The Best Drug Rehab Hawaii Options For A Loved One

The journey in finding the best drug rehab for yourself or a loved one is not to be taken lightly, or be done easily in most cases. With over 14,500 specialized drug…

Available Drug Rehab Hawaii - Maui Recovery

The journey in finding the best drug rehab for yourself or a loved one is not to be taken lightly, or be done easily in most cases. With over 14,500 specialized drug abuse treatment facilities alone in the United States, however, there are plenty of options. Each drug rehab will provide a variety of care and treatment options including; behavioral therapy, counseling, medication, case management, and unique forms of successful therapies such as Nature Immersion. Keep in mind that facilities found in Hawaii tend to offer more unique forms of treatment thanks to their exotic location in the heart of paradise. There are also resources available in your search for the best drug rehab Hawaii options for a loved one. The website, reviews, publications, and testimonials are all great resources for insight on how a potential drug rehab Hawaii will work. Financial help services are also a great resource in narrowing down a potential rehab by narrowing options that are covered by particular programs. But no matter where the search journey takes you, seeking drug rehab for yourself or a loved one is essential as soon as possible for better chances of sustained recovery.

But who needs drug rehab? More people than you think, with the numbers on the rise thanks to an uncertain pandemic causing one of the most stressful times on record. In fact, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 19.7 million Americans aged over 12 battled a substance use disorder in 2017. And according to The National Institute on Drug Abuse in that same year, addiction had a devastating cost for us all. More than $740 billion annually to be exact. Drug abuse and addiction came with such a high cost to American society in lost workplace productivity, healthcare expenses, and crime-related exhausts. Hence the importance of seeking the best drug rehab Hawaii options for a loved one or yourself as soon as possible. With an extensive amount of help available today for those struggling with addiction, there are options. Seeking, learning, and narrowing down those options are just the next steps toward the path of successful recovery from substance and drug abuse.

What Causes An Individual To Abuse Drugs And/Or Substances?

There is no one culprit to blame for substance and drug abuse, unhealthy addiction, and/or poor mental health as each individual and their causes will be unique to them. There are many different culprits that can instigate addiction within an individual, such as; genetics, environment, physical health, and even nutrition. Genetics do indeed have a role, but that most often is paired with an individual’s environment. The impact of one’s environment on gene expression accounts for about 40% to 60% of a person’s risk of addiction. Environmental factors that may increase a person’s risk of addiction include a chaotic home environment, abuse, peer influences, and lack of support in school leading to poor academic achievement. A parent’s drug use including their attitude towards drugs, as well as their community’s attitude toward drugs can have a huge influence on an individual as well. It’s also important to understand that teenagers and individuals struggling with mental health disorders are more at risk for drug use and addiction than other populations. Hence the imperative need to seek the best drug rehab Hawaii options for a loved one, or yourself, as soon as possible. Especially for anyone young in age, as it is everyone’s right to live their best life as soon as possible. 

Signs That A Loved One May Need Drug Rehab Immediately

Both the causes and results of addiction affect many areas of a person’s life such as family and social relationships, mental and emotional well-being, and school and/or job performance. It’s hard to watch a loved one suffer, especially a child or family member who we tend to look past their struggles and indifferences and remember their achievements. Progression to addiction, however, does not happen overnight. And the sooner you can recognize a problem, the better. Time is a precious resource, one that is not permanent and can harm an individual if help is not found as soon as possible. No one knows more than a loved one, when concerning and unhealthy changes are present in an individual. This is especially true for anyone living with the person that needs the best drug rehab Hawaii options for a loved one. Below are just some of the most visible signs that a loved one may need drug rehab immediately.

  • Negligence of their appearance and health. 
  • A loss of energy and/or motivation in things previously enjoyed. 
  • Drop in grades/academics, or work performance if not in school. 
  • Tardiness or absenteeism in obligations.
  • Social dysfunction that was unseen before the substance/drug use. 
  • Negative demeanor, quick to irritate and anger.
  • Lying about consumption habits and getting defensive or aggressive when questioned.
  • Excessive spending of money on the substance/drug, including stealing.
  • Risky behaviors seen while intoxicated that were never seen before. 
  • Anxiety and excessive worry about obtaining the substance.
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when without the substance/drug. 
  • Increased amount of substance/drug needed to feel the original euphoria.
  • Compulsively taking the substance/drug and unable to stop for any period of time.

Signs of substance and/or drug abuse are not the same for everyone, just as each individual is unique so are their signs or changes in behavior. But in almost all cases, a loved one just knows when something is “off”. Not only is it up to an individual’s family to take action, but perhaps also the community to ensure no one falls through the cracks of addiction. Keeping an eye out for signs of drug abuse and addiction are just one of the ways to help a struggling individual, but reaching out to them with genuine support is even better. 

Why Maui Recovery May Be The Best Drug Rehab Hawaii Option For A Loved One

Drug rehab treatments and modalities are extremely complex, which is why finding the best drug rehab Hawaii options for a loved one is key. Maui Recovery approaches treatment and recovery from a holistic perspective that supports clients to build the quality of life they want and deserve- their best life. This includes all facets of their life such as physical health, mental health, emotional health and awareness, family dynamics, social systems, and vocational functioning. This support along with trained and experienced professionals allows our clients to heal from within, leading to a more successful recovery.

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Our unique combination of therapies and treatments offered vary depending on the type of addiction and characteristics of each client seeking the best drug rehab Hawaii. At Maui Recovery, we know reversing the breakdown of mind, body, and spirit that drug abuse and addiction create is real and possible. Our mission is to welcome, nurture and care for individuals and families on their healing journey toward recovery. Empowering their restoration & transformation from substance and drug abuse through providing programs that heal the Whole Self. We help our clients shift from a shame core to a love core, cultivating meaningful human connection, intimacy and purposeful living. Which is precisely why so many have chosen Maui Recovery as one of the best drug rehab Hawaii options for a loved one. 

Contact Us

If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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