Thanks to an unsettling pandemic, where individuals have been instructed to stay at home, it’s no wonder why people have turned to the online world for entertainment purposes. But, what may have started as a healthy dose of entertainment can sometimes turn dangerously in the wrong direction toward an unhealthy obsession and require online gambling addiction treatment. Especially now that we are in the beginnings of the winter months, with flu season on the prowl. For some people online gambling is just fun, a great way to make some extra cash if they’re lucky and have a little extra income and time to play with. However, for some it can become a spiraling addiction at all hours into the depths of despair and false highs. Thankfully there are many great avenues one can take in their path toward online gambling recovery. Searching for the best fit facility and accommodations is an imperative first step, whether for yourself or a loved one. Overcome your online gambling addiction treatment with help form a tranquil facility with experienced staff, Maui Recovery. No matter what the stage, if you or a loved one are dealing with a gambling addiction there is light at the end of the tunnel. We can help you dig out the shame and deep pain hiding under the surface and put you on the road to recovery.
Overcome Your Online Gambling Treatment With Help
There are three key parts to understand when wanting to overcome your online gambling treatment with help. How an addiction starts is unique to each individual suffering, just as unique as the individual themselves. Obsession, Compulsion, and Solution are three factors most experienced on the path toward online gambling recovery.
Gambling – can happen anywhere, from race tracks to casinos, family room poker games to online slot machines. With so many options available, compulsive gamblers are never far away from temptation. Online gambling addiction is a very real issue, one that affects people of all backgrounds, no matter the amount of free time on their hands.
Compulsion – is the action seen when an individual has let gambling become to the point of obsessive. No matter what the stage of addiction you, a family member, or a friend are dealing with, it’s important to find the root cause. The compulsion to place the next bet, throw the next chip, or hit the next casino can have devastating consequences.
Solution – Addiction recovery facilities meet many families struggling to get help for their troubled loved ones, whole heartedly in search of a solution. It’s not uncommon for addicted individuals to refuse to disclose where they’ve been, or where their money goes. Trusted addiction facilities can help you, or a loved one, dig out the shame and deep pain hiding under the surface and put you on the road to recovery.
Online Gambling Addiction Treatment Is Possible
There are many kinds of treatments available for those suffering from online gambling addiction. In search of a recovery facility, make sure they offer the following common types of treatment at a bare minimum. While also keeping in mind that not all centers are the same, some luxurious addiction recovery facilities may offer therapies unique to their location.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing – Most often a facility’s clinical staff is trained in EMDR use. This method is used to address and assist individuals who have experienced trauma, which is significantly negatively impacting their online gambling recovery. Incorporating elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy with eye movements has proven to be effect in treatment.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – As an evidence-based treatment modality, CBT is a proven effective treatment for substance use disorders, behavioral addictions (gambling, food, internet, sex), eating disorders, and specific mental health diagnoses.
Motivational Interviewing – As defined by William Miller, the creator of MI, its purpose is to strengthen the client’s own motivation for and commitment to change in a manner that is consistent with said client’s values. Therefore, rather than imposing or forcing changes, we “meet the client where the client is” and help him/her move toward his/her goals by drawing out and building his/her readiness to change.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy – Destructive behaviors can stem from experiences that involve extreme situations or intense emotions. DBT is primarily a skill-building approach, that focuses on the development of skill sets.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction – Developed by Dr. Jon Cabot-Zinn, MSBR is a sequential method that teaches the individual who is struggling with racing and impulsive thoughts how to be in the “here and now”. By focusing on the breath or on an object in the room, the client slowly becomes able to collapse their awareness into the present moment.
Adventure Therapy – a unique therapy modality that is proven to create inner self-discovery, breakthroughs in fear, insecurity, doubt and low self-esteem, and creates a deeper sense of confidence, passion, aliveness, and vitality. Nature Immersion and Surf Therapy are examples of the unique Adventure Therapies offered as luxury facilities, such as Maui Recovery.
Online Gambling Addiction Services From Maui Recovery
Maui Recovery works with many struggling families to get the help they need for themselves and loved ones in need of online gambling addiction services. We can help those in denial of needing treatment acknowledge a problem. Sometimes the unpaid bills, pawned off personal possessions, and suffering relationships are still not enough for individuals to accept their reality. That is where the need for experienced professionals should come into play, offering treatment modalities and services that can aid in online gambling recovery success. Maui Recovery offers successful programs where our members receive counseling & treatment for several hours per day, 6 days a week. Additionally, our clients engage in outdoor activities to promote emotional and physical well-being with a variety of unique Adventure Therapies. Recovery options that aim in releasing & breaking through the barriers that have been keeping clients blocked from the sunlight of their spirit. Our residential program offers housing in a beautiful serene place in a 24 hour monitored sober environment, just 750 ft from the Pacific Ocean in the heart of paradise.