Stay In Beautiful Maui For Recovery Instead Of Drug Treatment California Facilities

For those individuals seeking drug treatment California facilities for themselves or a loved one, why not try the best in beautiful Maui instead? Considering the current unsafe and unpredictable situations happening across…

maui recovery best recovery outside of california drug treatment - Maui Recovery

For those individuals seeking drug treatment California facilities for themselves or a loved one, why not try the best in beautiful Maui instead? Considering the current unsafe and unpredictable situations happening across California during this unfortunate pandemic, it’s no wonder why our California neighbors are seeking refuge to a safer environment. Maui Recovery aims to welcome, nurture, and care for individuals and families on their healing journey to recovery. Empowering their clients restoration & transformation from addiction through providing programs that heal the Whole Self. Clients rediscover how to go from a shame core to a love core, cultivating meaningful human connection, intimacy, and purposeful living. No matter what drug treatment you or a loved one require, Maui Recovery offers their assistance with various types of drug addiction.

Maui Recovery Approaches Opioid Addiction Treatment With Delicacy And Efficiency

Prescription painkillers, even when taken initially as prescribed, can be easy to become hooked on. Painkiller addiction is especially more dangerous for those who are predisposed to substance dependency. Currently it is estimated that every 4 out of 5 cases of heroin addiction initially began with the introduction of prescription painkillers. Those who develop physical and psychological dependencies on the painkillers begin turning to more affordable and readily available alternatives, such as heroin. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the vast majority of men and women who struggle with opiate addiction initially began taking prescription painkillers after being prescribed by a medical professional. Everyday in the U.S more than 130 individuals die from opioid related overdoses. Instead of drug treatment California facilities, look to beautiful Maui for opioid addiction treatment options.

Marijuana Addiction Drug Treatment California Facilities

Although when compared to other drugs, marijuana may seem safe but extended usage can lead to a development disorder, in which users begin experiencing marijuana addiction symptoms. People who begin using this drug before the age of 18 are five times more likely to develop a disorder or addiction to marijuana when they’re adults. Recent data suggests that over 30% of those who use marijuana daily have some degree of marijuana use disorder. When someone with marijuana use disorder stops using marijuana, they can experience irritability and restlessness. Some will develop deep cravings for marijuana that can interrupt their work, sleep and hobbies. Marijuana addiction drug treatment California facilities are quite common, and usually overbooked, if even available.

While many people believe marijuana use to be safe, the National Institute on Drug Abuse suggests that 9 percent of people who abuse marijuana will develop an addiction to the drug.

The social acceptance of recreational drug use and the culture does not mean that the drug is safe for consumption. In some states, marijuana is legal while in other regions it is sternly banned. When it really comes down to it, you must ask yourself, do you use recreationally? Or do you just believe you have the ability to put the substance down with ease? Of course, determining whether or not you or a loved one needs drug treatment California facilites is not easy, it is necessary. Let us help you bring light to the situation, and assist you in deciding whether drug recovery is the right choice for you at nearby Maui Recovery.

Cocaine Addiction Is A Serious Matter To Be Addressed

Cocaine is a powerful and dangerous stimulant, and some consider it one of the most addictive substances seen by drug treatment California facilities. Powdered cocaine is easily accessible and it remains relatively inexpensive. As in many other regions of the United States, snorting a line or two of high-quality cocaine at a classy get-together is exceedingly less taboo. But, this casual and very dangerous behavior of cocaine use can quickly turn into a dependency and serious addiction. Regular cocaine use can quickly lead to significant physical and psychological harm, requiring the need for drug treatment California facilities. Cocaine releases dopamine which causes a sense of pleasure and euphoria in the brain. This constant cycle of “feel good” emotions promotes the individual to use the drug over and over and as they develop a tolerance for the drug. Anyone who wants to stop using cocaine should seek professional support and treatment as soon as possible. And what better place to do so then out of the craziness that is California, and into the beauty that is Maui.

Maui Recovery Understands the Challenges In Treating Amphetamine Addiction

Recently, amphetamine addiction has become a major problem facing the nation. Prescription amphetamines like Adderall, along with methamphetamine are highly addictive when used in recreation. These drugs are often prescribed by medical professionals or those with similar credentials. While many people are prescribed amphetamines by doctors to treat conditions such as ADHD, this powerful drug can still become very addicting. Addiction occurs when you need the drug to function in everyday life despite consequences. It is extremely common for amphetamines to be prescribed as a short-term solution to a problem by a medical professional.

With more and more amphetamines being prescribed, men and women are becoming increasingly addicted and receiving the professional help they so desperately need and deserve can be difficult. Amphetamines are stimulant drugs that speed up the central processing system between the brain and the body. Individuals who developed psychological and/or physical dependence on the pills, end up beginning to turn to more affordable and readily available dangerous alternatives. Due to the changes in the brain caused by long term use of the drug, drug treatment California facilities are sought after. But at nearby Maui Recovery, our program uses multiple therapeutic modalities to help individuals understand and adjust their behaviors and lifestyle to stay on a path of continued sobriety.

The New Wave Of Psychedelic Drug Addiction Treatment

Psychedelics are sometimes romanticized as “life changing” drugs. These drugs can be “life changing” but not in the positive way an individual may think. A “New Wave” of psychedelic addiction is upon us as more and more information about natural psychedelics is either miscommunicated or abused. The psychedelic drug use peaked in the United States in the 1960s, but the rave culture of the 2000s has brought a new wave of ecstasy use, which continues today. Psychedelics, also known as hallucinogen, are a group of substances that include chemicals such as LSD and Peyote. They are used recreationally to change sensory perceptions, processes of thought, anxiety and depression disorders, and energy levels. The National Institute on Drug Abuse writes that; “the use of hallucinogens goes back for centuries in a variety of cultures, and some are still used in religious ceremonies today.” But, as with any drug, it can be abused and addictive for any individual. Hence, the need for drug treatment California facilities to aid in recovery from such a dangerous addiction.

The intended usage of psychedelics does not change the long term effects they can have on physical and mental health. There comes a time when one must admit to yourself that you may actually have a problem with drugs. Psychedelic addiction often creates a thick wall of denial that you have spent months or years tirelessly constructing. Keep in mind that there is no shame in admitting that you need help, and that your state of being will likely begin to improve as soon as you start taking action. Even if you are unsure as to whether you require outside help, finding drug treatment California facilities is not your only option. The beautiful island of Maui, along with all of it’s natural and soothing magic is the best treatment for any addicted individual longing for recovery.

Other New Waves Of Various Drugs

Raves are all-night dance parties with loud music and flashing lights. More often than not, these types of parties also include hasty dangerous drugs. A “New Wave of Drugs” have become increasingly popular with today’s young adults. Although they may be popular among the party scene, club drugs are now considered more risky than other drugs. And this is due to the high risk of them being often mixed with other unknown drugs. Many club drugs are also called Designer Drugs, referring to the drugs being “manmade”. Raves are all-night dance parties with loud music and flashing lights. In a study of ecstasy (a popular club drug) use in raves, 89% of rave attendees reported using ecstasy at least once, and nearly 50% reported use within the past month. This study also found that current ecstasy users were more likely than nonusers and past users to have smoked marijuana and snorted powder cocaine within the past 12 months. In fact, a lot of people say they can put the substance down with ease and not need drug treatment California facilities. But, when it comes down to it, this is just not the case and most people cannot do so. Their addiction to drugs continues as much, if not more, the longer they wait to find quality treatment options. It isn’t until a threat of a consequence arises, that people usually begin to recognize an addiction with their drug use.

What Makes Maui Recovery Unique Instead Of Drug Treatment California Facilities

The amount of professional and affordable drug treatment California facilities still remains somewhat low, despite the steady increase of demand for adequate help. But, we at Maui Recovery believe that drug treatment facilities should be accessible to all those who want to seek it. Our specific program of recovery is available to anyone suffering from substance or dependency issues. On the magical, mythical island of Maui, each client struggling with addiction undertakes their own Hero’s Journey. One that focuses on how to overcome their struggles and find the purpose and passion again in their lives. Providing a centrally located pristine, private, and tranquil setting that helps to reverse the breakdown of mind and body and spirit that alcoholism and addiction create. Maui Recovery combines the best evidence-based treatments with powerful, transformative, holistic, and experimental therapies to treat the whole client. Choose beautiful Maui for recovery instead of drug treatment California facilities because we offer:

  • Integration of Hawaiian culture and traditions in therapy.
  • Inclusion of neurobiological factors in diagnosis and clinical care.
  • Deep Cathartic Emotional work targeting and addresses buried and repressed shame, pain, grief, anger, guilt and low self worth that often cause compulsive behaviors and addictions.
  • Adventure Therapy twice a week that includes excursions throughout Maui and Surf Therapy.
  • Codependency Therapy that addresses the dysfunction of the self through the family system.
  • An inward psychological program that focuses on Jungian Concepts, Hero’s Journey, Mythic-poetic life of understanding deep internal universal spiritual truths and true individuality.

Maui Recovery Offers The Best Drug Treatment Options Available Today

The Hawaiian word Ohana, “coming from the same root,” refers to an inclusive and extended family. And that appropriately, expresses the very heart of Maui Recovery. At Maui Recovery we’re certain the process is real and reversing the breakdown of mind, body, and spirit that alcoholism and addiction create is possible. Our staff has seen countless people recover from what often appears as a hopeless condition. Why choose drug treatment California facilities that are currently at the hands of an unpredictable pandemic, when you can choose safety in paradise?! Our 12 bed facility is an intimate, nurturing and serene space with three houses on property, ideally suited for men and women over the age of 18. No matter if clients are residents of Hawaii, the Mainland, or other countries, we welcome all. Although we offer a special kamaaina rate to residents of the Hawaiian Islands, we believe that drug treatment should be accessible to all those who want to seek it.

At Maui Recovery, we look forward to facilitating a path of healing and recovery for those suffering from drug addiction. Stay in beautiful Maui for recovery instead of drug treatment California facilities, it’s a chance worth taking in living your best life. You can contact us by phone at 877-317-8260 or feel free to send us an e-mail at

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If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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