Why Substance Abuse Issues Spiral And How To Seek Help

Why substance abuse issues spiral and how to seek help comes due to lack of treatment, and overwhelming options to choose from. First, most often substance issues spiral due to the absence…

substance abuse treatment in Hawaii - Maui Recovery

Why substance abuse issues spiral and how to seek help comes due to lack of treatment, and overwhelming options to choose from. First, most often substance issues spiral due to the absence of needed treatment. An awareness, whether by yourself or of the loved one struggling with substance abuse, is key in accepting before the next necessary step of finding treatment. Once an individual experiencing substance abuse issues accepts that a debilitating problem exists, the next step toward recovery is how to seek help. Thankfully, there are a plethora of options available today for anyone experiencing substance abuse issues, both online and in person. However, all the available options can seem like an overwhelming factor in an already stressful situation. Should the abuser seek residential care? Should they seek a public or private recovery facility? What kinds of treatments are best for substance abuse issues? These are all valid concerns and questions that need to be answered in any substance abuse recovery search, and they can help narrow down which option is best. 

Why Substance Abuse Issues Spiral For The Worse

While substance abuse can come in different forms for everyone, including the substance of choice, they all potentially have the same serious outcome- addiction. Why substance abuse issues spiral and how to seek help all come thanks to being untreated. Whether it be opioids, alcohol, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, or any other substances preferred- substance abuse issues arise from lack of awareness and treatment. As quoted appropriately; “The unfortunate truth is that the lack of serious, early consequences to marijuana addiction allows for a long, slow decline, often without recognition, resulting in later-­stage addiction before the problem is confronted. An individual may wake up years into this chronic illness without a reasonable understanding of how their life got so far off track. Often one has no major medical or legal problems, no sudden tragedy that drives the search for an answer. However, isolation from friends and family, loss of interest and lack of participation in those activities that used to bring joy, and the crushing weight of missed opportunities add up.”Marvin D. Seppala, MD Perhaps the buildup of missed opportunities in life can help explain why substance abuse issues spiral for some in such a negative direction. Hence the importance of how to seek help from a qualified substance abuse treatment center, such as Maui Recovery. 

There are triggers as well that can explain why substance abuse issues spiral for those struggling. No surprise here, but stress has shown to be the top cause for substance abuse and/or relapse. Stress is important for our mind and body in that it can create an awareness of actions that need to be taken to acquire peace. However, substances can be abused as a result from trying to escape the experienced stress. Related to stress, are negative and challenging emotions which can also trigger substance abuse as they can ‘help’ a person escape or feel they are more mentally in control. Therefore, creating a false sense of security and peace, with effects that wear off and leave the person craving even more of the wanted substance of choice. People or Places connected to substance abuse issues and behavior can also be a trigger for a downward spiral. Recovery centers can provide relief from these types of triggers as they provide a better and positive environment for healing and sobriety. Times of celebration such as Birthdays, Holidays, and Anniversaries can also be partly to blame as a trigger for why substance abuse issues spiral. As wonderful as these celebrations can feel when we are healthy and happy, they can trigger hurtful memories and emotions that lead to substance cravings. A birthday once, now a death anniversary, is for example a hard day for someone struggling coping with a loss. Such emotions can create a need to mentally escape, giving substances of choice a doorway open to their abuser. No matter the triggers, life free from substance abuse issues is possible for anyone actively seeking help for treatment. 

How To Seek Help For Substance Abuse Issues And Addiction

Today there is an abundance of resources available to those experiencing substance abuse issues. While technology in its own right can be addictive, it also provides a window into treatments, programs, facilities, and options available around the world. Websites allow anyone wondering why substance abuse issues spiral and how to seek help the opportunity to research for themselves. Whether it be sources for substance abuse definitions and examples, social media platforms with support groups, or inside looks of a facility through their website- information is available. In fact, when comparing potential substance abuse recovery centers, consider residential treatment at Maui Recovery. When compared with other recovery centers nationwide, you will find Maui Recovery stands out from the rest by far. Our team of friendly, compassionate, and adept specialists strive to ensure clients receive the care and help needed and deserved for life lasting sobriety. 

Why Seek Maui Recovery When Substance Abuse Issues Spiral

Maui Recovery is a holistically oriented counseling and wellness substance abuse treatment center that offers comprehensive services and programs aimed at clients and their families struggling with substance abuse issues. Maui Recovery’s treatment philosophy embraces the notion that all people have the capacity to grow, flourish, and self-actualize once they break free from the grips of substance abuse. Why substance abuse issues spiral is because of psychological and/or emotional challenges that have been negatively impacting and impairing an individual’s life. Our experienced team members and staff at Maui Recovery keep clients on track in their mental health healing and substance abuse recovery journey. Some of the aspects that make Maui Recovery stand out among the top substance abuse treatment centers in America are the amenities and programs they provide in their idyllic location. Maui Recovery’s dedication to treating clients the whole self supportive way causes care that goes above and beyond the normal. Here are some examples of why those with substance abuse issues seek help from Maui Recovery:

  • Property is situated in paradise, on the island of Maui.
  • Luxurious, spacious, and private setting.
  • Private mental health treatment programs.
  • Integrated health care treatments.
  • Staff members are top mental health professionals.
  • Both Evidence-Based and Experimental Treatments offered.
  • Nature Immersion Therapies such as surf, scuba diving, snorkeling, and canoeing.
  • Private rooms and lodging.
  • Round-the-clock patient care.

The Success Behind Maui Recovery’s Unique Therapy Options

At Maui Recovery we provide both Evidence-Based and Experimental Therapies to provide our clients with nothing but the best treatments available today. Nature Immersion and Adventure Therapy opportunities allow clients to experience a potentially life-saving “shift” in their recovery process. Therapies such as Surf, Equine, Snorkeling, Hiking, Outrigger Canoeing, and Agricultural Farming within the community allow reconnection within. Why substance abuse issues spiral and how to seek help can be potentially answered by “thinking outside of the box” treatments. Clients seek Maui Recovery because we take a different approach to therapy by removing the clinical setting and focusing on experiencing change in a more natural setting. Our Mission at Maui Recovery is to welcome, nurture, and care for individuals and families on their healing journey from substance abuse issues. The Hawaiian word Ohana, “coming from the same root,” refers to an inclusive and extended family, and it expresses the very heart of Maui Recovery.

Contact Us

If you’re struggling with an addiction, or know a friend or family member who is, reach out to one of our experts today. We’re here for you.

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