A&E Special
Maui Recovery is featured in this groundbreaking news special that uncovers the frightening world of digital addiction and the dramatic impact it has on those who battle it. Following Matthew, a video game addicted teen, and Gina, a social media addicted mother, this special highlights the often-ignored crippling compulsions and dangerous behaviors that present themselves through these various digital dependencies. With their families on the verge of destruction, experts will help these families to confront the problem and try to find a path to recovery.

Dr. Phil Program
Maui Recovery’s Dr. Kardaras’s is featured in this Dr. Phil episode. A mother is attempting to help her daughter get away from her binge drinking two-to-three boxes of wine per day. They family, along with Maui Recovery, appeared on Dr. Phil episode last year. (S17 | E45)
New York Daily News
Maui Recovery’s, Dr Kardaras’s did an Op Ed in the New York Daily News right after Seymour Philip Hoffman died of a drug overdose talking about having compassion for people suffering from addiction.

Sunday Night
Dr. Kardaras is featured in this Sunday Night, Denham Hitchcock, Special. He explains the science of screen addiction and shows the dangers of exposing children to technology at a young age and the mental effects it has on them.
Yahoo News
In this feature, Dr. Kardaras talks about the differences of technology exposure from the past to the present. As each generation grows older, the effects of technology grows greater and greater with each development.

Fox News
Dr. Kardaras is featured on Fox News to talk the developmental and mind altering affects technology and addiction has on children and teens. As adults we deal with different situations and addictions, but as children one of the first addictions they are exposed to is technology.
Scientific American Mind Article
I think that most reasonable people can understand that texting as a way to communicate and social media as a way to stay connected both have a place in our society. But if you want healthy and happy kids, it is vitally important that they have supportive, caring relationships with flesh-and-blood people.

New York Daily News Article
Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, executive director of The Dunes East Hampton, was called to testify in Manhattan Supreme Court on behalf of Scott Silverstein, 50, a lifetime heroin abuser with a prison record dating back to the early 1980s.
Fox News Article
Let us continue to mourn Prince. But let us also mourn all of the other 78 people who will die today of an opiate drug overdose and let us, as a nation, ask our doctors to be more careful and to educate us more about the medications that they are prescribing to us or our loved ones.