The Epidemic Of Amphetamines Addiction In Maui

What was once perhaps considered a helpful tool for some people in regards to their health and function, can now also be considered to blame for a concerning epidemic. Amphetamines, or also…

Amphetamines addiction recovery maui scaled - Maui Recovery

What was once perhaps considered a helpful tool for some people in regards to their health and function, can now also be considered to blame for a concerning epidemic. Amphetamines, or also known as stimulants, have helped some individuals with ADHD disorder, obesity, and other conditions when prescribed by a doctor. Unfortunately, however, these powerful stimulants have also been used illegally and can become easily addictive. The epidemic of amphetamines addiction in Maui is not limited to just Hawaii, but also on a global scale as well. Their use, even if started mindfully and innocently by some, can quickly turn to addictively for others. Whether it is yourself or a loved one suffering from amphetamine addiction, understanding what these drugs are, how they work, and what addiction to them looks like, can help with diagnosis. There is no better time than NOW to break free from the reigns of addiction, what life is lost in waiting.

Identifying Amphetamines And What Addiction To Them Looks Like

Understanding what amphetamines are, including how and why they are used by an individual can help better know what to look for in amphetamine addiction. Amphetamines are categorized as stimulants, and are both prescribed by a doctor and unfortunately used as a recreational drug. They are legal when they are prescribed by a doctor and used to treat health problems such as obesity, narcolepsy, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as they can speed up reaction times, increase muscle strength, and reduce fatigue. People also use amphetamines to boost libido, increase wakefulness, improve cognitive control, enhance sociability, and induce euphoria. Stimulants work by using the dopamine reward system of the brain. When Amphetamines are used, the individual’s central nervous system is stimulated and produces a higher level of the neurotransmitter dopamine. The increase of dopamine creates a euphoric feeling and overall sense of wellbeing. For some people these feelings can be a life changer and get their life back on track. But for others unfortunately, the epidemic of amphetamines addiction in Maui can be felt as well.

Using amphetamines can lead to addiction, especially when used without being prescribed by a physician. Amphetamines are illegal when they are used without a prescription to get high or improve performance. In this case, they are known as street, or recreational drugs, and using them can lead to the dead end road of amphetamine addiction. Published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a study found that in 2018, the number of college students misusing amphetamines (such as Adderall) was 11.1% of all enrolled students. The research by the National Institute on Drug Abuse also showed that 25% of people who begin abusing amphetamines started by the age of 13. These findings have prompted more attention and concern when being prescribed to children and young adults. Amphetamine addiction can leave the individual and their families feeling frightened while they are stuck in an endless cycle of binging and crashing. Amphetamines addiction can cause different signs and effects based on the individual and the amount of time they have been using the substance. It affects four main components of a person: Mood, behavior, physical, and psychological. The epidemic of amphetamines addiction in Maui is something we should all take seriously. Signs of amphetamine addiction can be seen with; irritability and extreme mood swings, hostility, aggression towards others, irregular heartbeat and blurred vision, and even hallucinations. Hence the need for qualified recovery centers that aim to help stop the epidemic of amphetamines addiction in Maui, as well as all other parts of the globe.

Maui Recovery Aims To Stop The Epidemic Of Amphetamines Addiction In Maui

At Maui Recovery, we understand the epidemic of amphetamines addiction in Maui is extremely concerning, complicated, and complex. We fully understand the challenges that will be present with amphetamines addiction treatment and incorporate many different techniques and options to make sure we find the right one for our clients. Our unique combination of treatment programs use multiple therapeutic modalities to help individuals understand and adjust their behaviors and lifestyle to stay on a path of continued recovery. With more and more amphetamines being prescribed, men and women are becoming increasingly addicted, and receiving the professional help they so desperately need and deserve can be difficult. Just as each of us are unique, so are the pathways for recovery from amphetamines addiction for each individual seeking. Treatments we implement with the epidemic of amphetamines addiction in Maui can include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – Used by a therapist with a focus on helping the patient understand the connection between their thoughts, emotions, and the way that they behave. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy’s main goal is to help the individual understand and deal with the negative thoughts and feelings and provide the tools to help the individual choose positive thoughts and behaviors throughout their recovery journey for amphetamines addiction.

Equine Therapy – Equine therapy helps the participants learn about themselves and others by participating in physical activities involving horses and processing the thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and patterns that arise during the experience. The goals of equine therapy include helping people develop skills such as emotional regulation, self-confidence, and responsibility. Horses are known to mirror a client’s behavior or emotions. This allows for clients to maintain a sense of self-awareness, using the horse’s behavior and interactions for feedback and opportunities to check in and process what is happening now. This unique type of therapy, as well as others, may be one to help stop the epidemic of amphetamines addiction in Maui.

Maui Recovery offers a safe, nurturing & intimate program that helps people address & heal the root causes of amphetamines addiction. At Maui Recovery we offer both evidence based treatments as well as experimental treatments considered unique to most amphetamine addiction centers found throughout the world. Because of our tranquil and yet exotic location, we are able to utilize Mother Nature in her healing abilities through Nature Immersion. Other forms of treatment can include Surf Therapy, Outrigger Canoeing, and participation in community farming. The epidemic of amphetamines addiction in Maui can be helped by participation in our amazing transformative healing programs offered.

What Makes Maui Recovery The Best Solution For Amphetamines Addiction

Maui Recovery wholeheartedly understands the need for change in the epidemic of amphetamines addiction in Maui. What makes our staff so unique, is that we too have gone through our healing & recovery journey and care deeply about everyone that comes into our programs. Our staff have been through the core underlying work themselves and are living and breathing examples in their journey, living meaningful lives of purpose. Our Maui Recovery family understands and accepts each and every client, as we have also been in the shoes of walking the recovery path. We pride ourselves on implementing essential teachings and techniques into our program so that you walk away with confidence and the resources to continue your journey without us next to you. Here at Maui Recovery, we believe in providing a safe, nurturing, and healing environment for individuals so they can heal and find serenity while growing mentally and emotionally. We believe in helping everyone find their truth and getting rid of the false truth that they have been dealing with for past years. We take pride in helping to end the epidemic of amphetamines addiction in Maui.

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If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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