Why Seeking Treatment for Trauma is Important

As the recent tragic event in Texas has reminded us currently, trauma is real, can happen at any time, and leave us feeling devastated. Traumatic events in life can shape our thoughts…

trauma treatment maui - Maui Recovery

As the recent tragic event in Texas has reminded us currently, trauma is real, can happen at any time, and leave us feeling devastated. Traumatic events in life can shape our thoughts and play a huge role in how an individual sees the world and therefore interacts with it. Hence why seeking treatment for trauma, or traumatic events, is important whether it be for yourself or a loved one struggling to heal and move forward. Thankfully, there are facilities today such as Maui Recovery, that can provide the idyllic location, support, and programs needed to help those seeking trauma treatment. There are treatments, well established by research, focused on how to cope with trauma and it’s powerful influence. While always keeping the silver lining in mind, trauma plays a huge part in building our core foundation of inner strength and gratitude. Experienced staff members of Maui Recovery for example, know all too well the feelings that come from living trauma. Which is exactly why facilities such as this strive to offer clients trauma treatment tools to help them heal and feel safe again in their life. In this article we are going to explore what trauma can look like, and why seeking treatment for it is so important as soon as possible.

Why Trauma Has Such A Strong Impact On Our Lives And Community

Trauma is the response to a distressing or deeply disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope. Traumatic events can come in many different forms and be each felt differently by individuals experiencing the same trauma. Unfortunate happenings in life that cause trauma could be losing a family member, relationship loss, crimes such as assaults’/theft/shootings, discrimination, betrayals, no matter accidental or intentional. Something such as losing a loved one or your home due to a natural disaster, more common with our changing climate, can have a lasting deep impact unless addressed and brought to the surface. Which is exactly why seeking treatment for trauma is so important as soon as possible. People process trauma in different ways that are both common and unique to the individual experiencing the traumatic event. Events like this unfortunately are inescapable and unpredictable, especially when experienced for the first time. Traumatic experiences can impact an individual greatly, influencing who they are and how they respond to their lives and the people within it. Trauma can leave us feeling vulnerable, broken, ashamed, anxious, scared, or all of the above. These types of feelings should be taken very seriously and processing them takes an incredible amount of strength and patience. Another reason why seeking treatment for trauma from a professional source and/or facility is pivotal for successful recovery.

The Necessity Of Support When Healing From Traumatic Life Events

The only thing that could make withstanding trauma worse is having no one believe you. Most often abusers manipulate their victims into believing they are the reason the trauma happens to them. Making an already destructive and awful situation that much worse for the person experiencing the trauma. This is another reason why seeking treatment for trauma is important as soon as possible, to prevent further damaging experiences. Putting trauma in the back cupboard is negligent, and denying its existence is only worsening its effects. At the same time, it is also not very helpful to force someone into confronting a trauma that they are not ready to address. Therefore, having someone to talk to that the person experiencing trauma can trust will at least listen, is essential for the healing process to begin. Also having a community of support, whether it be family, friends, co-workers, a spiritual community, or partner to gain strength from is key. Ensuring that basic necessities for living are provided and available is also key to supporting persons exposed to trauma, this includes at a community level. A working phone, safe housing, nutritious food, transportation options, and clothing for example are essential necessities a community can provide to anyone in need after a traumatic experience. Coming together as a community to face the ugly head of trauma with others is the type of bravery necessary to help each other as a whole.

Why Seeking Treatment for Trauma is Important As Soon As Possible

Time is of the essence in terms of healing and seeking treatment for trauma, whether for yourself or a loved one. A lack of awareness about why current circumstances are painful and not working, is often a result or symptom of unaddressed trauma. Seeking help from a professional trauma recovery center, such as Maui Recovery, can help fit the puzzle pieces back together and stronger. PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) is often the most common disorder felt after experienced trauma in individuals. Serious symptoms such as anxiety, flashbacks, dissociation, and nightmares, can happen after exposure to certain aspects related to the felt trauma. Hence the reason why seeking treatment for trauma is important, especially from a professional source. Experienced professionals help bring awareness to the past of experienced trauma, making it useful to remember painful parts of the past so that they can inform one’s present. Exposure therapies (in the context of a safe therapy relationship such as recollecting and talking through painful memories) are considered the highest standard for helping people live truly fulfilling lives after experiencing trauma. These forms of trauma treatment and therapies, among other modalities, can be found at successful recovery centers such as Maui Recovery for example.

Maui Recovery Can Help Others Heal From Painful Trauma

At Maui Recovery, we welcome, nurture, and care for individuals and families through their journey of recovery by empowering their restoration & healing from trauma. We provide dynamic programs that address the Whole Self, transforming a shame core to a love core and cultivating meaningful human connection, intimacy, and purposeful living. Trauma does not discriminate, it affects us all at some point in our lives. With severity and felt experience ranging from across the board. Traumatic situations that cause post-trauma symptoms vary quite dramatically from person to person. A World Mental Health survey conducted found that at least one third of the more than 125,000 people surveyed had experienced trauma in their lifetime. Not all treatment centers have the expertise and equipment to handle such traumatic events. In learning why seeking treatment for trauma is important, it is also key that you ask the potential treatment center their experience in treating mental health issues. Maui Recovery takes pride in being able to provide assurance to clients that we understand mental health concerns from experienced trauma and its effects. At Maui Recovery we combine the best evidence-based treatments with powerful and transformative holistic and experimental therapies to treat the whole client, the whole person. Trauma has so much power and ability in shaping our lives, so it makes sense the needed treatment be equally, if not more, powerful for healing. Trauma causes feelings of helplessness, lowering a person’s sense of self, and their ability to feel positive emotions and experiences. Which is why Maui Recovery offers a trauma treatment plan that clients can use to effectively treat their condition, giving them tools for a healthier life after trauma.

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