Treatment For Trauma And What’s Available In Maui

Trauma is part of life, and it can come in many different forms for many different people. The majority of people who experience a traumatic incident will experience shock, indignation, nervousness, anxiety,…

Treatment for trauma maui - Maui Recovery

Trauma is part of life, and it can come in many different forms for many different people. The majority of people who experience a traumatic incident will experience shock, indignation, nervousness, anxiety, and even guilt. These are normal reactions, and for the most part, they fade away with time. But for some, trauma can have negative life long lasting effects if left ignored and untreated. Treatment for trauma and what’s available in Maui should be the next step in a positive direction for anyone struggling with lasting effects from a traumatic situation. Maui, Hawaii is known for its luscious landscape and exotic location, providing the perfect sanctuary for anyone seeking internal healing. Between the calming waves, refreshing breezes, lush greenery and forests, and vast ocean, unique treatments for trauma are plenty. While all treatment for trauma centers will offer evidence based treatments commonly used, not all can provide the experimental forms of treatment found on Maui. Understanding the needs of someone seeking treatment for trauma should be established before choosing what’s available in Maui.

Why Treatment For Trauma Is So Important

Yes, each of us will experience trauma at some point in our lives. It is something that is inevitable with life, whether it be an unexpected event, being teased or rejected, or our first experience of losing a loved one. But just as everything in life comes with an opportunity to grow, so does the work in treatment for trauma and what’s available in Maui. For some, family can help someone heal from trauma and the stress felt. There is also a plethora of resources found online, tools available for those seeking ways to heal from known trauma and their felt events. But, for others, some trauma is not even actively known and therefore unprocessed as a direct result from our own subconscious survival instincts. From a scientific standpoint, trauma left unhealed or treated can have impacts on how an individual lives the rest of their life thanks to the brain. 

There are three parts of the brain, the Reptilian, Mammalian, and Neomammalian. When we experience trauma, the brain shuts down all nonessential systems and activates the sympathetic nervous system and the mammalian brain. To help us survive the trauma, the brain releases stress hormones and activates the flight or fight response. As the threat passes, the parasympathetic nervous system reactivates and all three parts of the brain start functioning again. Research shows that traumatic stress can interfere with this process, trapping the brain in “survival mode.” Emotional trauma can change the brain, which is why seeking treatment for trauma and what’s available in Maui as soon as possible is important. Traumatic stress can change the brain’s delicate chemical balance and structure. These effects, which can impact the way we function, can be minor or severe depending on the type of traumatic stress we’re dealing with. Some people, for example, develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), while others live with a heightened sense of anxiety, act impulsively, and have difficulty managing their emotions. All of these changes are symptoms that occur because of the way traumatic stress affects the brain.

Unique Treatment Options For Trauma Found Only In Maui

There are thankfully various forms of treatment, both evidence-based and experimental, available in treatment for trauma and what’s available in Maui. But only certain forms of unique treatments can be found exclusively, thanks to an exotic location surrounded by the ocean. The following forms of treatment can be found at Maui Recovery for example:

Nature Immersion: So often, those seeking treatment for trauma feel lost and devoid of a healthy sense of self or purpose in their lives. Nature immersion can be even more powerful and transformative when the struggling person begins to understand the deeper significance of certain experiences. Whether it be the quieting of the Ego/Mind, separation from a triggering environment, or listening to soothing sights and sounds- Nature Immersion helps to heal.

Equine Therapy: It comes as no surprise that the animal and human connection has proven to be a very powerful experience for both parties. Equine Therapy can help create a better understanding of your communication patterns and how they can improve in treatment for trauma. By caring for and building trust with horses, our clients can reaffirm within themselves that they can have a positive influence on others and build trust within themselves.

Surf Therapy: a very recent development is psychotherapy treatment that is widely used for veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), combat stress, depression, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and other life-threatening injuries. Outrigging Canoeing is also a water inspired therapy that combines a thrilling ocean adventure with fascinating information about Hawaiian culture and endemic marine life. 

The Search Of Treatment For Trauma And What’s Available In Maui

In the search for treatment for trauma and what’s available in Maui, many have found healing with the help of Maui Recovery. The programs and staff of our amazing and transformative Hawaii trauma treatment center are at the core of what we can offer our clients seeking help. Our knowledgeable staff members get to witness our clients’ transformation and growth in mind, body, and spirit every day. Our clients get to go inward and dispel the trauma and false messages that have been running their lives, to help reclaim their life. We are the best choice in treatment for trauma and what’s available in Maui because we take pride in helping our clients discover the truth about who they really are. Our unique approach to treatment for trauma, both evidence-based and experimental forms of treatment, are what separate us from other facilities. Maui Recovery offers the perfect place for healing from trauma, set in the beautiful landscape of Hawaii surrounded by healing mother nature. How we approach treatment for trauma:

  • A central location in a pristine, private, and tranquil setting.
  • Integration of Hawaiian culture and traditions in therapy.
  • Inclusion of neurobiological factors in diagnosis and clinical care.
  • Deep Cathartic Emotional work targeting buried and repressed shame, pain, grief, anger, guilt and low self worth that often come from untreated trauma. 
  • Mindfulness meditation and engaged living that cultivates a true spiritual life.

Our 10 bed facility is in a nurturing, intimate, and serene space with three houses on lush Hawaiian property. We also understand the importance of our clients peace of mind during the healing process of treatment for trauma and what’s available in Maui. Which is precisely why we ensure our clients feel safe, secure, and supported every step of the way during their treatment for trauma. Our experienced staff members utilize unique treatments and modalities offered, thanks to our ideal location for self discovery immersed in nature. 

At Maui Recovery We Take Pride In Helping Our Clients Find Peace Within

At Maui Recovery we’re certain the process is real in reversing the breakdown of mind, body, and spirit that the lack of treatment for trauma can create. Our staff has seen countless people recover from what often appears as a hopeless condition. The Hawaiian word Ohana, “coming from the same root,” refers to an inclusive and extended family, and it expresses the very heart of Maui Recovery. We look forward to facilitating a path of healing for clients at our renowned treatment for trauma and what’s available in Maui. We welcome, nurture, and care for individuals and families through their journey of recovery by empowering their restoration & healing from trauma experienced. We provide dynamic programs that address the Whole Self, transforming a shame core to a love core and cultivating meaningful human connection, intimacy, and purposeful living. The search of treatment for trauma and what’s available in Maui ends with Maui Recovery, welcome to Ohana. 

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