Where To Find Treatment For Bipolar Disorder

It can be overwhelming to deal with a serious condition and at the same time know where to find treatment for that which debilitates you. Individuals living with Bipolar Disorder feel intensely,…

bipolar disorder treatment in Hawaii - Maui Recovery

It can be overwhelming to deal with a serious condition and at the same time know where to find treatment for that which debilitates you. Individuals living with Bipolar Disorder feel intensely, at any given moment and at any given time. Throw in the realization that help is needed combined with the search for treatment, and you have quite a challenge. Thankfully we have more understanding than in previous decades about Bipolar Disorder and even more treatment options available as well. At Maui Recovery for example, those in search of treatment can find the perfect location and safe setting for whole mind and body healing. Experienced professionals offer support and guidance along with the best evidence-based and experimental treatments found today. Luxury treatment facilities understand that the experience of Bipolar Disorder is uniquely personal, as no two people have exactly the same experience. In fact, the onset of bipolar Disorder can start as early as childhood or as late as the ’50s, with the median age being 25. Individuals with Bipolar Disorder experience both episodes of severe depression, overwhelming joy, excitement or happiness, huge energy, a reduced need for sleep, reduced inhibitions, and mania. Hence the importance of knowing where to find treatment for Bipolar Disorder sooner rather than later, whether for yourself or for a loved one. In today’s world, treatment can be found much more easily, with options of both physical and virtual support. It’s the understanding of Bipolar Disorder as well as the programs available that can help narrow the search.

Understanding What Bipolar Disorder Is And Looks Like

Most people generally assume that Bipolar Disorder means an individual has more than one personality, but it is far more complicated than that. It is crucial, for all people involved, to approach bipolar disorder with extreme care and caution for an effective recovery. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “Bipolar Disorder (formerly called manic-depressive illness or manic depression) is a mental disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, concentration, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.” Individuals living with Bipolar Disorder can and will experience episodes of intense emotion in both manic and depressive states. But, thankfully anyone who recognizes the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in themselves is already on the first step toward recovery. And one of the most important things to understand is that every type of Bipolar Disorder is treatable! So, whether for yourself or a loved one, the importance of discovering where to find treatment for Bipolar Disorder is crucial. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “More than two-thirds of people with bipolar disorder have at least one close relative with the illness or with unipolar major depression, indicating that the disease has a heritable component.”  Again, the statistics regarding bipolar Disorder can show how important it is to reach out to someone when struggling with mental health.

The Different Types Of Bipolar Disorder And Kinds Of Episodes

Just as no two individuals are the same, neither are the exact experiences felt by a person with Bipolar Disorder. The National Institute of Mental Health showed that “bipolar disorder affects approximately 5.7 million adult Americans, or about 2.6% of the U.S. population age 18 and older every year.” With that, knowing the different types of Bipolar Disorder and also kinds of episodes experienced can better guide someone in search of treatment. Or in other words, knowing what you’re dealing with before diving in on where to find treatment for Bipolar Disorder is essential. There are three different types of Bipolar Disorder that we know and understand today. While they are all different, they all are known to cause changes in an individual’s mood, energy, and activity levels.

Bipolar I Disorder: With Bipolar I, the manic episodes will last a minimum of 7 days and include such severe manic symptoms that the individual will require immediate hospital care. The person will also experience bouts of depression that will typically last a minimum of two weeks.

Bipolar II Disorder: With Bipolar II, the individual will experience hypomanic episodes that are considerably less severe than manic episodes even though they still can interfere with functioning correctly. A person who has been diagnosed with bipolar II will also experience depression episodes, but these will also be less severe than with bipolar I.

Cyclothymic Disorder (also known as Cyclothymia): A person with Cyclothymia will swing between hypomania and low-grade depression. Because they experience these episodes on a much smaller scale, they do not fall into the category of bipolar I and bipolar II.

It is important to note also that a person can be diagnosed with “other specified and unspecified bipolar and related disorders” if they experience symptoms that do not necessarily fall into the above categories. However, the urgency of where to find treatment for Bipolar Disorder is the same. And below are some of the following signs and symptoms that an individual with Bipolar Disorder will encounter during an episode:

Manic Episode:

  • They feel like they do not need as much sleep as they did before.
  • They feel like their thoughts are fast or are in fast-forward mode.
  • They feel like they are now more powerful, influential, or talented.

Depressive Episode:

  • They feel like they are worthless with increased thoughts involving death.
  • They feel like they cannot stay concentrated.
  • They feel like they cannot make decisions as quickly.
  • Changes in their appetite cause them to eat more and experience weight gain.

Why Maui Recovery Provides The Best Treatment For Bipolar Disorder

Our mission at Maui Recovery is to welcome, nurture, and care for individuals and families on their healing journey from Bipolar Disorder. We believe that it is possible to reverse the mind, body, and spirit breakdown that someone struggling with Bipolar Disorder endures. When someone feels trapped by Bipolar Disorder, there is less inclination to reach out to a family member or treatment program. But asking for help is the essential first step when it comes to the recovery journey. Here at Maui Recovery, we refer to everyone in our program as part of our “Ohana.” The Hawaiian word Ohana, defined as “coming from the same root,” refers to an inclusive and extended family. This word expresses the beliefs that Maui Recovery holds close to our hearts. Everyone’s body, mind, and soul deserve a chance to experience whole self healing. The life changing breakdown of internal walls built around ourselves due to any trauma and disorder are possible. We work to empower, restore, and positively transform our clients by providing programs that will assist in healing the whole self. Creating a necessary shift from a shame core to a loving core for anyone living with Bipolar Disorder. Evidence based treatments Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy are combined with experimental treatments such as Equine and Surf Therapy. Providing the best of both worlds in the search for where to find treatment for Bipolar Disorder. Here at Maui Recovery, we believe in providing a safe, nurturing, and healing environment for individuals struggling with Bipolar Disorder. We believe in helping everyone to heal and find serenity while growing mentally and emotionally. The search ends for where to find treatment for Bipolar Disorder with Maui Recovery.


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