The Negative Effects That Come With Being Addicted To Psychedelics

There are a surprising amount of people who depend on the use of substances, including psychedelics, to cope with stressors and everyday life. An individual that does not understand the negative effects…

The Dangers of Psychedelics Addiction - Maui Recovery

There are a surprising amount of people who depend on the use of substances, including psychedelics, to cope with stressors and everyday life. An individual that does not understand the negative effects that come with being addicted to psychedelics is in for a big surprise unfortunately. Some individuals who rely heavily on psychedelic use may even no longer remember life any other way. Did you know that twenty million people in the United States have used MDMA? Or that interestingly enough, 20.6% of global drug users have used magic mushrooms in their lifetime? While the rate of lifetime psychedelic use was most significant among people aged 30 to 34 (a total of 20%, including 26% of males and 15% of females), all ages are not free of risk. It is important to note that not all psychedelics are created equal as well, with various levels of addiction and effects. Let’s explore the world of psychedelics and their potential of unhealthy addiction in an individual’s life.  

What Exactly Defines A Substance Being A Psychedelic?

According to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation, Psychedelics (also known as hallucinogens) are a class of psychoactive substances that produce changes in perception, mood, and cognitive processes. Psychedelics can affect all the senses of an individual. Including the alteration of a person’s thinking, understanding of time, and emotions. They can also cause an individual to hallucinate, which is seeing or hearing things distorted or that do not exist at all. There are many kinds of psychedelics used by people today, each deriving from their own most often natural source. Some occur naturally in trees, vines, seeds, fungus, and even plant leaves. Others are made in laboratories on the other hand. But all possess the negative effects that come with being addicted to psychedelics, some more than others. Before determining if you or a loved one have a potential psychedelics addiction, let’s break down the differences between them and what addiction looks like. 

Knowing The Various Forms Of Psychedelics

Our curiosity as a species has led us to discover a multitude of things on our planet, both medicinal and potentially hazardous for our health. Psychedelics used today by those addicted, can be found anywhere from a fungus (or mushroom), plant, or even a spineless cactus.  Each possesses their own roots, properties, and side effects. But all can pose a threat to a person struggling with abuse, including negative effects that come with being addicted to psychedelics. While the list is growing, below are the most commonly used forms of psychedelics used today. 

D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) : One of the most potent mood- and perception-altering hallucinogenic drugs. It is a clear or white, odorless, water-soluble material synthesized from lysergic acid, a rye fungus compound.

  • Side Effects include: An altered sense of Self, An altered sense of Time, Crossover senses or Synesthesia (hearing colors, seeing sound), Dramatic changes in Sensations and Feelings, Feeling several different Emotions at once, Swinging rapidly from one Emotion to another.

Psilocybin (4-phosphoryloxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine) : Extracted from certain mushrooms found in tropical and subtropical regions of South America, Mexico, and the United States.

  • Side Effects include: Drowsiness, Increased Heart Rate, Nausea, Muscle Weakness, Panic Reactions, Nervousness, and Swinging rapidly from one Emotion to another.

Ayahuasca : A hallucinogenic brew made from one of several Amazonian plants containing DMT (the primary psychoactive ingredient) along with a vine containing a natural alkaloid that prevents the normal breakdown of DMT in the digestive tract.

  • Side Effects include: Introspection, Anxiety, Powerful Emotions, Intense Hallucinations, Increased Blood Pressure, and Increased Heart Rate.

Salvia Divinorum : A psychoactive plant that is common in southern Mexico and Central and South America.

  • Side Effects include: Slurring of Speech, Short-Term Memory Loss, Chills, Irregular Heart Rate, Loss of control over Motor Functions, and Nausea.

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) : A powerful hallucinogenic chemical found naturally occurring in some Amazonian plant species and synthesized in the laboratory.

  • Side Effects include: Agitation, Rapid Rhythmic Movements of the Eyes, Increased Blood Pressure, Chest Tightness, Extreme Dizziness, and Dilated Pupils.

Dextromethorphan (DXM) : A cough suppressant and expectorant ingredient in some over-the-counter (OTC) cold and cough medications that adolescents and young adults often abuse.

  • Side Effects include: Rashes, Blackouts, Vision Issues, Restlessness,Vomiting, and Lightheadedness.

Phencyclidine(PCP) : Initially developed in the 1950s as a general anesthetic for surgery.

  • Side Effects include: Numbness of the Extremities, Exaggerated Gait, Amnesia, Profusely sweating, Violence, and Blurred Vision.

Ketamine : A dissociative that is currently used as an anesthetic for humans as well as animals.

  • Side Effects include: Dreamlike States, Confusion, Memory Loss, Slowed Breathing, Stomach Pain, and Kidney Problems.

Mescaline (Peyote) :A small, spineless cactus with mescaline as its main ingredient.

  • Side Effects include : Nausea and Vomiting, Emotional Instability, Drooling, Psychotic Behavior, Headaches, and Paranoia.

The Negative Effects That Come With Being Addicted To Psychedelics

Although the individual using the psychedelic(s) may be convinced their use is amplifying their understanding of life, the reality is psychedelics may now be hurting it. Addiction is a slippery slope that can include constant triggers and ongoing battles of finding a person’s own reality again. While some psychedelics, such as Psilocybin, have been used for healing in the medical world, others can become far more addictive. The negative effects that come with being addicted to psychedelics can range from unhealthy dependency to complete separation from reality itself. When questioning yourself or a loved one if they have an addiction; look for signs of abuse using dissociative drugs such as psychedelics:

  • Continued daily use of psychedelics.
  • Levels of observed productivity are decreasing.
  • Increased secrecy from the individual.
  • Withdrawal from family and friends.
  • Being awake at odd hours.
  • No longer making responsible decisions.
  • No longer interested in personal appearance or hygiene.
  • Concentrating has become a challenge.  
  • Difficulty with short term memory. 
  • Risky behaviors observed. 
  • Unpredictable mood swings and behaviors.

How Maui Recovery Can Help With Being Addicted To Psychedelics

Maui Recovery is a unique place that focuses on recovery from drugs and treating and healing the root causes of addiction. Designed to provide an Ohana—a safe, nurturing, and healing environment, our residents immediately feel a healing presence. Upon stepping onto the Maui Recovery sanctuary, our serene environment allows for a balance of solitude, peace, rest, treatment, and inner work to happen. We have an extensive program at Maui Recovery to go along with our intimate and nurturing environment. Maui Recovery provides a wide range of programs and activities designed to help patients flourish. Breaking them free from the negative effects that come with being addicted to psychedelics. We thrive by combining the best evidence-based treatments with powerful and transformative holistic and experimental therapies to treat the whole client. We provide four additional programs that include: 

  • Emotional Healing Program : designed to explore the wounds, traumas, and history- addressing the shame, pain, and root causes.
  • Adventure Therapy Program : designed to explore the depths of fears and insecurities, and break through the walls that limit beliefs & fears. 
  • Health & Wellness Program : designed to address any poor habits or unconscious thinking, while also building upon healthy nutrition, diet & exercise.
  • Spiritual Growth & Mindfulness Program : designed to help clients discover their individuality, deepen their spiritual belief and practice, awaken their understanding, and expand their consciousness. 

At Maui Recovery we are devoted to healing the Whole Self, and we know that psychedelics are only the symptoms of a much deeper condition. What makes our staff so unique is that we have gone through our healing & recovery journey and care deeply about everyone who comes into our programs. So, when you choose Maui Recovery, you will get something authentic, genuine, and intimate for life long lasting recovery. 


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If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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