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Alcohol, Substance Abuse & Other Addictions Program

For thousands of years, people have struggled with the over-consumption and abuse of alcohol & substance abuse. When you’re struggling with a drinking or drug problem, you may feel very alone and isolated, and don’t know where to turn. The good news is you don’t have to do it alone.

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Voted Top Recovery Retreat Center in Hawaii

Maui Recovery is one of the most effective programs for alcoholism, substance abuse, and other forms of addiction. Maui is a tranquil/healing residential center. Our program is robust and customized to address your individual needs. Ranging from Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, Mental Health, underlying childhood trauma or emotional issues, Maui Recovery provides the right culture, safe container, abundance of staff support and the highest level of committed licensed therapists to create effective results.


Meet Our Team

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Maui Recovery’s Alcoholism Program & Drug Recovery Retreat Center

Whether you are from the United States or Canada, United Kingdom (UK), including England, Scotland, Northern Ireland & Wales, Europe, Australia, or the America’s, then you can get away to a tropical destination and reap the benefits of being far away from the stresses and rigors of your daily life, as well as temptation to drink or relapse.

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15 Years of Healing and Treating

We know first hand the pain and suffering that comes from active addiction. We’re here for you


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