Maui’s Psychiatric Treatment Center For Tech Addiction

Technology has its place in today’s world, but it certainly should not be the only world in which we choose to live in. Doing so can wreak havoc on a person’s life,…

addicted to technology seeking help - Maui Recovery

Technology has its place in today’s world, but it certainly should not be the only world in which we choose to live in. Doing so can wreak havoc on a person’s life, leaving them feeling alone in the real world- unseen and detached. Tech addiction is a sinking pattern of behavior that some psychiatrists recognize from their patients who abuse drugs or alcohol- akin to an eating disorder or gambling disorder. Estimates of how many people are affected vary widely and are not restricted to just kids and teens, as people of all ages are being seen struggling with tech addiction. This is especially true for those who are experiencing depression or have an anxiety disorder, as they may be particularly vulnerable. Maui Recovery understands the crisis of this millenia- Tech Addiction and the road of recovery that needs to be walked. Maui’s psychiatric treatment center for tech addiction is there for both clients and their families along the path of recovery. A whole generation of “Failure to Launch” Millennials have seen their schooling, job prospects and/or interpersonal relationships suffer–or even destroyed–as a result of their screen or tech addiction. Thankfully, there is a dedicated specialized program at Maui Recovery to effectively treat this issue. Dr. Kardaras, our Co-CEO and Chief Clinical Officer, is considered one of the world’s leading experts on digital addiction (social media, video games, smart phones, etc.) and its treatment. Before diving into treatment programs available today, let’s take a deeper look into Tech Addiction. 

But Is Tech Addiction Actually A Real Thing?

According to some psychologists and psychiatrists, there is no such thing technically as Technology Addiction. Or further, there is no agreement about whether Tech Addiction pathological behavioral disorders are really the same thing as substance abuse disorders. 

However, even China has now labeled Internet addiction as a mental disorder, surprising since historically the Chinese have considered addiction a moral failing rather than a clinical disorder. There are some psychologists though that do indeed feel Internet or Tech Addiction will become a validated clinical diagnosis in the U.S. as more and more cases emerge. In fact, the Director of Stanford’s Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Clinic (and psychiatrist) Dr. Elias Aboujaoude says there is increasing physiological evidence that the use of the Internet can become addictive for some people. There are even studies using scanning technology that have looked at individuals’ brains while they are actively online. When compared- the scans of the activated reward pathways in the brains of people online mirror that of those who have a substance abuse disorder. The similarity of brain pathways activated by technology are too close to ignore, signaling the need for Maui’s psychiatric treatment center for Tech Addiction. 

The Different Types Of Tech Addiction That Need Treatment

Technology is part of our everyday life for most of us in today’s world, however it cannot be the only way of life. Sure, paying bills, doing some online shopping, and chatting on social media can be done in healthy ways. But, what may start out as a normal thing to do in the day for some can lead down a dangerous road for others. All addiction begins with intermittent recreational use, whether it be the internet, technology, alcohol, or pleasing substances. Recreational use progressing into daily use, with further progression into consequential use, which in some cases will progress to life-threatening use or a full blown addiction. Tech addiction can create a pattern of consequences like insomnia, isolation, absences in personal obligations, and dysfunction in relationships. Maui’s psychiatric treatment center for tech addiction offers support for:

Internet Addiction –  Internet addiction is also called compulsive computer use, pathological internet use, and internet dependence. Internet addiction is when a person has a compulsive need to spend a great deal of time on the Internet. Almost always to the point where other areas of life (such as relationships, health, and/or work) are allowed to suffer. Some examples of Internet Addiction, or Tech Addiction, are: online gambling, shopping, day-trading, obsessive scrolling on social media, information overload such as compulsive web surfing and database searching. While the above listed are very common, there are plenty of other activities offered online that further Internet Addiction.

Smartphone Addiction – While some experts believe there is, technically, no such thing as internet or phone addiction, the number of those suffering keeps growing. And the psychiatric community has proposed a new disorder called internet gaming disorder, to recognize unhealthy patterns of game-playing using technology. However, smartphone addiction is a phenomenon that pertains to uncontrollability of smartphone use that is specifically honing in on adolescents. People with this tech addiction encounter social, psychological, and even physical health problems (Heron and Shapira, 2004; Young, 1999). Some of the signs of phone addiction include feeling irritable or negative when going without a phone, being unable to go without a phone for long periods of time, or using a phone so much that it negatively affects physical health or mental health. Walk down a busy street, and it won’t be long before noticing the presence of smartphone use in today’s society. Hence the absolute need for Maui’s psychiatric treatment center for Tech Addiction and Smartphone Addiction. 

Social Media Addiction – Social media addiction is a behavioral addiction that is defined by being overly concerned about social media. Usually driven by an uncontrollable urge to log on to or use social media, and devoting so much time and effort to social media that it impairs other important areas of obligation in an individual’s life. Normal and healthy activities such as eating, sleeping, spending time with family, hanging out with friends, are neglected or forgotten. Increased reliance on social media as a way to cope with problems. restlessness, and irritability when not online are also major signs of a concerning Tech Addiction. Depression, anxiety, anger and frustration whenever social media usage is reduced is also a clear sign of Social Media Addiction. These factors drive a person to continue with the excessive use of social media to clear out unpleasant feelings, giving a false sense of security and safety. Maui’s psychiatric treatment center for Tech Addiction understands the very strong hold social media has on a person’s time and attention.

Video Game Addiction –  Video Game Addiction is considered a compulsive or uncontrolled use or play of video games that negatively affects other areas of the person’s life. It is also considered to be a form of Tech Addiction, Computer Addiction, or Internet Addiction. Unfortunately, video games have become more commonplace and most often target children and young adults with their enticing look and feel. A gaming addiction can severely negatively affect a person’s life and ability to function normally in society. This includes negative interruption and consequences in many aspects of a gamer’s life including; self-care, relationships, school, and work performance. Physical health problems, such as gamers thumb, back problems, obesity, and malnutrition can be a result of severe Video Game Addiction. 

Online Gambling Addiction – Online gambling addiction is a compulsive need to keep gambling online despite the harms it causes to the gambler’s life. The main symptoms of online gambling addiction are spending the most time on this activity, financial problems, experiencing cravings when unable to gamble online, and willingness to spend more and more money or resources. Technology has made the availability of gambling even more vast, with online gambling taking place anywhere at any time around the world. Maui’s psychiatric treatment center for Tech Addiction addresses this type of disorder by treating the whole client, not just the addiction. 

Cybersex and Cyber (Online) Relationship Addictions – Cybersex Addiction is the compulsive use of internet pornography, sexually oriented chat rooms, various social media, smartphones and other handheld devices for sexual pleasure. Frequently using anonymous communication to engage in sexual fantasies that typically wouldn’t happen offline. Hiding online interactions from loved ones is the biggest hint of an unhealthy Tech Addiction. Using cybersex as a primary form of sexual gratification as opposed to being intimate with a real-life partner can severely disable a person’s quality of real life. 

Tech Addiction is not limited to the disorders and/or addictions outlined above. Just as technology delivers practically anything our heart desires, so goes the endless varieties of tech addiction. Maui’s psychiatric treatment center for Tech Addiction is needed more than we know and could possibly understand. Future generations depend on an equal balance of real life and technology experience, one which cannot exist without the other it may seem. 

What is Psychiatric Therapy And How Is It Administered?

Psychiatric therapy, or psychiatry, is the field of medicine that diagnoses, treats, and manages mental health addictions and/or disorders. Examples of the mental health problems psychiatrists deal with include bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety disorder, personality disorder, panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia. They also handle drug and substance abuse, addiction and dependence. Psychotherapy or counseling is one of the most common treatments for mental health disorders. It involves talking about your problems with a mental health professional but is so much more. The is an education element, a focus on relaxation exercises and coping skills as well as stress management. Examples of programs used at Maui’s psychiatric treatment center for Tech Addiction are:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
  • Exposure Therapy
  • Interpersonal Therapy 
  • Mindful-Based Therapy
  • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

There are also other forms of holistic treatment that are rarely found anywhere other than Maui’s psychiatric treatment center for Tech Addiction. Maui Recovery for example utilizes its idyllic location for Nature Immersion and Adventure Therapies, offering the best of both modalities of treatment. What better place to heal from Tech Addiction than in Mother Nature?! Nature Immersion allows the disconnected tech addict to become more present in their own body and life. Re-establishing a deeper connection to themselves and the beautiful, engaging world around them. Adventure therapies offered at Maui Recovery include; Surf Therapy, Outrigger Canoeing, Hiking, Agricultural Farming, and Equine Therapy. All are provided alongside professional and experienced staff members for engaging psychiatric treatment and healing. 

Maui’s Psychiatric Treatment Center For Tech Addiction

Where should you or a loved one go for the best Tech Addiction Treatment? When trying to establish the best place for supportive treatment, it can be very wise to leave your hometown or environment for a fresh star. Doing this helps to create a safe and supportive environment for yourself or someone you love with Tech Addiction to do the essential inner work, away from distractions. Choosing a Tech Addiction center that has a good reputation, professional and experienced staff that is caring, supportive, and highly trained is key. Maui Recovery’s psychiatric treatment center for Tech Addiction is independently rated as one of the most highly effective programs in all of Hawaii. The best remedy for Tech Addiction is the same as it’s always been. And that is abstinence, professional support, community, and therapy from qualified professionals that walk with clients every step of the way. At Maui Recovery, we are Maui’s psychiatric treatment center for Tech Addiction that is here for anyone ready to a real change in their own life. 

We know first hand the pain and suffering that comes from active Tech Addiction, and we are here to stop this worsening problem in our society. At Maui Recovery we’ve created recovery programs that combine Holistic Wellness, Best-Practice Care, Nature Immersion & Transformative Experiences in order to achieve lasting Recovery. On the magical, mythical island of Maui, each struggling tech addict undertakes their own Hero’s Journey to overcome their struggles. We help our clients redefine their purpose and passion in their life  in a safe, nurturing, and healing environment. One that provides a space for individuals to find the serenity to do the meaningful inner work, while growing spiritually as part of a supportive family community. Our clients get to go inward and dispel the false messages that have been running their lives and discover the truth about who they really are. Technology could never define who or what a person is, and we help our clients understand this crucial foundation of their Identity.

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If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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