Luxury Mental Health Treatment Center In Hawaii

With staggering statistics that find 1 in 20 Americans live with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression- it’s no wonder then why treatment centers are found…

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With staggering statistics that find 1 in 20 Americans live with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression- it’s no wonder then why treatment centers are found worldwide. Narrowing further, 1 in 5 American adults experienced a mental health issue and 1 in 6 young people experienced a major depressive episode. Utilizing a luxury mental health treatment center in Hawaii can help you or a loved one from becoming part of these unsettling statistics. Treatment centers will vary, and not one is exactly the same as another which is why researching options is important. A state funded treatment center fully covered under most insurance policies for example may only offer a limited amount of programs for only a set amount of days. While a luxury mental health treatment center may offer an abundance of various therapies and programs, for as long as treatment is needed. Comparing the pros and cons of each can help one determine which course of action and treatment center is best suited. 

Why Mental Health Is So Important 

Our mind and our heart- both integral parts of how we make choices in our lives, leading to the question why mental health is so important. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being and affects how we think, feel, and act. An individual’s mental health also helps determine how they handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Clearly mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. Hence the importance of seeking help for anyone struggling, such as someone looking for a luxury mental health treatment center in Hawaii. Being healthy emotionally can promote productivity and effectiveness in activities like work, school, and caregiving. When poor mental health is ignored, it can become a slippery slope of worsened negative feelings, choices, and overall well-being. Professionals, such as those found at Maui Recovery, can provide the support and experience needed in helping someone with poor mental health. These types of experienced professionals are found in luxury mental health centers and can successfully provide treatments and programs necessary for life changing recovery. 

Benefits That Come With A Luxury Mental Health Treatment Center In Hawaii

As one in search of a luxury mental health treatment center in Hawaii will find, not all centers are created equal and provide the same things. While most provide common types of successful treatment modalities and housing, not all are set for a luxurious experience as well. Luxurious can include private living quarters, around the clock staff, and unique therapies used in successful recovery for mental health. For instance, Maui Recovery is one such facility that provides a private and peaceful environment to help clients keep their focus on personal inward growth. Shifting from a shame core to a love core, cultivating meaningful human connection, intimacy and purposeful living. The Hawaiian word Ohana, “coming from the same root,” refers to an inclusive and extended family. It expresses the very heart of Maui Recovery, the leading luxury mental health treatment center in Hawaii. Combining the best evidence-based treatments with powerful and transformative holistic and experimental therapies to treat the whole client is key. In fact, here are just some of the benefits that come with Maui Recovery, the best luxury mental health center in Hawaii:

  • Property is situated in the beautiful paradise that is Maui.
  • Luxurious, spacious, and private setting.
  • Private mental health treatment programs and therapies.
  • Integrated health care treatment.
  • Top mental health professionals and experienced staff members.
  • Unique Nature Immersion Activities such as scuba diving, snorkeling, canoeing, etc.
  • Luxurious private rooms and lodging.
  • Round-the-clock patient care and guidance.
  • Unique Nature Immersion and Adventure Therapies offered.

Treatment Options That Are Unique To Luxury Mental Health Centers

While most mental health treatment centers will offer the same modalities such as EMDR, CBT, Motivational Interviewing, DBT, and MBSR, they do not typically provide unique forms of self discovery treatment. Benefits that come with a luxury mental health health treatment center in Hawaii, such as Maui Recovery, are that THEY DO include unique therapies. Undoubtedly in part due to their exotic landscape that works well with their location. Luxury facilities that aim in creating a variety of Nature Immersion/Adventure Therapy opportunities where clients can also experience a potentially life-saving “shift” should be considered. Such unique therapies include: Snorkeling, Hiking, Outrigger Canoeing, and even Agricultural Farming within the community. A luxury mental health center, like Maui Recovery, will tend to take a different approach to therapy by removing the clinical setting and focusing on experiencing change in a more natural setting. Some examples of these types of treatment or therapies include:

Surf Therapy Option – The physical challenges of surfing parallel the emotional and mental processes that each client has long avoided. For those who are removing themselves from depression for example, surfing is a metaphor for balance. Therefore, allowing clients to think outside the box as they learn how to balance their internal processes. A very recent development is psychotherapy treatment, Surf Therapy has proven to be quite a successful option in recovery for mental health. It is widely used for veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), combat stress, addiction, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and other life-threatening injuries. Today, psychiatrists find relevant uses for Surf Therapy programs to treat depression, substance abuse, and even game and gambling addiction.

Equine Therapy Option – Equine Therapy also helps a suffering individual learn about the importance of boundary setting when in recovery for mental health disorders. Horses are not shy when it comes to letting someone know when their personal boundaries have been crossed. If you approach a horse with aggression, they will communicate with you instantly that your behavior is not acceptable. Also, if you are too emotionally detached, communication with the horse will become a struggle. Depressed individuals in recovery may struggle to set healthy boundaries at first, but Equine Therapy allows Maui Recovery clients to practice this skill-set. While there is no replacement for counseling, this type of therapy can be a wonderful addition to any comprehensive treatment center. One of the unique benefits that can come with a luxury mental health treatment center in Hawaii.

Maui Recovery Is The Best Mental Health Treatment Center In Hawaii

At Maui Recovery we understand the road to positive mental health and recovery can seem long, winding, and uncertain. So often, the struggling depressed person feels lost and devoid of a healthy sense of self or of a sense of purpose in their lives. But when they can finally begin to re-frame their experiences using the intrinsic power of archetypes such as the “hero’s journey”, they can then begin to understand and re-frame their thoughts. At Maui Recovery we are the world’s only residential luxury mental health treatment center for depression that uses Myth, Archetype, and “the Hero’s journey” as an intrinsic part of our recovery program. We also employ master-level clinicians that are trained to help guide each client through this “Hero’s Journey”–all while using the magical, mythical island of Maui as an essential element and ingredient in this transformative experience. What better place to immerse yourself in nature and healing, then with the best luxury mental health treatment center in Hawaii!

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If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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