Most Effective Online Gambling Disorder Treatment

With the advancement of technology came also the growth of opportunities for entertainment- any kind, anytime, and anywhere. Many years ago, the only gambling sites were places like Atlantic City or Las…

online gambling addiction treatment maui hawaii - Maui Recovery

With the advancement of technology came also the growth of opportunities for entertainment- any kind, anytime, and anywhere. Many years ago, the only gambling sites were places like Atlantic City or Las Vegas, house parties, or even small unspoken locations under a store front. But, boy have things changed. In fact, it wasn’t that long ago when the first online gambling venue opened to the general public. Ticketing for the Liechtenstein International Lottery in October of 1994 was the first online gambling opportunity. When gambling online suddenly became an option for people, the opportunity for that next big win rush came into play at all times of the day, at any place with an online connection. Combine unlimited opportunities for gambling online with an isolating pandemic, and we have ourselves a recipe for disaster. What may start out as some fun gambling online during down time, can turn into an everyday compulsion for individuals at risk of addiction. Hence the importance of online gambling disorder treatment centers, one such as Maui Recovery. Where experienced professionals help clients suffering from an online gambling disorder find the true value in their life, something worth much more than any ‘big win’ online.

What Is An Online Gambling Disorder?

Before seeking online gambling disorder treatment, it’s best to educate yourself on what an online gambling disorder actually is. Gambling addiction, also known as a gambling disorder, pathological gambling, or compulsive gambling, is an impulse-control disorder. Online gambling specifically (or Internet gambling) is defined as any kind of gambling conducted on the internet, which includes virtual poker, casinos, and sports betting. Online gambling addiction is also defined as when an individual gives increasing priority to gaming over obligations and important activities such as work, family, and personal obligations. Individuals who need an online gambling disorder treatment facility are so preoccupied with gambling, that they spend endless time and money doing so at every chance. Sometimes chasing losses with more losses, or continuing to gamble online despite serious consequences in their life. Indeed to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences. But, for a gaming disorder to be diagnosed, the behavior pattern must be evident for at least 12 months. With sufficient severity to result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning. For family and friends, gaming disorder treatment is needed for someone who puts online gambling as their number one priority.

Who Should Seek Online Gambling Disorder Treatment

For family and friends, online gambling disorder treatment is needed for someone who has checked out of their life. When an individual spends every moment of their free time online gambling, a call for help is needed. Examples of troubling indicators can include; work life struggles such as drop in performance, a short temper easily flared up from anxiety from not online gambling, and financial troubles that get worse. A lack of interest in activities that were enjoyed before the online gambling disorder are a strong indication of a serious problem. Individuals who avoid normal activities such as; outdoor walks, family dinners, movie nights, or simply quality time spent talking about their day or life in general should seek treatment. For couples, a partner that has a problem with gambling online may show a lack of interest, and intimacy in their relationship. For a parent, an addicted child of any age may seem like a disinterested stranger- easy to anger, and hard to pull back into their daily normal activities. No matter who is suffering in their life, whether yourself or a loved one, seeking online gambling disorder treatment as soon as possible is key to recovery.

Why You Or A Loved Should Seek Online Gambling Disorder Treatment

Whether it is yourself or someone you love that has an online gambling disorder, seeking treatment should be sought as soon as possible. For some, the signs of unhealthy behaviors are seen plainly. But, for others, the troubling indicators of addiction are not as clear and therefore can worsen as time goes on. All addictions can reach dangerous levels when left untreated. Families can be broken, relationships lost, finances shaken, amongst other unfortunate results from compulsive gambling online. Seeking online gambling disorder treatment sooner, rather than later, can mean the difference between life and death. For example, in some instances depression and guilt could lead to a deadly decision made by the person suffering from gambling online compulsively. Sometimes the guilt of severe financial loss or the pain from hurting family can mount so high to the addicted individual, that escape seems the only way out. Online gambling can trigger unreal highs when the dice rolls in favor of the individual gambling. However, with incredible highs also come incredible lows. Quality facilities that provide online gambling disorder treatment can be the difference in saving someone’s life, when found in time.

What Makes Maui Recovery Unique For Online Gambling Disorder Treatment

Also, what makes Maui Recovery unique for online gambling disorder treatment is our understanding of the three key parts for successful recovery. How an addiction starts is unique to each individual suffering, just as unique as the individual themselves. Therefore, Obsession, Compulsion, and Solution are three factors most experienced on the path toward online gambling recovery:

Gambling – can happen anywhere, from race tracks to casinos, family room poker games to online slot machines. With so many options available, compulsive gamblers are never far away from temptation. An online gambling disorder is a very real problem, one that affects people of all backgrounds, no matter the amount of free time on their hands.

Compulsion –  is the action seen when an individual has let gambling online become to the point of obsessive. No matter what the stage of addiction you, a family member, or a friend are dealing with, it’s important to find the root cause. The compulsion to place the next bet, throw the next chip, or hit the next casino can have devastating consequences.

Solution – Addiction recovery facilities meet many families struggling to get help for their troubled loved ones, whole heartedly in search of a solution. It’s not uncommon for addicted individuals to refuse to disclose where they’ve been, or where their money goes. Trusted online gambling disorder treatment facilities can help an individual suffering dig out the shame and deep pain hiding under the surface and put you on the road to recovery.

Heal From An Online Gambling Disorder With Maui Recovery

Nestled in the heart of paradise, our 12 bed facility is an intimate, nurturing, and serene space with three houses on property. Maui Recovery is ideally suited for men and women over the age of 18, whether they be residents of Hawaii, the Mainland, or other countries. However, we do offer a special rate to residents of the Hawaiian Islands to help support our local communities. We provide online gambling disorder treatment by providing:

  • Integration of Hawaiian culture and traditions in Unique Therapy Options.
  • Inclusion of neurobiological factors in diagnosis and clinical care.
  • Deep Cathartic Emotional work targeting and addresses buried and repressed shame, pain, grief, anger, guilt and low self worth that often cause compulsive behaviors and addictions.
  • Adventure Therapy twice a week that includes excursions throughout Maui and Surf Therapy, including Equine Therapy.
  • Codependency Therapy that addresses the dysfunction of the self through the family system. An inward psychological program that focuses on Jungian Concepts, or a Hero’s Journey. The mythic-poetic life of understanding deep internal universal spiritual truths and true individuality.

At Maui Recovery Combining the best evidence-based treatments with powerful and transformative holistic and experimental therapies to treat the whole client. Contact Maui Recovery today, and find the true value of living your best life without online gambling.

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If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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