The Benefits Of Going Through Drug Recovery In Hawaii

Drug recovery is no easy expedition, although with it comes a potentially reclaimed life full to the brim of self discovery and powerful healing that can last a lifetime. And Hawaii is…

drug addiction rehab in hawaii for recovery - Maui Recovery

Drug recovery is no easy expedition, although with it comes a potentially reclaimed life full to the brim of self discovery and powerful healing that can last a lifetime. And Hawaii is the idyllic exotic location on earth that can provide a beautiful and healing experience during such a hard life transition and time of self discovery. Whether it is someone you hold dear to your heart, or yourself, finding treatment is a vital step toward successful drug recovery. Discover the benefits of going through drug recovery in Hawaii, from unique treatment options to complete immersion in your own private paradise. In your search for the best drug recovery center you will find that not all will be alike, with treatment programs differing by facility and location. For anyone needing a different scenery on their path toward sobriety, paradise brings some pretty amazing perks. Hawaii boasts beautiful beaches along lush landscapes, invoking breathtaking sunrises and sunsets for each and every day. There are a plethora of studies available proving the beneficial link between our mental health and Mother Nature. Exotic islands such as those found in Hawaii offer a safe and peaceful paradise for anyone seeking drug recovery. 

The Options And Benefits Of Going Through Drug Recovery In Hawaii

It’s true that there are thankfully many drug recovery centers found throughout the United States, let alone the world, available to help anyone seeking sobriety. But how does one choose? And what role does the geographical location play in that choice? To start, knowing the best environment whether for yourself or someone you love is key in providing a safe and supportive place to heal. For those struggling with drug addiction, the environment can play a huge role. The more people, the more availability in most cases- so for someone who lives in a large and bustling city full of opportunities to find bad habits a change of scenery may be key. However, the area in which someone lives does not necessarily equate to the source of the drug addiction problem too- sometimes the circle of friends and family play a huge role. No matter which is the most detrimental to the core drug abuse problem, a change in scenery can provide an amazing opportunity for healing for all parties involved. Hawaii naturally is an idyllic location for a struggling individual seeking to find a calming, relaxing, and rejuvenating environment to do healing inner work. With sunny beaches, tropical waters, lush landscapes and vast natural areas to explore to help reconnect within. 

While most drug recovery centers will offer the same common forms of treatment such as; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, EMDR, and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, they do not offer all modalities. The benefits of going through drug recovery in Hawaii is that centers typically also provide unique forms of self discovery treatment, or unique experiment-based treatments. Also known as holistic forms therapy, these types of treatment can often only be offered if they work well with a facilities location. Drug recovery centers in Hawaii can offer Nature Immersion and Adventure Therapy opportunities where clients can also experience a potentially life-saving “shift”. Such unique therapies include: Surf Therapy, Equine Therapy, Snorkeling, Hiking, Outrigger Canoeing, and even Agricultural Farming within a community. Again the benefits of going through drug recovery in Hawaii, at a facility like Maui Recovery, are exponential. They often will take a different approach to therapy by removing the clinical setting and focusing on experiencing change in a more natural setting. Providing a deeper opportunity for self love and healing, leaving room for a life-changing shift that can equal life-long lasting drug recovery and sobriety. Below are some examples of treatment or therapy that can be found at a luxury drug recovery in Hawaii.

  • Nature Immersion – Nature Immersion can be even more powerful and transformative when the struggling person begins to understand the deeper significance of certain experiences. In Jungian psychology, eminent psychiatrist Carl Jung pointed out that there are certain universal myths and archetypes that help us to not only better understand our lives, but also the universe around us. These myths and archetypes that are often found in nature, can imbue our lives and our experiences with unimaginable power and meaning. Nature Immersion offers a different approach to therapy by removing the clinical setting and focusing on experiencing change in a more natural setting. One of the biggest benefits of going through drug recovery in Hawaii is the Islands enchanting opportunity to utilize Nature Immersion therapies. 
  • Adventure Therapy – This type of experiential therapy (or experiential learning theory) uses challenging adventure activities to aid the therapeutic healing process, usually activities set in nature. Adventure Therapy helps promote healthy identity development, grit, self-efficacy, and a growth mindset. Regarded as a humanistic and strengths-based approach, Adventure Therapy is most popular as one of the benefits of going through drug recovery in Hawaii. Therapies such as Hiking, Outrigger Canoeing, Snorkeling, and Agricultural Community Farming are offered by Maui Recovery for example in the form of Adventure Therapy
  • Outrigger Canoeing: If you have ever seen a postcard from Hawaii, you’ve probably seen an outrigger canoe. The long, sleek vessels are traditional canoes Hawaiians have used for centuries and they are used for everything from whale watching to racing. Clients interested in marine life, history, and culture to reconnect within themselves will find this one of the best forms of drug recovery treatment. Maui Recovery for example, combines a thrilling ocean adventure with fascinating information about Hawaiian culture and endemic marine life.
  • Hiking: It’s no secret that being in nature can boost an individual’s mood and improve mental health. Spending quality time in the great outdoors reduces stress, calms anxiety, and can even lead to a lower risk of depression, according to a study done by researchers at Stanford University. One of the greatest benefits of going through drug recovery in Hawaii are the unimaginable hikes found throughout the islands. One of the many pleasures of Hawaii is that it boasts vastly varied landscapes, such as those found in Maui. Twin Falls crystallizes the depths of the island’s diversity, located just on the Road to Hana. Visitors are often amazed by the teeming forests and stunning foliage and rare treasures, all of which is fueled by the abundant rain that showers down on the Ho’olawa Valley.
  • Agricultural Farming: George Kahumoku Jr, is a multiple Grammy & Hoku Award winning master Slack Key Guitarist, vocalist, songwriter, performer, teacher, artist and sculptor, storyteller and writer, farmer, and entrepreneur. The clients at Maui Recovery assist on his farm in Kahakoloa, which is a sacred native Hawaiian Area. Clients going through drug recovery in Hawaii do agricultural work on the farm during the day and share a meal from what they harvested at night. George and some of his family members perform live music while everyone enjoys a meal together to finish the cultural experience. And after the meal, George performs music for our clients and Facebook live with literally millions of followers watching!
  • Snorkeling: Snorkeling helps relieve anxiety and stress, two things often felt by those struggling with drug recovery. Snorkeling is a water activity that triggers the release of endorphins, a chemical responsible for making a person feel better. Meditation is another thing that snorkeling allows your mind and body to do. As controlled breathing may help you feel a greater sense of calm, and help relieve stress and anxiety.
  • Surf Therapy Option – The physical challenges of surfing parallel the emotional and mental processes that each client has long avoided with drug recovery. For those who are removing themselves from drug abuse for example, surfing is a metaphor for balance. Therefore, allowing clients to think outside the box as they learn how to balance their internal processes. A very recent development is psychotherapy treatment, Surf Therapy has proven to be quite a successful option in recovery for drug recovery and other mental health disorders. It is widely used for veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), combat stress, addiction, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and other life-threatening injuries. Today, psychiatrists find relevant uses for Surf Therapy programs to treat depression, substance abuse, and even gambling addiction. Another one of the benefits of going through drug recovery in Hawaii, as the islands provide the much needed waves!
  • Equine Therapy Option – Equine Therapy also helps a suffering individual learn about the importance of boundary setting when in drug recovery. Horses are not shy when it comes to letting someone know when their personal boundaries have been crossed. If you approach a horse with aggression, they will communicate with you instantly that your behavior is not acceptable. Also, if you are too emotionally detached, communication with the horse will become a struggle. Clients in drug recovery may struggle to set healthy boundaries at first, but Equine Therapy allows Maui Recovery clients to practice this skill-set. While there is no replacement for counseling, this type of therapy can be a wonderful addition to any comprehensive treatment center. 

The Benefits That Come With Choosing Maui Recovery For Drug Recovery

Our Mission at Maui Recovery is to welcome, nurture, and care for individuals and families on their healing journey toward drug recovery. Thus empowering their restoration & transformation toward recovery by providing programs that heal the Whole Self. Again, not all drug recovery centers are created equal and can provide all of the same modalities of treatment and programs. While most provide the common types of successful treatment used today for drug recovery, not all can provide the same exotic location and accommodations. Maui Recoverys facility means private living quarters, around the clock staff, and unique therapies used in successful recovery for drug abuse. We take pride in providing a private and peaceful environment to help clients keep their focus on personal inward growth. Shifting from a shame core to a love core, cultivating meaningful human connection, intimacy and purposeful living. The Hawaiian word Ohana, “coming from the same root,” refers to an inclusive and extended family. It expresses the very heart of Maui Recovery, the leading luxury mental health and drug recovery facility in Hawaii. Combining the best evidence-based treatments with powerful and transformative holistic and experimental therapies to treat the whole client is key. In fact, here are just some of the benefits of going through drug recovery in Hawaii:

  • Property is situated in the beautiful paradise that is Maui.
  • Luxurious, spacious, and private setting.
  • Private rooms and luxurious lodging. 
  • Private drug recovery programs and therapies.
  • Integrated health care treatment.
  • Top mental health professionals and experienced staff members.
  • Unique Nature Immersion Activities such as hiking, snorkeling, canoeing, etc.
  • Round-the-clock patient care and guidance.

In search and comparison of mental health treatment facilities nationwide, you will find Maui Recovery stands out very clearly from the rest. Our luxurious facility is a holistically oriented counseling and wellness center that offers comprehensive services and treatment to clients and their families that are struggling with mental health disorders. So often, anyone struggling with drug recovery feels lost and devoid of a healthy sense of self or of a sense of purpose in their lives. But when they can finally begin to re-frame their experiences using the intrinsic power of archetypes such as the “hero’s journey”, they can then begin to understand and re-frame their thoughts. At Maui Recovery we are the world’s only residential treatment for drug recovery that uses Myth, Archetype, and “the Hero’s journey” as an intrinsic part of our recovery program. We also employ master-level clinicians that are trained to help guide each client through this “Hero’s Journey”–all while using the magical, mythical island of Maui as an essential element and ingredient in this transformative experience. Just one of the amazing benefits of going through drug recovery in Hawaii. Our team of friendly, compassionate, and adept specialists strive to ensure you receive the care and help you need and deserve. Maui Recovery’s treatment philosophy embraces the notion that all people have the capacity to grow, flourish, and self-actualize. Especially once they break free from the grips of drug abuse that has been negatively impacting their lives.


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