Treatments For Eating Disorders And Where To Find Them

Eating disorders are more common than we think, and they can range in a variety of ways. While it may seem as simple as someone just being concerned about their health and/or…

help with eating disorders maui - Maui Recovery

Eating disorders are more common than we think, and they can range in a variety of ways. While it may seem as simple as someone just being concerned about their health and/or outward appearance, the real issues are often much deeper. In addition, the ways in which we communicate today, such as the use of social media platforms, are not helping an already delicate situation. Users are bombarded with advertising, filtered imagery, and pitched claims of health and beauty success from paid models. The concern about eating disorders is especially real for adolescents and young adults, as most of these generations are exposed to substantial screen time in today’s world. Treatments for eating disorders and where to find them are also much more available, however, thanks to the same technology that delivers social media platforms. Successful eating disorder treatment centers, such as Maui Recovery, can be found now to more than just Hawaii residents who seek recovery.

Whether it be online, through word of mouth, or recommendation- treatments for eating disorders and where to find them is in reach. Understanding what an eating disorder is also helps to navigate which option of treatment is best for the individual experiencing the disorder. As with most addictions or disorders, there are three parts of the puzzle; obsession, compulsion, and finally a solution. Similar to coping with a drug, food, or sex addiction, individuals with an eating disorder can often relapse with obsession. Often the relapse cycle leaves the individual feeling frustrated, defeated, and angry. Compulsion comes into play when the individual with the eating disorder does not know what to do or know where to go. Grabbing the next meal or avoiding the next meal. Oftentimes it is all too easy to fall back into bad habits after brief periods of sobriety, and weight fluctuation isn’t uncommon. These lead to the solution where support can help pinpoint past hardships connected with the relapses and move forward with confidence. Maui Recovery understands the difficulties that come with eating disorders and making a change. Luxury addiction recovery centers, such as Maui Recovery, work closely with clients to help them succeed in reclaiming their health. 

Treatments For Eating Disorders Start With Mindset

Eating disorders are a call of action needed for an individual’s relationship with food. In seeking treatments for eating disorders and where to find them, support should emphasize the importance of positive thinking about food and nourishment. Of course, overeating and/or lack of eating both have their deep seeded issues within a person’s mindset. But, therein lies the opportunity for repair and healing. Food issues, and eating disorders, can serve as an escape for individuals struggling but they can also be a trap as neither creates a healthy mindset. Eating disorder treatment centers, such as Maui Recovery, aim and strive to change that. Food is heavenly, a gift that provides nutrients and nourishment to our body! Giving the understanding that nutrients are substances that provide energy for activity, growth, and all functions of the body is key for mental healing. Necessary actions such as breathing, digesting food, keeping warm, ingesting nutrients vital for the growth and repair of the body including keeping the immune system healthy. Consistently giving thanks is a great way to both give and receive ongoing energetic, social, and even digestive gifts when struggling with an eating disorder. In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. Successful recovery centers often emphasize the importance of gratitude, incorporating this essential tool for healing clients from eating disorders. 

Hawaii’s Renaissance Man And The Love Of Healthy Living 

At Maui Recovery, Hawaii’s Renaissance man and the love of healthy living go hand in hand. Available treatments for eating disorders can range, but unique treatments such as Nature Immersion can be found at Maui Recovery. The clients at Maui Recovery assist our Renaissance Man on his farm in Kahakoloa, which is a sacred native Hawaiian Area. Clients, including those with an eating disorder, do agricultural work on the farm during the day and share a meal from what they harvested at night. George Kahumoku Jr, is a multiple Grammy & Hoku Award winning master Slack Key Guitarist, vocalist, songwriter, performer, teacher, artist and sculptor, storyteller and writer, farmer and entrepreneur! To further aid in connection and healing, George and some of his family members perform live music while everyone enjoys a meal together. After the meal, George performs music for our clients and Facebook live with literally millions of followers watching! Partaking in a meal together encourages slowing down as we eat, allowing us to savor the flavors and experience gratitude. At Maui Recovery, we encourage our clients with eating disorders to give themselves time to fully take in the nutrients and energy in their food. Helping to restore the food and body relationship, that most often is at the core of their eating disorder. 

Nature Immersion and Adventure Therapy are at the core of what Maui Recovery aims to provide for their clients and families in search of healing. The love of healthy living can be learned through experience, and what better place to find that love than on an island. Nature Immersion therapies such as hiking and farm sharing can help individuals struggling with and eating disorder reconnect with nature. Adventure therapies such as Surf Therapy and Outrigger canoeing can bring the joy back of connecting the physical body with Mother Nature. Both of these types of treatments for eating disorders are unique in what they offer in comparison to most traditional recovery centers. But, just as all facilities are not the same, so is the same regarding the needs of individuals battling an eating disorder. It is important for anyone struggling with an eating disorder to choose the best treatments and facilities most suited for their needs and wants. 

Maui Recovery Provides The Best Treatments For Eating Disorders

At Maui Recovery, we strive to help clients work through eating disorders by cultivating a strong foundation with their relationship with themselves and their food. While Maui Recovery is unable to treat a person currently engaged in an eating disorder, (avoiding foods or purging), we do have clients who suffer from food issues. Many of our clients with food issues most commonly struggle with overeating. Treatment for eating disorders can vary, depending on which facility an individual chooses and what they provide. At Maui Recovery we are the world’s only Hawaii residential treatment center that uses Myth, Archetype, and “the Hero’s journey” as an intrinsic part of our recovery program. So often, our struggling clients feel lost and devoid of a healthy sense of self or of a sense of purpose in their lives. But when they can finally begin to re-frame their experiences using the intrinsic power of archetypes such as the “hero’s journey”, they can then begin to understand and re-frame their thoughts. We also employ master-level clinicians that are trained to help guide each client through this “Hero’s Journey”–all while using the magical, mythical island of Maui as an essential element and ingredient in this transformative experience. What better place to find hope and yourself again, than in paradise with incredible support. In your search for treatments for eating disorders and where to find them, we hope you find the best way for You on your path toward recovery! Get in touch with us today on our contact form or call us at 877-469-2093 


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