Maui Recovery’s Tips for Identifying Drug Addiction

Love has a way of keeping the blinders on over our eyes when we don’t want to see concerning signs of behavior in someone we care about deeply. Whether it be our…

identifying drug addictions maui recovery - Maui Recovery

Love has a way of keeping the blinders on over our eyes when we don’t want to see concerning signs of behavior in someone we care about deeply. Whether it be our partner, child, close family member, or our own self- seeing destructive and hurtful behaviors can leave us confused and even terrified. However, drug addiction only gets worse if left ignored and our loved ones left alone in a battle they most likely will not win by themselves. Drug addiction can create a multitude of negative physical, emotional, behavioral, and social consequences.  Maui Recovery’s tips for identifying drug addiction are given in hopes of finding individuals that need to read and hear them most. With over 15 years of recovery treatment experience, we know all too well the hardships experienced from undiagnosed and untreated drug addiction. While all of us are unique in who we are, most often the signs of drug addiction are very common for most folks struggling. In this article we will be discussing the various signs of drug addiction to look for in someone that is abusing substances harmful to not only their body, but also their life. 

What Is Drug Addiction?

As classically defined; drug addiction is a chronic, and most often relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug (substance of choice) use, despite adverse consequences. Because drug addiction involves functional changes to brain circuits such as in reward, stress, and self-control, it is considered a brain disorder. Functional changes to the brain from drug addiction can further last, long after the individual has stopped using them. Addiction itself is a lot like other diseases, such as heart disease, because they disrupt the normal and healthy functioning of an organ in the body. These diseases have serious harmful effects, and both are, in many cases, preventable and treatable making them similar. Unfortunately, however, if left untreated, they can last a lifetime and may even lead to death. Utilizing Maui Recovery’s tips for identifying drug addiction can help an individual struggling to find the help they need. Owning behaviors and recognition is the first step toward the process of healing, in all forms of addiction and health concern. Although it may seem impossible, helping yourself or someone you love come to terms with recognizing a problem can potentially save a life.

Maui Recovery’s Tips For Identifying Drug Addiction

With more than 15 years of healing and treating, Maui Recovery experienced staff members know and understand the pain and suffering from active drug addiction. With this gained knowledge and experience, we have helped our clients stay sober not just during their time spent at our facility- but for the long term. One of the most important steps in the recovery journey is acceptance, recognizing drug addiction is present. Which is where Maui Recovery’s tips for identifying drug addiction can come into action. While all individuals struggling with drug addiction will not be the same, or have the same characteristics, there are some signs or behaviors consistent with addiction. Some of signs these include:

  • Using drugs more often, especially more than originally intended or started with.
  • Social and recreational activities that were previously a priority are no longer valued and participation in them is often ignored.
  • Constant cravings for desired drugs that never seem to be satiated. 
  • Continued use of drugs in spite of the knowledge that using them is creating emotional, social, and physical consequences.
  • Time spent with daily life now focused on ways to obtain drugs and then using them.
  • Taking more drugs at a time gradually. 
  • Situations that are deemed hazardous or physically dangerous in using drugs are becoming more common and often. 
  • Failure to show up for work, school, and other important family or social obligations.
  • Drug tolerance indicated by needing to use more drugs regularly to feel intoxicated because they are having less effect.
  • The inability to stop using drugs despite a strong desire to do so, with what seems to feel like many unsuccessful attempts.
  • Drug use is persistent, despite the negative impact on relationships and the adverse social ramifications.
  • Drug withdrawal symptoms are felt and seen which may include; anxiety, irritability, fatigue, depression, headaches, gastrointestinal upset, insomnia, irregular heart rate and blood pressure, agitation, even loss of appetite. 

Although Maui Recovery’s tips for identifying drug addiction are great insight, these signs are not limited to what has been shared above. Again, just as each of us are different, so can be the signs of drug addiction for those struggling. The best thing you, or a loved one, can do is be fully present and aware with someone showing signs of unhealthy behavior. Actions and types of behavior that are unhealthy and not normal of someone you know can be the first red flags that they need help. These signs can be an indicator of a call for love, where support and treatment are necessary as soon as possible. Drug addiction can have a deadly strong hold on the individual struggling, so support and effort is key for successful recovery. 

Maui Recovery Can Help Break The Chains Of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a serious disease, and it should be addressed with the best treatments available today. While there are a plethora of drug addiction recovery centers available today, not all are created equal. Both public and private drug addiction recovery centers will provide traditional forms of treatment such as EBT, CBT, Motivational Interviewing, etc. However, private drug addiction centers, such as Maui Recovery, will also offer “experimental” or more considered unique modalities as well for life long recovery. At Maui Recovery we’ve created a Recovery Program combining Holistic Wellness, Best-Practice Care, Nature & Transformative Experiences in order to achieve lasting Recovery. Clients at our drug addiction facility in Maui undertake their own Hero’s Journey to overcome their struggles and find the purpose and passion of their lives. Our clients get to go inward and dispel the false messages that have been running their lives and discover the truth about who they really are. And our staff is there, every step of the way. Maui Recovery’s tips for identifying drug addiction are thanks to the invaluable experience and knowledge gained thru healing clients for the last 15+ years.  Maui Recovery offers:

  • Property is situated in paradise, the beautiful island of Maui.
  • Luxurious, spacious, and private setting that provides a safe environment.
  • Private mental health treatment programs and Maui recovery activities.
  • Integrated health care treatments and modalities.
  • Experienced staff members and mental health professionals.
  • Unique Nature Immersion Therapies such as scuba diving, snorkeling, canoeing, etc.
  • Private rooms and lodging that accommodates our clients individual needs.
  • Round-the-clock patient care and support. 

What makes Maui Recovery a unique experience lies in their beautiful and private location, experienced staff, and Nature Immersion Therapies just to begin. The Hawaiian word Ohana, “coming from the same root,” refers to an inclusive and extended family. It expresses the very heart of Maui Recovery and explains why we are known to be the best drug addiction treatment facility in Hawaii. Our dedicated staff has seen countless addicted individuals recover from what often appears to be a hopeless condition and/or situation. Ultimately, it is our dedication to treating our clients the best way that causes us to go above and beyond to help them.

Contact Us

If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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