Professional Personality Disorders Treatment Is Available

Have you ever met someone and just clicked? Did their personality match your own, or perhaps they were an intriguing complimentary opposite to yours? Personalities are as vast as they are common,…

personality disorder treatment in Maui - Maui Recovery

Have you ever met someone and just clicked? Did their personality match your own, or perhaps they were an intriguing complimentary opposite to yours? Personalities are as vast as they are common, ironically. An individual’s personality is influenced by a plethora of variables such as environment, life experiences, ancestry, and inherited characteristics- whether by blood related or upbringing. And while a person’s personality typically stays the same over time, some may venture toward getting stuck in a particular unhealthy personality. Personality disorders can cause a person added stress in their life as well as limit their own opportunities. Many individuals experiencing a personality disorder may not even be aware of their condition, as their mind knows no other way of thinking. Interestingly enough, personality disorders are diagnosed in 40–60% of psychiatric patients, rendering them the most common of all psychiatric diagnoses. And 65–90% of people treated for a substance use disorder have at least one personality disorder. Traumatic childhood experiences are risk factors that elevate the chances that an individual may develop a personality disorder as well. Thankfully, there is more awareness today in healthy thought patterns and positive ways of treating mental health disorders. Professional personality disorders treatment is available for those seeking a positive change in their way of thinking, their way of life. 

What Is A Personality Disorder In Actuality?

Well, to get an idea of what a personality disorder looks like, it is best to define what a personality is. According to the American Psychiatric Association, personality is the way of thinking, feeling, and behaving that makes a person different from others. As mentioned above, there are different factors that can influence an individual’s personality but overall we all tend to have the same one throughout our life. With positive inspiration and evolution as a goal to achieve throughout our lives. But what about those individuals who suffer from a personality disorder- what does their personality look like? According to WebMD, a personality disorder is when the way that you think, feel, and/or act causes you intense distress, deviates strongly from societal expectations, or causes you to have difficulty functioning normally. A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning, and behaving. For example, a person with a personality disorder may have trouble perceiving and relating to situations and people in general. This kind of thinking can cause significant problems, stress, and limitations for the individual. Personality disorders can significantly disrupt the lives of both the affected person and those who care about that person. Personality disorders may cause problems with relationships, work or school, and can lead to social isolation or alcohol or drug abuse. Hence the reason as to why professional personality disorders treatment is available today for those seeking a better way of thinking, of living.  

The Different Types of Personality Disorders

In some cases, an individual suffering from a personality disorder may not even realize they have a personality disorder. Mostly because their way of thinking and behaving seems natural and no other way of thinking has presented itself, yet. Thankfully, professional personality disorders treatment is available and the need to blame others for the challenges they face dissipates. Personality disorders are long-term patterns of behavior and inner experiences that differ significantly from what is expected. By late adolescence or early adulthood, patterns of experience and behavior begin and can cause distress or problems in functioning. There are basically ten different types of personality disorders, and based on similar characteristics and symptoms they are then narrowed further into three clusters. For a disorder to be diagnosed it is not necessary to exhibit all the signs and symptoms listed, which is important to understand. Below are the clusters and their corresponding personality disorder descriptions to help identify. 

Cluster A Personality Disorders: Odd/Eccentric Thinking And/Or Behaviors

Paranoid Personality Disorder – Finding it hard to confide in others. Having a hard time letting go or holding on to grudges. Emotions of anger or hostility appear rather quickly. Finding demeaning or threatening subtext in even the most innocent of comments or events.

Schizoid Personality Disorder – Having no desire to have close relationships, even with immediate family members. Seem to always be aloof or not able to show a lot of emotion. Tend to daydream and create vivid fantasies of complex inner lives. Will lean towards jobs and activities that allow them to be solitary.

Schizotypal Personality Disorder – Belief in superpowers (i.e., telepathy) or superstitions. Paranoid thoughts or doubts about others’ loyalty. Sensing an absent person is present. Strange or rambling speech patterns.

Cluster B Personality Disorders: Dramatic, Overly Emotional And/Or Unpredictable Thinking or Behaviors

Antisocial Personality Disorder – Not show guilt or remorse. Disregard the safety of self and others. Lie, steal and fight often. Often are angry or arrogant.

Borderline Personality Disorder – Ongoing feelings of emptiness. Up and down moods, often as a reaction to interpersonal stress. Suicidal behavior or threats of self-injury. Intense fear of being alone or abandoned. Professional personality disorders treatment is available.

Histrionic Personality Disorder – Constantly seeking attention. Easily influenced by others. Excessive concern with physical appearance. Will think relationships with others are closer than they are in actuality. 

Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Believe that they are unique and more important than others. Failure to recognize others’ needs and feelings. Expectation of constant praise and admiration. Unreasonable expectations of favors and advantages.

Cluster C Personality Disorders: Anxious, Fearful Thinking And/Or Behaviors

Avoidant Personality Disorder – Extremely sensitive to criticism or perceived rejection. Extreme shyness from fear of doing something wrong. Extremely low self-esteem. Socially inhibited, timid and isolated, avoiding new activities or meeting strangers.

Dependent Personality Disorder – Has difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others. Has difficulty initiating projects or doing things on their own. Difficulty disagreeing with others, fearing disapproval. Urgent need to start a new relationship when a close one has ended.

Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder – (NOT the same as obsessive-compulsive disorder, a type of anxiety disorder.) Desire to be in control of people, tasks, and situations, and inability to delegate tasks. Neglect of friends and enjoyable activities because of excessive commitment to work or a project. Rigid and stubborn. Inflexible about morality, ethics, or values.

Professional Personality Disorders Treatment Is Available At Maui Recovery 

With the valuable programs and expertise offered by our experienced staff- professional personality disorders treatment is available at Maui Recovery. Our personality disorder treatment plan at Maui Recovery aims to help clients learn and adapt to changes and the demands of life. Our experienced staff want to help empower the clients’ restoration, helping them transform by providing programs that heal the Whole Self. Helping clients’ turn the shame that they may feel towards themselves, into a love they have for themselves. Individuals struggling with personality disorders tend to find it challenging to adapt to changes and demands of a “normal” life. Personality disorders make it difficult to form meaningful relationships with others, and individuals find themselves experiencing intense fear of abandonment, instability, and being left. Here at Maui Recovery, we believe in second chances, growth, healing, and self-discovery. We respect every individual’s goal, process, and timeline for life long healing. We understand that each individual is different, so we take pride in coming together to find the right path for everyone. Maui Recovery is here to help the individual and their family every step of the way. Feeling comfortable while transitioning and healing from past trauma and experiences are all part of the life changing process. 

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