shy in asking a potential drug abuse center of their success rates of past and current clients.
  • Program Effectiveness – Look beyond client demographics in assuming the success and effectiveness of programs at a potential drug abuse treatment center. Asking if the programs offered provide pre and post treatment evaluations is one way to determine effectiveness. Most often, if your family doctor recommended treatment for a serious infection, she would share the results of that treatment in clinical trials. So should the same be done for drug abuse treatment and its success rates. Outcomes research is an integral part of the evidence-based psychiatric treatment programs offered by the best drug abuse treatment centers in Hawaii.
  • Different Programs Offered – There are a plethora of questions to be asked in regards the programs and treatments offered at a potential drug abuse rehab. To what extent are the drug abuse programs offered tailored to the individual client? Is it more of a one-size-fits-all approach where all clients participate in the same curriculum? Or are therapeutic approaches and supporting activities individualized based on current symptoms and challenges? There is no “one-size fits all” drug abuse program, and how could there be when each of us is so unique. Perhaps a working farm community sounds great for you, but may not offer enough structure for a loved one. Remember that some clients are gender shy, and may be more comfortable in a female-only or male-only program. Some clients have specific needs based on their diagnosis and mental health concerns, environment, and lifestyle. If spirituality is important to you, understand how the program includes or excludes a client’s faith or spirituality in treatment. Getting to know your options in programs offered will give insight if a drug abuse center is a good fit or a potential waste of resources.
  • Family Participation – Family involvement can be a crucial part of the recovery process for some clients, while distancing is crucial for others. During the admission and assessment process, input from family members can give the clinical team a more robust picture of a client’s history of symptoms and treatment, challenges and strengths. Be sure to ask how much input families have in the assessment process. With some inpatient drug abuse treatment centers in Hawaii, families are encouraged to fully engage in treatment with clients. Ask if the facility offers any support groups or education opportunities for families as part of its drug abuse treatment programs.

Why Maui Recovery Is The Best Drug Abuse Treatment Centers In Hawaii

Maui Recovery is considered one of the best drug abuse treatment centers in Hawaii available today. Our clients receive counseling & treatment for several hours per day, 6 days a week, in the heart of paradise. Because of our ideal location, our drug abuse center provides opportunities for outdoor activities to promote emotional and physical well-being alongside professional support. Therapies that focus on releasing & breaking through the barriers that have kept our clients blocked from the sunlight of their own spirit. Unique to Maui Recovery, our residential program offers housing in a beautiful serene place in a 24 hour monitored sober environment, just 750 ft from the Pacific Ocean. We provide the experienced professional staff, successful recovery therapies, and safe peaceful environment that our clients need to live their best life again!

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If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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