How To Find The Best Inpatient Mental Health Facility

Sometimes, and especially in times like these during a pandemic, the world gets the best of us. And there’s nothing wrong with needing a little help once in a while. Whether it…

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Sometimes, and especially in times like these during a pandemic, the world gets the best of us. And there’s nothing wrong with needing a little help once in a while. Whether it be help for ourselves or a loved one, overall mental health is important for all of us.If you are experiencing mental health challenges, just know that everyone does at some point in life. It takes a lot of courage to seek the help that you need to live a fulfilled life, and mental health facilities want to help you do just that! But how does one find the best inpatient mental health facility? Understanding the potential facilities options, services, and affordability are all areas needing to be explored in finding the right path for you or a loved one.

Insurance And Mental Health Facility Services

Inpatient mental health treatment is a significant investment, make sure you understand the full costs of treatment before enrolling.The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act stipulates that mental illnesses must be treated just like physical illnesses. But, despite this Act, Insurance companies still have a way of denying or restricting the treatment of mental illnesses. This leaves many people who need help with mental illness, to fend for themselves on top of already being stressed. Sadly, the majority of mental health problems people face in our communities and everywhere go untreated. But, many treatment programs will connect you with a financial counselor to help you understand how your insurance benefits may be applied toward portions of the treatment program. Many treatment programs offer connections to third party insurance advocates that can help you use out-of-network benefits. And if the treatment program is a nonprofit, you may be eligible for financial aid awards that can off-set program fees.

At Maui Recovery, our private inpatient mental health facilities are luxurious, spacious, and state-of-the-art. We customize patient care to ensure that each one of our patients receives the type of care that they need, the quality of care that they need, and the level or duration of care that they require. Unfortunately, Maui Recovery’s private mental health facilities and services do not accept insurance. Instead, our patients can pay for services directly, by-passing the restrictions that most insurance companies impose on their customers. By receiving treatment in a private mental health facility, you will be able to choose the care you need. Rather than having your treatment determined by an insurance company that most often just focuses and cares about the bottom line. It’s important in finding the help you or a loved one needs for covering the cost of mental health facility services. Because at the end of the day, getting the treatment that you need for your mental health challenges means you are investing in yourself. An investment that is priceless.

How To Find The Best Inpatient Mental Health Facility

Another disappointing aspect of insurance-provided mental health treatment is that you are subject to waiting for the insurance company to make up its mind. Of course, the right time for you to get treatment is when you need it, not when the insurance company gets everything straightened out. This is another reason that we recommend private mental health facilities. Most private facilities will accommodate you in whatever ways they can and even work out a payment plan for your treatment that you can afford to pay each month.

Perhaps the most important benefit of obtaining treatment at a private mental health facility is that you are in charge. Treatment will be tailored to your specific needs, not the insurance company’s requirements. This involves your length of stay at the facility. For example, many insurance companies mandate that their customers can only stay in a mental health facility up to 30 or 60 days at a time. But what if you need 90 days? By choosing the inpatient mental health facility that fits an individual’s needs, they will in turn get the kind of treatment needed, for as long as needed.

Here are six excellent questions to ask in learning how to find the best inpatient mental health facility:

1.What type of licensing or accreditation does the facility have?

Inpatient mental health treatment programs and facilities may qualify for a number of different types of accreditation or licensure. These agencies include the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), the American Medical Accreditation Program (AMAP), the American Accreditation HealthCare Commission/Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (AAHC/URAC), and the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory HealthCare (AAAHC). In addition, the Foundation for Accountability (FACCT) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). All of these accreditations play important roles in ensuring the quality of mental healthcare.

2. Does the inpatient facility use science or evidence-based treatment methods?

When it comes to mental health there are a vast amount of treatments available, from science-based methods to evidence-based methods. Some treatment approaches may sound good in writing, or on a screen. But, the fact is what are outcomes and success rates? Most often, if your family doctor recommended treatment for a serious infection, she would share the results of that treatment in clinical trials. So should the same be done for mental health treatments, you can apply these same standards to psychiatric care.

Successful programs most often offer evidence-based care options and treatments. And in exceptional mental health facilities, you will find that clinical staff has received training in these specific methodologies. Many therapeutic approaches like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and 12-step approaches have been studied extensively. And therefore have been shown to be effective when used as indicated. Also be sure that the inpatient mental health facility assigns a specific therapeutic approach to each client based on diagnoses, symptoms, and goals. Remember that evidence-based therapies used to treat a diagnosis that is not indicated, may not produce the intended outcomes.

Not only is a serious mental health diagnosis a chronic illness, but also an intensive recovery process. Inpatient mental health facilities that offer Intensive psychiatric programs are hard work for the client in recovery. Be wary of treatment programs that promise an easy fix in learning how to find the best mental health facility for yourself or a loved one.

3. What is the effectiveness of the programs offered at a potential inpatient facility?

On your journey in how to find the best inpatient mental health facility, look beyond client demographics. Asking if the programs offered provide pre and post treatment evaluations is one way to determine effectiveness. Outcomes research is an integral part of the evidence-based psychiatric treatment programs offered by the best inpatient mental health facilities.

4. Are there different programs offered ensuring a good fit for the client?

To what extent is the mental health treatment program tailored to the individual client? Is it more of a one-size-fits-all approach where all clients participate in the same curriculum? Or are therapeutic approaches and supporting activities individualized based on current symptoms and challenges?

There is no “one-size fits all” mental health treatment program, and how could there be when each of us is so unique. Perhaps a working farm community sounds great for you, but may not offer enough structure for a loved one. Remember that some clients are gender shy, and may be more comfortable in a female-only or male-only program. Be sure in your search of how to find the best inpatient mental health facility that you find one welcoming to all individuals. Plus, some clients have specific needs based on their diagnosis and mental health concerns and lifestyle. If spirituality is important to you, understand how the program includes or excludes a client’s faith or spirituality in treatment. Understanding your options in programs offered will give insight if a facility is a good fit or a potential waste of resources.

5. Are families allowed to participate in treatment?

Family involvement can be a crucial part of the recovery process for some clients, while distancing is crucial for others. During the admission and assessment process, input from family members can give the clinical team a more robust picture of a client’s history of symptoms and treatment, challenges and strengths. Be sure to ask how much input families have in the assessment process. With some inpatient mental health facilities, families are encouraged to fully engage in treatment with clients. Ask if the facility and programs offer any support groups or education opportunities for families as part of its mental health treatment programs.

6. What does a typical day look like at the potential facility for a client?

Remember, inpatient mental health facilities offer different kinds of programs, activities, and varying degrees of structure. Asking staff to see a sample daily or weekly schedule of what a typical client will endure is a look into their future options. Evaluate the schedule based on your understanding of your loved one’s needs for structure, supervision, physical activity and social interaction.

  • Do daily activities vary, or does each day seem the same?
  • Consider the mix of talk therapy, hands-on or expressive therapies, and physical activity.
  • Is one-on-one time with dedicated therapists or psychiatrists offered daily?
  • Are most groups generalized for the whole patient population, or are clients offered opportunities for specialized therapy and learning?
  • Outside of traditional therapeutic treatment hours, how are clients encouraged to socialize on evenings and weekends?
  • Are off-campus activities in the community offered for clients?

At Maui Recovery we understand that there is a lot of fear and concern regarding COVID-19; however, we want to assure you that our program has always been an ideal setup to deal with issues such as this. At Maui Recovery we are a coed 8 bed customized program based upon Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes. While other centers scramble to adapt, we have always specialized in small and personal recovery programming. Our residents attend inhouse AA, NA, Refuge Recovery and Smart Recovery Meetings. A large portion of our programming involves our adventure guides helping residents find their true self in secluded nature adventures exploring the magical Island of Maui, away from tourists. While other programs are forced to create a new program strategy in this crisis, at Maui Recovery we continue with normal programming, as we already have the perfect system in place.

It’s Your Journey – Choose Where You Get Treated

One of the biggest advantages that you or your loved one will receive by seeking an inpatient mental health facility is knowing that you have chosen the right place. Mental illnesses, and the approach used in treating different mental health symptoms and conditions, can get very complicated. And remember that all mental health treatment facilities are not the same or created equally. The fact is, you need to find the facilities that are right for you, even if that is not with Maui Recovery! Researching and working on how to find the best inpatient mental health facility for your needs and wants is key. Asking questions about services, staff, and success rates are all great means to understanding if a potential facility is a good fit.

Why People Come to Maui Recovery from Every State

In searching how to find the best inpatient mental health facility, you will find why so many people choose Maui Recovery.The setting is particularly important for inpatient rehab, especially when it concerns mental health recovery. There is not one thing that makes Maui Recovery #1 out of all the top mental health treatment centers in America. Here are some ideas of why people love Maui Recovery:

  • Property is situated in paradise
  • Luxurious, spacious setting
  • Private mental health treatment center
  • Integrated health care treatment
  • Top mental health professionals in America employed here
  • Fun activities in recovery, such as scuba diving, snorkeling, canoeing, and more
  • Private rooms and lodging
  • Round-the-clock patient care

These are just some of the things that makes Maui Recovery stand out among the top mental health treatment centers in America. Ultimately, it is our dedication to treating our patients the right way that causes us to go above and beyond to help them.

There are several different types of long-term residential mental health facilities to choose from. Maui Recovery is in a category unto itself! This is because Maui Recovery takes a holistic approach to treat mental health disorders in a luxurious and spacious property on a little slice of paradise, as we have achieved amazing results for our patients by doing so. For example, at Maui Recovery, we offer long-term residency for mental health patients and treat them with emotional healing, adventure therapy, spirituality and mindfulness, addiction recovery, tech addiction recovery, health, wellness, and fitness, and even fun-filled activities, such as outrigger canoeing. By addressing the whole person, we find that recovery is more thorough.

Additionally, Maui Recovery is proud to employ some of the best mental health professionals in Hawaii and in the United States. It is our team that makes Maui Recovery stand out. If quality of treatment is your priority, then Maui Recovery is the best option for you! When you receive treatment at one of the world’s best inpatient mental health facilities, Maui Recovery, you will have your own room just like at home. We know that your privacy is essential to your peace of mind and recovery, and Maui Recovery is glad to provide an environment that fosters inner peace and personal growth. At Maui Recovery, you will receive mental health treatment in a blissful little slice of paradise. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health challenges, seek programs from the best inpatient mental health facility, contact Maui Recovery today.

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If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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