The Top 3 Things To Know Before Choosing A Treatment Program For A Loved One

Life with addiction and poor mental health is not an easy path to walk for anyone, especially for someone watching it first hand by a loved one. Statistically speaking, only 1 out…

maui recovery top three activities - Maui Recovery

Life with addiction and poor mental health is not an easy path to walk for anyone, especially for someone watching it first hand by a loved one. Statistically speaking, only 1 out of 10 individuals experiencing addiction receive treatment which is a devastating realization. For some, self awareness of active addiction and needing a treatment plan can be realized and acted upon. But for most, addiction and or/poor mental health can prolong and be ignored until it’s too late. For anyone experiencing the depth of addiction or mental health struggles by a loved one, there is no easy way out. However, there is always hope for healing and finding treatment for those we love most in our lives. And thankfully, those who have struggled before us have paved the way in determining the most important things to consider before choosing a treatment program for a loved one. The top 3 things to determine before choosing a treatment program are establishing your loved ones Goals, Specific Treatment Options Needed, and Location. These essential factors can help navigate which Treatment Center is best for your loved one on their path to recovery. 

First Thing To Know Before Choosing A Treatment Program For A Loved One

What are your loved ones main goals in seeking treatment? This is an important question, if not the most important question, needed answered before seeking a treatment program. Goals can be considered a basic necessity for anyone and everyone throughout their lives. But, goals are especially important for anyone seeking recovery from addiction or poor mental health.  Goals keep our mind focused when we feel lost or discouraged, they keep actions propelled forward rather than backward. Establishing your loved ones goals in their hopes for treatment and recovery is one of the top 3 three things to know. Do they wish to have full support in a facility, or rather support when need be on a day to day or weekly basis? Does your loved one wish for life-lasting recovery that requires a more experienced facility? These are examples of questions that should be asked and answered before choosing a treatment program for a loved one. 

Second Thing To Know Is The Specific Treatment(s) Available

Think about what kind of treatments your loved one is looking for based on their condition and goals, as there are many different modalities offered today. Then, confirm that the physicians at the facility prescribe therapies appropriate for the specific condition that caused your loved ones need for treatment. There are many different types of treatment or modalities utilized by doctors and professionals in programs aimed at successful recovery. One of the top 3 things to know before choosing a treatment program for a loved one is the specific treatment they need and/or want. The most common modalities used in a treatment program are; (EMDR) Eye Movement Desensitization And Reprocessing, (CBT) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, (DBT) Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, (MBSR) Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and Motivational Interviewing. Again, confirm that any and all treatments needed are provided at a potential facility before choosing a treatment program for a loved one. 

Not every individual will feel the same inclination toward one treatment or another, as we all have different interests and likes. Before choosing a treatment program for a loved one, consider their prior interests in nature. It is important to know that there are also unique forms of treatment and programs geared toward nature lovers, such as Adventure Therapy and Nature Immersion. Our natural environment, Mother Earth, has proven to be very healing for many individuals and motivational for those re-establishing positive mental health. Nature focused treatment programs are usually offered at exotic and/or high end treatment facilities and include:

Nature Immersion: So often, someone seeking treatment feels lost and devoid of a healthy sense of self or purpose in their lives when overcoming addiction, compulsion, or depression. Before choosing a treatment program for a loved one, consider a facility that offers Nature Immersion. This type of treatment program can be powerful and transformative in understanding the deeper significance of certain experiences. Whether it be the quieting of the Ego/Mind, separation from a triggering environment, or listening to soothing sights and sounds – Nature Immersion helps to heal. Hence why researching types of treatment is one of the top 3 things to know before choosing a treatment program for a loved one. 

Equine Therapy – One of the most profound options offered by treatment program facilities capable of Nature Therapy, is Equine Therapy. This type of therapy can help create a better understanding of an individual’s communication patterns and how they can be improved upon. It comes as no surprise that the animal and human connection has proven to be a very powerful experience for both parties. Horses may not be able to use words like us, but their ability to sense the feelings and intentions of those around them makes them great communicators. By caring for and building trust with horses, patients can reaffirm within themselves that they can have a positive influence on others and build trust within themselves.

Surf Therapy –  Today, addiction psychiatrists find relevant uses for Surf Therapy to treat Substance Abuse, Addiction, and other Mental Health Disorders. Surf Therapy is a very recent development in psychotherapy treatment that is widely used for veterans who suffer from; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and other life-threatening injuries. Outrigging Canoeing is also a water inspired therapy that combines a thrilling ocean adventure with fascinating information about Hawaiian culture and endemic marine life. Perfect for families, groups, couples or solo travelers seeking the adventure therapy experience of a lifetime. 

Visit Maui Recovery Before Choosing A Treatment Program For A Loved One

It can be an overwhelming and complicated decision in finding the best fit for treatment for a loved one. Although the top 3 things to know before choosing a treatment program for a loved one is helpful, ultimately finding the right fit is key. At Maui Recovery, our experienced staff members and passionate wellness advocates know first hand the pain and suffering that comes from a life without treatment. Our facility is known for our unique and creative Recovery Program that combines Holistic Wellness, Best-Practice Care, and Nature-Based Transformative Experiences. At Maui Recovery we provide activities that aim to help our clients, acting as a bridge of treatment toward recovery. On the beautiful and peaceful island of Maui, your loved one will undertake their own Hero’s Journey to overcome their struggles. And most importantly, are given the tools and support to find the purpose and passion of their lives, all while in a safe and  nurturing environment. A healing haven that provides a space for suffering individuals to find the serenity to do the meaningful inner work, while growing spiritually as part of a supportive family community. Our clients get to go inward and dispel the false messages that have been running their lives and discover the truth about who they really are. Before choosing a treatment program for a loved one, be sure to visit Maui Recovery by reaching out today. At Maui Recovery, we are here for you and your loved one every step of the way.

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