How Inpatient Mental Health Services Can Help You

No matter if you or a loved one are battling mental illness, it is important to understand how inpatient mental health services can help you. Mental health is the most important factor…

inpatient mental health care in maui - Maui Recovery

No matter if you or a loved one are battling mental illness, it is important to understand how inpatient mental health services can help you. Mental health is the most important factor in a person’s life, as it can have an effect on each decision and aspect of our lives. How we see ourselves and the world around us can play a huge role in our Identity, one of the most important aspects to a healthy state of mind. Inpatient mental health services can provide the best environment for someone struggling and in desperate need of a change in scenery. This is especially true for anyone severely struggling with their mental health that may need 24/7 support and supervision while in recovery. There are differences between inpatient and outpatient mental health services, so researching both is critical in finding the best fit for yourself or a loved one’s needs. Inpatient services can literally pull someone from their life and have huge impacts on self discovery, hence the need for thorough research. 

The Facts About Mental Health And The Need For Mental Health Services

A mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling, behavior, and/or mood. These conditions deeply impact day-to-day living and may also affect the ability to relate to others. First off- you are not alone you have, or think you may have a mental illness. Mental health conditions are far more common than most of us think, mainly because transparency about them requires some vulnerability. Once considered a weakness, but as we are now understanding transparency can be a huge strength and part of the growing process. According to studies not all that recent:

  • 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year.
  • 1 in 25 U.S. adults experience serious mental illness each year.
  • 1 in 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year.
  • 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24.

Add on three years of an all around exhausting pandemic, and you have a recipe for disaster of an unchecked mental health crisis on the rise. And not to blame the recent pandemic solely, as research suggests there are multiple linking factors that can lead to an individual having poor mental health. Genetics, environment, and lifestyle can all for example have the potential to influence whether someone develops a mental health condition. A stressful job or home life makes some people more susceptible, as do traumatic life events. Biochemical processes and circuits and basic brain structure may play a role, too. Understanding how inpatient mental health services can help you is just part of the bigger picture, a very important one. Below are examples of mental health disorders treated at an inpatient mental health services center.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD is a developmental disorder defined by inattention (trouble staying on task, listening); disorganization (losing materials); and hyperactivity-impulsivity (fidgeting, difficulty staying seated or waiting).

Bipolar Disorder – causes dramatic shifts in a person’s mood, energy and ability to think clearly. Individuals with this disorder experience extreme high and low moods, known as mania and depression. Some people can be symptom-free for many years between episodes.

Borderline Personality Disorder BPD is characterized by a pattern of instability in emotions (commonly referred to as dysregulation), interpersonal relationships, and self-image. Individuals with BPD can also struggle with impulsivity and self-harm.

Depression – a mental health condition that involves recurrent and severe changes in mood, motivation, and thought processes that last for more than a minimum of two weeks. These changes in thought processes typically include negative thoughts, doubt, and hopelessness. Depression can also affect an individual’s sleep, energy level, appetite, and/or weight. 

Dissociative Disorders – frequently associated with trauma, dissociative disorders disrupt every area of psychological functioning including: consciousness, memory, identity, emotion, motor control and behavior.

Eating Disorders – characterized by the intentional changing of food consumption to the point where physical health and social behaviors are severely affected. 

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder – a disorder that involves persistent, repetitive behaviors, and intrusive thoughts or obsessions by an individual. So much so, that the individual often feels driven to perform (compulsions) in response to the persistent thoughts. 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – also referred to as PTSD, it is a disorder that involves a set of physiological and psychological responses that most often occur in people with unfortunate experiences. For example, individuals that have experienced a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist act, rape or abuse, war/combat or something similar. 

Psychosis – characterized as disruptions to a person’s thoughts and perceptions that make it difficult for them to recognize what is real and what is not. 

Schizoaffective Disorder – a disorder that involves symptoms of schizophrenia, such as; hallucinations, delusions, symptoms of mood disorder, and depressive or manic episodes. 

Schizophrenia – a mental health condition that interferes with an individual’s ability to think clearly, manage emotions, relate to others, and make decisions. It can also cause an individual to lose touch with reality, often by hallucinations and delusions. 

While there are more disorders still being understood and not mentioned above, you can get an idea of the different disorders we are seeing today. Mental illness is no one’s fault, and no place of blame can be put on the individual or one event of that individual’s life. Getting an authentic diagnosis from a qualified professional should always be established first before starting the search for the right care. How inpatient mental health services can help you or someone you love depends on what kind of mental health disorder is being experienced to begin with.  

Seeking Mental Health Services And Treatment Is So Important

The journey to lasting strong mental health doesn’t stop once treated. Taking that first step in recognizing help is necessary shows the willingness to lead a healthier life. Typically, though after treatment, patients may have a hard time adjusting back to their daily lives and distractions. For some, once treatment is completed, patients struggling with mental health  may end up returning to a harmful living environment. There may be triggers, stressors, and temptations that could again potentially jeopardize life-long lasting recovery. Hence the need to find out how inpatient mental health services can help you, and if aftercare support is needed as well. It is important to understand that luxury mental health homes do not have the same level of structure or restrictiveness as other inpatient mental health facilities. They provide a safe environment that encourages the development of healthy coping skills and habits incorporated for the rest of a patient’s life. 

What You Can Expect From An Inpatient Mental Health Center

Recovery from poor mental health, including meaningful roles in social life, school, and work is possible and for many already a reality. Especially when an individual starts treatment early and plays a strong role in their own recovery process by understanding how inpatient mental health services can help you. Living outside distractions and an unhealthy environment is key for some, including being fully immersed in the process of recovery. Examples of inpatient mental health services that can be provided include: 24/7 medical supervision, clinical treatments, spiritual education, family interventions, and holistic therapies. Each inpatient mental health services center will offer different services in some cases to effectively heal the physical, mental, and emotional damage caused by poor mental health. Maui Recovery for example, utilizes its idyllic location to provide Nature Immersion and Adventure Therapy options found nowhere else on earth. 

During an inpatient treatment stay, patients who are dependent on drugs or alcohol typically start with a medical detoxification process through which we work to detox the body from drugs and alcohol in a safe, comfortable manner. Ongoing residential or inpatient care from a qualified and successful Inpatient Mental Health Center is imperative for anyone on the path of recovery. As it provides a structured environment centered around individual, group, and families as well as educational, art and music sessions, recovery/12-step activities, and community sessions. Patients also receive psychiatric, nutritional, spiritual and other services when needed. These sessions are administered by a highly qualified team including masters-level clinicians, therapists, social workers, case managers, medical professionals such as nurses, nurse practitioners and doctors.

How Inpatient Mental Health Services Can Help You Or A Loved One

Referral Suggestions: Many of our members require additional attention from psychiatrists, doctors, outpatient programs. Mental health centers will provide trusted referrals to any member in need of additional care.

Recovery Support: All members are required to work a program of recovery with a sponsor or mentor. Suggestions about how to find a sponsor, and meeting times and locations will be provided by the facilitator.

Weekly Communication with Families: The facilitator will be providing weekly check-ins with families and loved ones to share areas of growth, discuss areas of concern, and share weekly progress notes. Families should expect at least one 10-15 minute phone call per week.

Life Skills: During our weekly support groups our members will be learning to practice basic life skills, coping strategies, and clear communication.

Job Support: Job support and referrals to employers that an inpatient mental health services center has developed relationships with is a major advantage. Jobs are not guaranteed, however, most centers provide assistance with resumes, applications, and interviews.

Educational Support: If needed, outstanding inpatient mental health centers will provide information for GED programs, college course enrollment, and trade school enrollment.

Maui Recovery Offers The Best Inpatient Mental Health Services Available

Centrally located in a pristine, private, and tranquil setting is where you can find Maui Recovery, the best place for understanding how inpatient mental health services can help you. A healing environment here reversing the breakdown of mind, body, and spirit that poor mental health has created is real and possible. Our 12 bed facility is an intimate, nurturing and serene space with three houses on property, ideally suited for men and women over the age of 18. We do offer a special kamaaina rate to residents of the Hawaiian Islands, as we strive to give our services to everyone and appreciate our local community. On the magical, mythical island of Maui, each struggling client undertakes their own Hero’s Journey to overcome their struggles and find the purpose and passion of their lives. We offer a safe, nurturing and healing environment that provides a space for individuals to find the serenity to do meaningful inner work, while growing spiritually as part of a supportive family community.

What Makes Maui Recovery Stand Out From Other Inpatient Rehabs:

  • Integration of Hawaiian culture and traditions in therapy.
  • Inclusion of neurobiological factors in diagnosis and clinical care.
  • Deep Cathartic Emotional work targeting and addresses buried and repressed shame, pain, grief, anger, guilt and low self worth that often cause compulsive behaviors and addictions.
  • Adventure Therapy twice a week including excursions throughout Maui that provide Surf Therapy, Hiking, Outrigger Canoeing, and Community Farming Opportunities.
  • Codependency Therapy that addresses the dysfunction of the self through the family system.
  • An inward psychological program that focuses on Jungian Concepts, Hero’s Journey, Mythic-poetic life of understanding deep internal universal spiritual truths and true individuality.

At Maui Recovery, we welcome, nurture, and care for individuals and families through their journey of recovery by empowering their restoration & healing from poor mental health. We provide dynamic programs that address the Whole Self, transforming a shame core to a love core and cultivating meaningful human connection, intimacy, and purposeful living. The Hawaiian word Ohana, “coming from the same root,” refers to an inclusive and extended family. It expresses the very heart of Maui Recovery which is why so many have trusted their healing journey with us. Our staff has seen countless people recover from what often appears as a hopeless condition. We look forward to facilitating a path of healing and recovery. We take pride in sharing how inpatient mental health services can help you or someone you love. And we are here for every step of the way. 

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If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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