Using Adventure Therapy For Recovery in Hawaii

In learning about the different kinds of treatment used in recovery, most often the evidence based modalities are described and advised. But, look a little deeper and you will find more recent,…

adventure therapy recovery in hawaii - Maui Recovery

In learning about the different kinds of treatment used in recovery, most often the evidence based modalities are described and advised. But, look a little deeper and you will find more recent, unconventional, and successful forms of therapy used for recovery- Adventure Therapy. No matter whether used for substance, alcohol, tech, gambling addiction, or severe trauma and mental health disorders- Adventure Therapy is making waves, literally. We are human beings of this earth, so it comes as no surprise then that adventuring with mother nature can provide a life changing reconnection. Simple therapies such as hiking and gardening, to more physical therapies such as surfing and outrigger canoeing for example, can be utilized for those seeking recovery. While there are many centers that provide traditional support for recovery, only a few can provide the outstanding opportunities of using Adventure therapy. At Maui Recovery we try to create a variety of such nature immersion/adventure therapy opportunities where clients can also experience just such a potentially life-saving “shift”.

Why Using Adventure Therapy For Recovery is Optimal For Reconnection Within

While almost all recovery facilities in the United States will offer modalities such as EMDR, CBT, Motivational Interviewing, DBT, and MBSR, not all can provide experimental forms too. Successful ways of using Adventure Therapy for recovery include Nature Immersion that physically puts a client back into the natural world. Adventure Therapy is a unique form of self discovery treatment that comes with treatment centers located in an idyllic environment, one that can support such activities. Some examples of these types of unique therapy include: Snorkeling, Hiking, Outrigger Canoeing, and even Community Agricultural Farming. Those such as Maui Recovery, located on the island of Maui, are able to take a different approach to therapy by removing the clinical setting and focusing on experiencing change in a more natural setting. Below are examples of unique treatments available today in using Adventure Therapy for recovery.

Surf Therapy  – Today, psychiatrists find relevant uses for Surf Therapy programs for individuals seeking recovery from substance/alcohol abuse, as well as many other disorders. The physical challenges of surfing parallel the emotional and mental processes that each client has long avoided. A very recent development is psychotherapy treatment, Surf Therapy has proven to be quite a successful option in recovery for mental health. It is widely used for veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), combat stress, addiction, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and other life-threatening injuries. Surfing is a metaphor for balance, therefore, allowing clients to think outside the box as they learn how to balance their internal processes. Surf Therapy, or just plainly surfing, is a perfect example of using adventure therapy for recovery. 

Outrigger Canoeing – Anyone interested in marine life, history and culture, will find that outrigger canoeing can provide a physical experience using Adventure Therapy for recovery. Ironically, if you have ever seen a postcard from Hawaii, you’ve probably seen an outrigger canoe. The long, sleek vessels are traditional canoes Hawaiians have used for centuries, and today they are used for everything from whale watching to racing. For clients wanting an escape from their mental trap of negative thoughts, outrigger canoeing can help by providing a healthy distraction. While also encouraging a physical challenge that gives the client a way to learn about the island of Maui right from its beautiful waters! Using Adventure Therapy for recovery combines a thrilling ocean adventure with fascinating information about Hawaiian culture and endemic marine life. Again, not all recovery centers are alike and can provide the same forms of therapy, hence the need to research a potential facility before choosing treatment.

Hiking – Most of us feel hiking is just a healthy form of exercise, an activity to enjoy the seasons of Mother Nature. But, hiking is also an excellent form of using Adventure Therapy for recovery! This form of therapy provides blood circulation, pure oxygen intake, exercise, and peace of being in the moment. Taking in all the sights, sounds, and feels that Mother Nature has to offer- helping to calm a suffering and overworked mind. Maui Recovery for example, stands in the perfect location for utilizing nature’s healing therapy for recovery. For our clients, the main trail is Kahakapao Loop- which runs parallel to the gorge and through the lush forest. Those using adventure therapy for recovery are likely to hear birds, and come across white ginger, ti, and tropical ash on their hikes. This type of therapy really helps an individual to focus on the beauty that surrounds them, and the gratitude that follows. 

Equine Therapy  – Using Adventure Therapy for recovery can also include the healing benefits that come from relationships formed with animals in nature. Equine Therapy can help a suffering individual learn about the importance of boundary setting when in recovery from addiction and/or mental health disorders. Horses are not shy when it comes to letting someone know when their personal boundaries have been crossed. If you approach a horse with aggression, they will communicate with you instantly that your behavior is not acceptable. Also, if you are too emotionally detached, communication with the horse will become a struggle. Individuals seeking recovery may struggle to set healthy boundaries at first, but Equine Therapy allows clients to practice this skill-set. 

The Empowering Benefits From Healing Near The Ocean

An experienced recovery center, such as Maui Recovery, will understand how nature, such as the Ocean, is important for peace of mind and lasting recovery. Immersion and interaction with nature, such as the beach, offers unique therapeutic benefits to us all. This can be especially true for those suffering from addiction and/or other mental health disorders that like the idea of using Adventure Therapy for recovery. The beach, with its beautiful and soothing ocean views, can have a positive effect on those seeking internal peace and recovery. The beach and ocean, for example, can offer relief from symptoms of depression just by being in its presence. From a scientific standpoint, ocean water can have a calming effect on the human mind because it is filled with positive ions. Combined with its natural characteristics of color and sound, the mere sound of the water and waves crashing against the shore can help relieve negative feelings while the color blue has the ability to distress the mind. For instance, calming nature sounds and even outdoor silence can lower blood pressure and levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which calms the body’s fight-or-flight response. Visiting the ocean can work to help balance the mind, taking an individual stuck in a negative place into a trance-like state where they can clear their mind of the dark thoughts. Recovery facilities that understand this connection value using Adventure Therapy for recovery, hence their success rates in turn. 

Why Using Adventure Therapy For Recovery Works For Our Clients

At Maui Recovery, we welcome, nurture, and care for individuals and families through their journey of recovery by empowering their restoration & healing. We offer dynamic programs that can only be used in the right environment, an idyllic spot that Maui Recovery can provide. Using Adventure Therapy for recovery, our programs address the Whole Self of our clients. Transforming a shame core to a love core, and cultivating meaningful human connection, intimacy, and purposeful living. While also providing support each and every step of the way. 

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