What Are the Stages of Addiction Recovery?

Addiction recovery is a lifelong journey filled with many ups and downs. While no two recovery journeys are ever the same, it’s important to realize that every person in recovery experiences relatively…

A man thinks about how to work in recovery.

Addiction recovery is a lifelong journey filled with many ups and downs. While no two recovery journeys are ever the same, it’s important to realize that every person in recovery experiences relatively the same stages of addiction recovery. For example, detoxification is the first necessary step each individual must go through on their road to sobriety. In this article, you’ll learn more about how to work in addiction recovery’s different stages. 

At Maui Recovery, we are a luxury drug rehab in Maui, Hawaii that helps clients struggling with addiction and mental illness lead healthier, happier lives. We understand how destructive addiction and mental illness can be to your health and quality of life. That’s why our alcohol rehab offers a wide range of treatment programs and options so you can receive tailored support to best meet your recovery needs. Ready to start your recovery journey? Contact us today!

5 Stages of Addiction Recovery To Know About

The thought of starting the addiction recovery journey can be scary and confusing for many people. Some people wonder how to work in addiction recovery, or how long will the recovery process take. 

Keep reading below to learn the several stages of addiction recovery you can expect as you start and progress along your recovery journey. 

  1. Detoxification

First, every person starting their recovery journey must detox. Detoxification is the first stage of the addiction recovery process where your body adjusts from consuming an addictive substance to quitting. Inevitably, detoxification can be hard on the body as it adjusts and can result in you experiencing a range of uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. 

Many people may wonder how to work in addiction recovery. Typically, most individuals seek inpatient, 24/7 support to safely and effectively detox. Once you’ve effectively detoxed and depending on your unique recovery needs, some people may opt for outpatient care options to support their recovery while also being able to manage other responsibilities like work. 

  1. Overcome Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms are a component of the detoxification process. As your body adjusts to going from consuming a drug to quitting, you’ll experience a range of short-term physical and mental withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms can vary by individual and the severity of your addiction. For example, some common withdrawal symptoms may include irritability, sweating, headaches, insomnia, or a loss of appetite. While overcoming withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable, it’s important to understand that this is a necessary part of the recovery process. 

  1. Learn Coping Strategies to Support Recovery 

Once you’ve safely and effectively detoxed and overcome withdrawal symptoms, it’s important to learn coping strategies you can use to support your long-term recovery journey. This is because overcoming your addiction once doesn’t guarantee long-term sobriety. You’ll eventually be faced with triggers and urges to abuse drugs that can put your sobriety at risk. This is why learning and implementing healthy coping strategies into your daily life, like practicing mindfulness, breathing exercises, and identifying your triggers are all important so you can achieve long-lasting sobriety. 

  1. Transition to Everyday Life Or Seek Additional Support

Addiction recovery is a life-long journey. If you received inpatient treatment to overcome your addiction, you may have several options once you complete treatment. First, you may create a plan to effectively transition back to everyday life from inpatient care. You may decide to seek further support from outpatient care or to look for support groups in your community. You may also start developing strategies on how to work in addiction recovery. Transitioning back to the workplace may take some planning.

  1. Continue to Maintain Long-Term Sobriety

Finally, after you’ve detoxed, learned healthy coping strategies to maintain your recovery, and transitioned back to your everyday life, it’s important you continue to prioritize your sobriety journey. Unfortunately, overcoming addiction doesn’t guarantee long-term sobriety. Research found that 40-60% of people treated for substance use disorders relapse

Therefore, don’t be afraid to ask for help when it comes to maintaining your sobriety. You may decide to join a support group or explore outpatient care opportunities to support your long-term recovery needs. 

Help Is Available 

Now you know more about the different stages of addiction recovery you can expect. Although every recovery journey is uniquely different, people in recovery do go through certain stages of addiction recovery on their journey to long-term sobriety. From detoxing to learning coping strategies, addiction recovery follows a similar trajectory for many people.

Maui Recovery helps clients safely overcome addiction and manage their mental health needs so they can lead a healthier, happier life. We understand each client’s recovery journey is unique. Whether you are struggling with alcohol addiction, depression, or opioid addiction, we’re here to help you recover. Ready to start your recovery journey? Contact us today!

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If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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